Eng Ver. The Youngest Visitor Ever In Our Shelter...
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园区有史以来年纪最小的访客 🥰
一位只有六个月大的小宝宝 ~ 👶 (eng ver 👇)
科学研究也已证明了家里养猫狗能增强宝宝的抵抗力,越常靠近猫狗的小孩,越少需要用到抗生素治病噢 💪
The youngest visitor ever in our shelter! 🥰
A baby who is only six months old 👶
This little baby also participated in visiting the dog zone that houses few thousands of dogs inside. He was so calm and enjoyed playing with cats and dogs very much. Too sweet and cute 💖💖
Little hooman babies are naive. In fact, every child loves to get along with small animals. It is the improper education and lack of experience that makes many children afraid and even hate small animals when they grow up.
Family education is SO IMPORTANT!
We hope that parents can teach their children to respect and love all living beings from an early age, let alone abandon your own pets because of having children!
Scientific research has also proved that keeping cats and dogs at home can help boost children’s immune systems. Children who are closer to cats and dogs are less likely to be treated with antibiotics. 💪
Source: https://www.facebook.com/hopejb/videos/248261940628147/
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