
Subsidy For Cody, Puppy With Demodex (Jennifer Lee Mathews)


I received this from Jennifer on 16th Feb:

Hi Dr. Chan,

I’m Jenn and I have emailed you before (Faith the mix husky and 2 lost dog notice). I’ve attached you 3 photos of a puppy (I named him Cody) which appeared around my neighborhood 2 months ago. That time his size is small…estimated about 2 to 3 months together with another puppy and 2 adult dog which 1 i believed it was his mother as they have similar markings. When i first approach them, both of the puppies hide and only the 2 adult dog come to me for food. Unfortunately after awhile, the 2 adult dog and the other puppy nowhere to be seen. Only left him all alone sleeping by the roadside. I’ve been feeding him since then as i passed by his “area” everyday after work. He is very afraid of me (or human) and would run away, whine / bark non stop at me from far. Until i left only he will walk towards the kibbles that i had left there. Everytime i try to touch him and convince him that i am his friend. Since the day he allow me to touch him…whenever he saw me he will jump on me and follow me to my car and now he shifted his place and decided to stay at the shoplot area nearer to my place. Its heartbroken to see that i can only feed him. I feel lost and wish to help him as he have skin problem but my bf do not encourage me to do so due to my financial status. I’m currently renting at my cousin’s place and helped her to rent out the 3 remaining rooms. I own a Husky too but she is not active anymore and stay in the room with me and my bf (which my mum and my bf parents highly disagree staying in a room with a dog).

Previously the small room at the bottom floor is not rented out yet, so i am able to keep and foster Faith while looking for a suitable adopter for her. But now the room is vacant and my housemate work from home everyday. I afraid Cody will make noise if i kept him in the living room. Car porch is not possible to keep Cody too as my housemate car is a new car, worry will have scratches and i really can’t afford to pay for that. I also can’t keep him in the room with me as i need to seperate my dog with Cody. Sigh…the house have a backyard but behind the house is a mountain, i saw baby snake twice…with the help of my cousin brother, the first baby snake we washed it out through the drain as we don’t dare to kill it and the 2nd baby snake is nowhere to found (must have crawl back to her mummy snake). This is the reason why i don’t feel like keeping Cody at the backyard.

I will try to get approvals from my housemate (as i need to respect them as well) if they allow me to keep Cody in the living room until his skin fully recover then i will put him up for adoption. I would like to apply for the subsidy for Cody’s medical treatment on his skin and vaccination. I can catch him anytime as he loves to follow me and jump on me. I decided to bring him to the vet nearby…but need to ask the vet if he treats stray dog. I’ve been struggling everyday, if i don’t bring him to the vet…he skin condition will be getting worst. Sorry for dragging in bringing him to the vet as i have many dilemma.

Many Thanks.




I assured Jennifer we will subsidise the puppy’s treatment. So, the puppy was brought for treatment.

And here are the updates:

Hi Dr. Chan,

Caught Cody this noon easily as he come to me when he saw me, but he don’t get used to the collar and leash thingy. Have to carry him halfway walking back to my place. Called the vet you recommended but they are extremely busy because they have only 1 Vet available today. So I tried calling a vet nearby and they do treat strays but I have to bath him first. Bathed Cody and brought him to the vet just now. Vet said he have Demodex + Fungus. Given me a month of medication and FOC me a bottle of skin supplement for him to take daily and vaccinated him too. Vet said that to neuter him only after he recover from his Demodex. Currently he is back to his normal self. Jumping and biting (playing type) my hand. After some whining (when I disappear from his sight), he is now sleeping soundly in the living hall. Will have to give him kibbles for specially for sensitive skin. Attached you some of his photos and also the receipt. I will post you the form and original receipt on Monday.

Many Thanks.

We have subsidised the following for Cody’s treatment:

RM47.50 as 50% of the cost of treatment (RM95).

RM20 for the vaccination.

A total of RM67.50 has been banked into Jennifer Lee’s bank account.

Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2012/02/26/subsidy-for-cody-puppy-with-demodex-jennifer-lee-mathews/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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