
Dyk That Rain Or Shine, And Even During The Covid-..


#DYK that rain or shine, and even during the COVID-19 pandemic, WWF-Malaysia’s dedicated field teams have collaborated with the villagers of Rumah Manggat to monitor gaharu (Aquilaria microcarpa) planted in Ulu Sungai Menyang, Sarawak? These trees need a lot of care to prevent them from being attacked by caterpillars which can damage and kill the trees.

Our engagement with the Rumah Manggat community is an example of WWF-Malaysia working with partners to improve communities’ livelihood and better conserve orang-utan habitat by planting gaharu trees on degraded farm land.

Thanks to generous supporters like you, WWF-Malaysia and Rumah Manggat villagers can continue to ensure the gaharu trees will continue to grow healthily for the benefit of orang-utans and people.

Please support our field teams, visit https://community.wwf.org.my/project/4/ Thank you

#DYK that rain or shine, and even during the COVID-19 pandemic, WWF-Malaysia’s dedicated field teams have collaborated with the villagers of Rumah Manggat to monitor gaharu (Aquilaria microcarpa) planted in Ulu Sungai Menyang, Sarawak? These trees need a lot of care to prevent them from being attacked by caterpillars which can damage and kill the trees.

Our engagement with the Rumah Manggat community is an example of WWF-Malaysia working with partners to improve communities’ livelihood and better conserve orang-utan habitat by planting gaharu trees on degraded farm land.

Thanks to generous supporters like you, WWF-Malaysia and Rumah Manggat villagers can continue to ensure the gaharu trees will continue to grow healthily for the benefit of orang-utans and people.
Please support our field teams, visit https://community.wwf.org.my/project/4/ Thank you

Source: https://www.facebook.com/wwfmy/photos/a.159457438241/1016139..



WWF Malaysia

WWF-Malaysia is a national conservation trust that currently runs conversation projects covering a diverse range of environmental protection & nature conservation in Malaysia. Our mission is to stop the degradation of the planet's natural environment and to build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature.

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