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Updates On 23rd May 2011 23rd May 2011, by SPCA Sarawak
SSPCA would like to remind all of those that adopted puppies or kittens from us to bring them in for neutering when they are 6 months old. You have already paid for the subsidised neutering when you adopted the animals so you will not have to pay for the surgery. Thank you!
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PLEASE SUPPORT 23rd May 2011, by Malaysian Dogs Deserve Better
MALAYSIAN DOGS DESREVE BETTER PENANG (MDDB Penang) has initiated a petition to save the lives of the four dogs in telok Bahang that have been condemned to death by the authorities. The dogs are innocent and do not deserve to die. Please sign the petition to help spare their lives. The Veterinary Department of PenangOn Jan 9, Irish tourist Maurice Sullivan, 50, was mauled to death by two mongrels at an organic farm in Teluk Bahang, Penang.A post-mortem reve...
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Stop The Killing Of 4 Farm Dogs In Teluk Bahang (a Petition - Please Support) 23rd May 2011, by AnimalCare
Please read the petition below and make an informed decision. This is about saving four lives, two of which are absolutely and completely innocent. It is preposterous and totally unacceptable that these two innocent dogs are to be put down. As for the other two - innocent till proven guilty. An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind. Killing is never the solution to ANY problem. AnimalCare does not support killing of any kind, human or a...
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Who Is "Amber Horsey"? 22nd May 2011, by AnimalCare
Amber Horsey is the former Horsey! Horsey was rescued by Joanne Lim and brought to our panel vet for treatment. Horsey was found to have a compound fracture in her hind leg and amputation was recommended. After the procedure, Horsey was (and still is) fostered by Lydia.Here are some photos taken by Joanne when she visited Horsey recently. From a feral dog who used to snap, Horsey is now more trusting of humans. With all the tender loving care from Lydia, I'm su...
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A Touching Tale 22nd May 2011, by AnimalCare
YG posted a comment on the blind Shih Tzu. I thought all of you might like to read it:Poor the Shih Tzu, how on earth has such a cruel person. When he was healthy and cute, the owner wanted him but when he turned old and blind, the owner simply get rid of him. Poor boy.I myself have a blind cat, which I named him Ah-Wong. He was born perfect (his mother was a stray and gave birth to him and his other siblings at my home) but at the age of one month, a stray male cat came and snatched him a...
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The Animals At Mayo Clinic, USJ Taipan 22nd May 2011, by AnimalCare
Rani holding Amber. The tumour is hardly visible from this photo.Amber is eating very well, too.This is the blind shih tzu, abandoned by his owner.We're helping him look for a home. If interested, please view and adopt from Mayo Clinic.Rani's rescued kittens for adoption.We would like to live in a happy home...Can we come stay with you, please?
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Chuit And Bobo, Spayed Dogs For Adoption 22nd May 2011, by AnimalCare
This is a request from Ms Tang:My family and I have been trying our best to spay, neuter and rehome dogs nearby our house. We feed and bath them regularly. However, we all understood that the chances for adult dogs to be adopted are lesser since most of them think that it would be harder to train as compared to a puppy. I have been posting at petfinder website, facebook, mddb fb page, streets2home fb page, pawsmission fb page and emails to find adopters for the two female dogs (chuit and bobo) s...
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Rawang Rescue - Rescuers Needed Urgently 22nd May 2011, by AnimalCare
Updates from Koo:Only a day has passed and I've been receiving calls and SMSes from Theresa and Azimah. It seemed that dog-haters there are hell-bent in sabotaging our efforts to get the dogs out. It's obvious that they want the worst outcome for the dogs which is for the MPS dog catchers to capture and kill them even though we have committed to remove the dogs. They are complaining about the cage and wants it removed. They are intimidating Theresa jus...
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No One Is Left's A Size 58! (Thank You, Zeito Plastics) 22nd May 2011, by AnimalCare
I went to collect our latest stock of tshirts just now, and Zeito Plastics' tshirts have also arrived. Zeito Plastics has so generously sponsored 220 of our tshirts for their entire staff for their gotong royong project in June. Thank you, PC Leong!Zeito's 220 tshirts also have their company name and message printed on the sleeves, ie. "Zeito, 'coz we care."People, just like animals, come in all shapes and sizes and we do not leave anyone out as far as we can. This is ...
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TNRM In Singapore 22nd May 2011, by AnimalCare
Dr Tan Chek Wee is the person who taught me all about TNRM, which is now very widely practised in Singapore. I was emailing him this morning and I asked how things are over there on the island. Apparently, he says it has caught on very well and he sees tipped ears everywhere. Also, residents are also more outspoken now and town councils are less likely to pander to complainants.Isn't this what we need over here?1. People who care enough to practise CNRM - that's you and m...
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One-Eyed Kitten Adopted! 22nd May 2011, by AnimalCare
When Lilac was first admitted to the clinic for surgery, there was a little white kitten (rescued) boarding in the cage above Lilac's. I could not take a clear picture of this little white kitten as she was extremely friendly and was moving all the time. Mary and I both felt sorry for her as she was completely blind in one eye, but was so, so adorable. I had wanted to put her up for adoption.But guess what, she's already been adopted! Someone came into the clinic, fell he...
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Lilac Is Bright And Alert 22nd May 2011, by AnimalCare
As of last night, Lilac is reported to be "bright and alert" and seems to be "well enough". However, there is still the leakage of the urine. The clinic was jam-packed yesterday so I have not been able to get more details from the vet if Lilac needs another corrective surgery for this "leakage" problem.
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The Popular Sizes Have Arrived! 22nd May 2011, by AnimalCare
There was a big demand for our CUTE tshirts Sizes Sports 32, 36 and Ladies 36 and 38. We had to turn away many, many people at our booth on Wesak because these sizes were completely "sold out" very quickly.But the new stocks have arrived now and I'll be collecting them this morning. So if any of you would like these sizes, please do write to me soon.RM22 (by Donation)I have also ordered the BLACK, the GOLD and a further repleshnishment of the CUTE tshirts of various sizes. Plea...
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Didi Recovering Well 21st May 2011, by MDDB & MCCP Penang
Didi is still boarding at Peng Aun Veterinary Clinic to complete her jabs for "Cauliflower" growth. She is recovering well and doing fine though she tends to growl at people who walked near to her cage. But then, she seems to get along well with the caretaker. Shown that with time and patient, Didi will be able to accept human friends again. Are you patient enough? Do you think you can help gain back Didi's trust? Write to us at if you don't mind sharing your l...
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Bedak, Lucky & Mimi Spayed 21st May 2011, by MDDB & MCCP Penang
Bedak - The caretaker has praises her for very well behaveLucky - Timid & camera shy...Mimi - Happily wagging her tail to welcome visitorsThe 3 ladies that have been sent for sterilization is currently recuperating at Peng Aun Vetrinary Clinic. The surgery has been successful and they will be discharged by next week. Any donors who wish to contribute for their sterilization fees, you may do so to the following account:-Bank: RHBAccount Number: 10206900222790Name: Tan Fen YingOnce you have ma...
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Photos Updates On Amber, The TVT-Patient 21st May 2011, by AnimalCare
Simon and Crystal went to visit Amber today, and took some pictures:I'm well enough, I want to get out!!The happy-as-a-lark Amber has shown marked improvement. The bleeding from the tumour has now stopped and the tumour itself has shrunk. Amber is also eating well now. Get well soon, Amber!Many thanks to the volunteers who have been going in to feed Amber every day. They have been giving her cooked chicken treats, our girl has now become very choosy over food, too!
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Presenting.....Ginger, The Ex-Mangy Street Cat! 21st May 2011, by AnimalCare
Alex wrote to update me on Ginger and also to send Ginger's latest photos....Updates on Ginger! She is doing fine and well, her diarrhea had not totally gone away yet, but it had been improving gradually. It did went away last week for a couple of days, then it returned mysteriously, although in smaller amounts. I am feeding her steamed chicken breast still, 4 times a day. Hopefully it will improve gradually over the next week and I can start giving her kibbles again. I think this is happening b...
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The Risks In Self-Prescribing Medicine To Animals 21st May 2011, by AnimalCare
I was recently asked if a popular dewormer for humans can be used on animals. Apparently someone had written in a public blog that it can be used.Of course being not a vet, I did not know the answer, so I asked our vet.This evening, he showed me the book of drugs for animals from the British Small Animals Veterinary Association. Based on the main ingredient in this popular dewormer, it can be used on animals, but it has to be administered in low dosage over a period of 5-10...
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Rawang Rescue Updates - Dogs And Kittens! 21st May 2011, by AnimalCare
Updates from Koo:I was there at 9am sharp and came across a Indian lady named Theresa who was sitting outside the RA office and wearing a reflective vest. It turns out that she's working as a guard and sets up a table at the RA office itself.I went to look under the container and discovered that the mother pup has a small pup! So, there's 4 doggies altogether.Since there was no one else there for a while, I made some small talk. One small talk lead to another and I found out that she's actually ...
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Clarification: Why We Withdrew Our Support 21st May 2011, by AnimalCare
I have just been informed that there is a hot debate over in some public forum about spca's online petition and why some NGOs have withdrawn their support.Perhaps it is necessary to clarify here why I withdrew AnimalCare's support early yesterday morning.16th May: I was sent a draft by an officer from the SPCA asking for the consent of several NGOs to place their logos in support of the petition. I read the petition and felt it was worth supporting so I gave my consent. The petition ...
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