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NA Rescue - Silky Terrier 16th May 2008, by Noah's Ark CARES
In the beginning of May, one of our volunteers at Noah's Ark received a distress call from KL to rescue a dog left in an apartment in Singapore for a few days.His owner was admitted to SGH, leaving poor Snoopy home alone for a few days.A neighbour turned up for feeds and to change newspaper on alternate days but did not spend time with Snoopy. Snoopy was upset and confused.A niece of the owner from KL had alerted Noah's Ark Singapore for help.When our volunteers turned up, they found a very frig...
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NA Rescue - Waffles (Update) 14th May 2008, by Noah's Ark CARES
Waffles was sent to the Vet last Friday for check up and her bandage was removed as the vet wanted Waffles to start using her hind leg.She is still afraid to put weight on her leg. You can see the attached picture of her x-ray - there is a bone pin inserted into her leg.The vet said it was a bad fracture but good in a way because such fractures heal easily and because she is very young (estimated at 3 mths), bones will fuse back rather quickly.Waffles is recovering at a fosterer's home and will ...
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NA Rescue - Larkin Kittens 14th May 2008, by Noah's Ark CARES
Dear All,Last Saturday while at Noah's Ark, we received a call to go to a bus station in Lakin (JB) to rescue some kittens.In all there were 13 of them rescued!They were no more than 4 weeks old and were in terrible condition. Most were emaciated and eyes so badly infected that some could hardly open their eyes.Uncle Raymund acted on a tip off and rescued all thirteen kitties. He brought them back to our clinic at Noah's Ark, where the kittens were cleaned, medicated and fed kitty milk formula f...
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NA Rescue - Lala And Ah Boy 13th May 2008, by Noah's Ark CARES
Lala - JRT Cross Ah Boy - MongrelLala, a JRT cross, and Ah Boy, a mongrel, lost their owner on 4th July, 2007.Mr Song Kai Yong, a Singaporean in his fifties, was riding his motor bike from Johor to Singapore when he was killed by a drunk driver at Pelangi, JB.We understand from Maggie, Mr Song's niece, that her uncle, who was single, loved his dogs very much. He treated the dogs like his children, and every evening he would take them for walks.After the death of Mr Song, his dogs were left alon...
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Bicycle - Mongrel 12th May 2008, by Noah's Ark CARES
Hello,You can guess the reason why I was named Bicycle; that is simply because I loved to chase bicycles. For that, I was at the receiving end of many hard kicks and expletives.My ex-owner used to own a bicyle and I would happily run alongside with him on his outings. Even when he dumped me, I was still guarding his bicycle everyday till his return.After many days of not bringing me home and harsh words, I understand that I was no longer wanted and left to roam the streets.Life was tough. There...
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Noah's Ark Animal Sanctuary Tour 11th May 2008, by Noah's Ark CARES
Dear Friends, Supporters and Well- Wishers of Noah's Ark CARES,In a society where everyone is caught up with their own work and lives, we are grateful that we have friends, supporters and kind souls such as yourself, who believe in Noah's Ark and the work they do for us.Thank you for rescuing us, giving us a decent life and allowing us to live out our life in dignity.Noah's Ark is organizing a fund raising tour to our Sanctuary on 7 June 2008 (Saturday).Cost : S$50 per person (inclusive of trans...
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NA Rescue - Truffles (Project Industrial Dog) 10th May 2008, by Noah's Ark CARES
The same caregiver who rescued Waffles, had been spending time and personal resources to feed and befriend stray dogs in an industrial park in her compassionate bid to help the management of stray dog population in a humane way.She noticed this mommy dog that was heavily pregnant and step up efforts to provide more nutritious food for her and her unborn pups. Initially, the mommy dog was evasive and managed to give the caregiver the slip whenever there was attempt to trail mommy dog to find out ...
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NA Rescue - Waffles (Project Industrial Dogs) 8th May 2008, by Noah's Ark CARES
Last week, a caregiver was rescuing a pregnant stray dog (See story for Truffles) in an Industrial Park north of Singapore when she happened to see two puppies hiding under a lorry.As she approaches, the puppies ran to her, probably thinking that she had food for them. She realized then that the black puppy was limping on one hind leg.Her first priority was to rescue the black puppy and send it to a vet at the Mt Pleasant Animal Medical Centre (Sunset Way). The pup was attended by Dr Simon Quek,...
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Ginger - Mongrel 7th May 2008, by Noah's Ark CARES
Hello everyone,My name is Ginger and I am a pint size mongrel.I was searching for food when Lily saw me. I was suffering from severe mange and completely bald.Lily nursed me to health and tried to keep me at home but I loved running out to the busy street too much.So Lily thought that it was better for me that I move to Noah's Ark where I will be free to roam and run in safety.Here in Noah's Ark, there's plenty of food, water and shelter. The animals also receive medical care and lots of TLC.I d...
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I Know What You Did Last Weekend ! 6th May 2008, by Noah's Ark CARES
A little bird has told me, the unusually hot spell over the May Day weekend has prompted some Noah's Ark residents to take to the water.Here are some photos of their water fiesta.I have been told they had a splashing time and only wish there had been a Gor Gor or Che Che throwing Frisbee for them to play "Fetch".And they told me to pass you this message: "Life is grrrreat……!". :DPaws and Licks,JoJo
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Food Donation Drive Till 31 Dec 2008 5th May 2008, by Noah's Ark CARES
Hello again!!Jojo Schnauzer is back with more news from Noah's Ark Cares.Last week, those on our email list of contacts would have received news about our "Food Donation Drive". Response has been encouraging, thank you.The latest figure from Noah's Ark is that the dog population has increased to 750 from 700 at the beginning of the year. The figures from the rest of the animals remain close to status quo.All these years, Noah's Ark has been very fortunate to receive donations in kind, food and c...
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Max - Rottweiler Cross 13th Apr 2008, by Noah's Ark CARES
Hi!I am Max and I am almost 2 years old.I had my tail docked when I was a puppy. My ex-owner caged me up at his own leisure until he decides what he wanted to do with me.As a result, my hind muscle have wasted away and I had difficulties walking. Luckily, I was rescued by Noah's Ark and was fostered out to Uncle Bernard who took me out daily for many walkies as physiotherapy.In no time, I was healed and running; and poor Uncle Bernard had a hard time keeping up.It was decided that I will be reho...
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Eva - Pyrenees Mountain Dog 13th Apr 2008, by Noah's Ark CARES
Hi Hi!My name is Eva and I am a Pyrenees Mountain Dog.I am one of the flood survivors from the 2006 floods in Johore.When I first arrived at Noah's Ark, I was all skin and bones. Today, I have blossomed into a beautiful lady.If you do come and visit Noah's Ark - please do come and say "hi" to me. I am alive and safe today because Noah's Ark and all their supporters who believed that they needed to go that extra mile to bring us safely home.Thank you for caring and making a difference to our live...
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Pharoah - Miniature Pinscher 13th Apr 2008, by Noah's Ark CARES
Hello Hello!I am Pharoah and I am a Min Pin.I was abandoned at Jalan Kayu was found to be heart-worm positive as well as suffering from a hernia. I was then placed at a foster's home so that they could help nurse me.During that period, my foster parent Zen, formed a strong bond with me despite me being unwell and not house trained at all. I am so grateful that they persevered in both nursing and house training me.I am happy to report that I have been finally given a clean bill of health but more...
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Angus - Long Hair Feline 13th Apr 2008, by Noah's Ark CARES
My biggest flaw in my owner's eyes was growing into an adult cat and not remaining a kitten in perpetuity. A flaw I am afraid even humans despite their intelligence and advances in science have failed to "correct".So not surprisingly; a less than pleasant fate was meted out to me when I turned one. I was cruelly abandoned at a car park after a new litter of kittens was introduced to my ex-owner's place.Luckily someone found me and brought me to Noah's Ark. I am now a happy resident at Kuching Wi...
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Shadow - Husky 13th Apr 2008, by Noah's Ark CARES
Yo there!I am Shadow the husky.We are strong willed dogs bred to work. If we do not have a task to fulfill, we became destructive and willful. As close relative to our wild ancestors - the wolves, we love to howl. It's a way of communication especially when we can't see our family members, howling is a way of maintaining contact over long distances.Sadly, many people consider us beautiful dogs but failed to appreciate out unique personalities and temperament.My previous owners were no different ...
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Honey - Mongrel 13th Apr 2008, by Noah's Ark CARES
Hello there!My name is Honey.Two stray feeders were the first to notice me - a frightened pup obviously in pain with a thick metal wire cutting into my thin neck.Someone had decided to tie this sharp wire for a laugh - oblivious to my pain. I was not an easy pup to catch. I had been abused so much that I distrust people.However, both of them persisted and eventually their patience paid off. Some workers were able to catch me and I was promptly sent to the vet for treatment.I have recovered nicel...
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Issey - Street Cat (R.I.P) 13th Apr 2008, by Noah's Ark CARES
Hi there,I am Issey and I am a street cat or an alley cat.I was just 2 months old when I was spotted being flung out of a moving car onto a busy street by a Noah's Ark volunteer - Uncle Chin.He was horrified and angry that anyone would do such a thing to a defenseless creature. Talk about setting a good example for your kids!! If not for Uncle Chin's quick thinking and compassion, I would definitely not be writing to you today.I am one of the lucky ones that now call Noah's Ark home.If you are l...
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Lily - White Pomeranian 13th Apr 2008, by Noah's Ark CARES
Hi everybody,My name is Lily and I am a white Pomeranian.I often wonder if I was given up as I had lost an eye and was no longer deemed pretty.Luckily for me, Noah's Ark came to my rescue when they heard that I was going to be put down. Two months after being rescued, Noah's Ark found me a wonderful home.At first, I was worried that my new owner might be frightened by my looks. But that was not the case and I am very lucky that Caitlin loves and accepts me as I am.I go for my daily car rides to ...
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Maaf - Mongrel 13th Apr 2008, by Noah's Ark CARES
Hello!My name is Maff. I came to Noah's Ark by a stroke of luck.A school teacher saw a car collided into me and rushed to see what she could do. I was in a dreadful state and had to eventually have my left hind leg amputated by the vet.However, it seemed a small price to pay as she decided to adopt me and give me a place call home.Sadly, because of superstition, she was forced to give me up as her mother believed that a black and white dog with a missing hind leg would bring bad luck to the fami...
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