
The Chances Of Escaping A Dog Pound In The Balkans..


The chances of escaping a dog pound in the Balkans are about 1 in 10,000. Dogs here are rounded up by the truck-full and warehoused in bare bones buildings until killing day. Most, like these two, used to be pets. But when a pet gets sick, families often turn their back on the confused dogs, leaving them to die on the street or in the pound. These two were gravely ill on the day that they were saved from a manner of killing that is illegal in many countries. Their recovery and transformation documented in these photos is simply jaw dropping….

Harmony Fund is so proud to help rescuers who are saving throw away dogs and improving the quality of life for dogs at neglectful pounds. Every month, we donate for food, rescue and emergency vet care to help.

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Source: https://www.facebook.com/109342202422434/posts/4607606262595..



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