
Im Playing Host To A DIVA



Mariah Carey? J-Lo? Sarah Brightman?

Er…no, not that kind of a DIVA.

Here….this one. Read on, please….

Mary Yap texted me this morning about a most unusual and almost miraculous rescue. She was driving along the Old Klang Road (and it’s three-laned) and was caught in the traffic jam. Traffic was crawling, as usual.

Luckily it was, because Mary noticed “something” clinging onto the road divider.

Initially, Mary thought, “Oh no, another dead cat, poor thing”, but upon closer look (thanks to the traffic jam – let’s never complain about traffic jams again!), the cat was still breathing and it was just a tiny little kitten!

The kitten was ON the road, clinging onto the road divider, as though trying to get up.

Mary stopped, despite the tooting of car horns, and scooped the little thing into her car.

I was at work and would not be back until afternoon as I had some AnimalCare errands to run today (the annual submission of our society documents to the ROS, located in that ever dreadful place which I always got lost in trying to get to). But I managed to get that done, and told Mary she could bring the little kitten over. Mary said the kitten was trembling (probably out of fear, who wouldn’t be if trapped in a three-lane highway with thousands of cars around you?) and had refused to eat any food.

At 1pm, Mary came carrying a recycled bag and in it was this little kitten…

Aww….it’s a little tabby, a bit like Tabs.

I had gone to get a small cage and a packet of Toplife milk, but the kitten didn’t know how to drink.

She didn’t know how to eat wetfood either, but when I hand-fed her, she ate!

A lot, too!

Since Mary had to go back to work, I said I’ll foster her and take her to the vet’s for a check-up and possibly, deworming.

Hey! What’s going on out there?? WHO is the intruder??!!

(No, there was no animosity from my brood, they were all just curious and notice that it is Tabs and Tiger at the forefront – Maybe it’s another new member of our Tabby Inc Club?)


She looked more active after having eaten.

I wanna see!! I wanna see!!

Tiny, isn’t she?

May we know what’s going on outside?

Yes, we want to know, please…

I had a few visitors today, so I left some Go! kibbles for the kitten. After my guests left, I went to check in on her, and…

Oh no!! She has slipped out between the bars???

Hey, kitty, where are you??

Oh…phew!! There you are!

You’re quite a climber, aren’t you?

Time for another meal….she still had to be hand-fed.

Here we go, for a car-ride!

At the vet’s, I needed a name for registration, so I decided to call her “Diva”.
(That’s because she was found on the road DIVider!)

The feisty little thing hissed at the vet!

The vet said judging from her markings (three colours), she is probably female. And she is estimated to be 1 1/2 months to 2 months old only.

Nice pink colour.

Diva was dewormed and there isn’t anything much to do now except to observe her stools and urine, and other habits.

So, we came home and I let Diva walk about the dining room.

Portrait time!

Pose for some photos, Diva, and we’ll find a good home for you…

Hello there…my name is Diva. I’m looking for a home and a nice family who will love me forever…

Is that absolute cuteness or what?

Anyone wants to give me a forever home?

Hello…what’s going on outside?? Who is mewing?

Diva has a very loud mew. All afternoon, she was mewing for attention. Guess it’s because she wanted company, and maybe after eating, she had enough energy to start mewing and calling out for company. Mary said she was so quiet at her office, her colleagues thought she had rescued a mute kitten! Not a sound at all.

Sniff, sniff…she’s curious, as all kittens should be.

Feeding time again!

Now, she eats on her own. Hooray!

BTW, that’s a Tupperware container. I use that for all rescued kittens and new ones because Tupperwares are BPA-safe.

I made her this little bed with my stationery tray. She looks very comfortable in it.

I had mis-placed my small litter-boxes when I moved house, and Mary could not get one from the shop, so our friend, Amy Lim of Subang Pet Products, made this litter-box out of a small carton box and she lined it with plastic. It would have to do for now.

Mary came over to see Diva on her way back and the plan was that Mary would take her home to foster until she has had her first vaccination, then she would be ready for adoption. But I figured it would be stressful to relocate Diva again today – too much has happened for this tiny little thing today – rescued from the highway, brought to Mary’s office, then to my house, then to the vet’s…. And she had just settled down and is eating now. So I offered to foster Diva until tomorrow evening. Mary has to work all day tomorrow too, and Diva needs to be fed quite regularly. She cannot eat kibble yet, only wetfood. And she cannot drink water either, keeps just dipping her little nose into the container, so I had to syringe water into her mouth.

She still has not pee-ed or poo-ed. I stimulated her privates this evening and only a little bit of urine was excreted. The vet said she had well-formed stools and a full bladder. He said to let it happen naturally, and there was no need to express her bladder.

Diva looks a bit like Tabs…..she’s really cute and adorable. Mary and I just sat all evening looking at her groom herself and bite the towel.

She is cuteness personified!

She is asleep now…


P.S. I’ll frontline her tomorrow. Better not do too much in one day. Too much stress is not good for anyone.

Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2012/02/27/im-playing-host-to-a-diva/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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