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Guess Who Else Is Adopted Too?
3rd Aug 2010, by Second Chance

        &# 160;        0;                 &# 160;        0;                 &# 160;        0;                This...

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Merci Merci From Docky
3rd Aug 2010, by Second Chance

Yes, Merci Merci.. that’s what Docky like to say to you all whom had made it possible for him to get the medical care he needed. We didn’t manage to get his picture to upload last time but this time we manage to snap a few to share..       We’re happy to see that he’s put on weight and there’s more sparkles in his eyes too, the wound on his body has closed up but there’s still a long way to go before it totally heal. We really hope someone would give him ...

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BiBi The Lucky Girl
3rd Aug 2010, by Second Chance

I managed to watch the arrival of Bibi before I rushed home for dinner on Sunday… When I saw this mama dog on the truck, I was puzzled. I was wondering how did Bobbie get on the truck? Just in case you do not know who is Bobbie, please click here.   Auntie Kiew nicknamed her Bibi as she looks like Bobbie.    Poor Bibi was having car sick… vomitting n drooling throughout the trip from Port Klang to Old Klang Road. This uncle called for help when the municipal...

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Lady Marisa, Adopted
3rd Aug 2010, by Second Chance

  *WINK WINK* WANNA KNOW A SECRET??         I had a dream.. A fairy godmother   appear in my dream and tell me that if i’d be a good girl, a loving family will take me home.     So, during the adoption drive, i’m on my best manner ( not to say that I’m not well mannered most of the time.. Really..You can ask my fosterers for references )    I help greet the visitors, and I dutifully respond when calle...

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Get Well Soon, Midnight!
3rd Aug 2010, by Second Chance

Midnight is a very gentle & friendly cat. No matter how much pain he endures, he just never bite or scratch. When I saw Dr edmund & his assistant removed the needle (for IV drip) on his right arm, changing bandage around his neck, cleaning the wound area around his neck, he never attack the vet. He whines a bit. All you need to do is to comfort him & calm him down while he was in pain. I almost cried when I saw this. I was having fever &  terrible sore throat sinc...

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Do You Like Ratatouille?
2nd Aug 2010, by Second Chance

 Have you seen Aunti Kiew’s white rat before? Buncit & Comot were in the cage as auntie Kiew was busy preparing dog food for the mama dog… …. .. . Then I spotted a white, tiny furball near the cages.   It’s a RAT!! P/S: Sorry for the blurry pics…. you know… taking pics of rats are way more difficult than taking pics of cats n dogs! The rat trying to get attention from Buncit     Buncit just ignored the rat totally as sh...

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Dog Adoption 31072010 @ Jln Kuchai Lama ~ Kids And The Furry Fren
1st Aug 2010, by Second Chance

The kids and the furry frens are probably the happiest attendees during the adoption drive.  It’s great to see these kids having fun and giving the furry frens here their love regardless of the dog’s breed. Love for animals is best instilled from young and to the parents, we applaud you!                      

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Dog Adoption 31072010 @ Jln Kuchai Lama ~ When There’s A Will, There’s A Way
1st Aug 2010, by Second Chance

  Today’s drive was an extremely successful one!! We have 15 dogs adopted! YaaAYY!! Never in our dreams did we imagine that it will be this successful! We have so many people to thank for that one short post will never be enough to justify our gratefulness. Please enjoy some of the pictures from the adoption drive today while we compile a list our THANKS >_< The furry frens..                There’s still so ma...

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Sneak Preview 3 – Our New Cast
31st Jul 2010, by Second Chance

  Haven’t seen me before huh? Yes  my brother and sisters will be there too  to meet all of you. Hi. I am Delta. The only thorn among the roses.. I will be there too….Yawn,yawn…let me get a nap first and see you all there OK? I suppose I will be going too. I am Gamma. Alpha: Yeah, don’t forget me. I want to go!

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HappyGarden Location Map
30th Jul 2010, by Second Chance

Below are the location maps of our adoption drive on this 31 July 2010 Do feel free to drop by. C u there!!

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Sneak Preview 2 – 2 Sweeties
30th Jul 2010, by Second Chance

Well, if you are still hesitate whether to give 5 Star guests a chance, we have more to offer….         &# 160;        0;                 &# 160;   Lovely Kay, 3 months, full health check….passed!           &# 160;        0;  &...

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Reminder – Our Date Tomorrow
30th Jul 2010, by Second Chance

Do not forget our Date Tomorrow - Our 2nd Adoption DriveIf you are unable to adopt any of our friends tomorrow its all right ,just drop in to receive some smooches, see more tail-wags, get some affection from our furry friends and help put them on cloud 9!!! Remember to bring along your caps and hats , apply sun-block just incase its hot and sunny and umbrellas just incase it rains.Most importantly bring your SMILE and your LOVING HEART along.=))) SEE YA!!!

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Guess Who????
29th Jul 2010, by Second Chance

Some pictures i finally managed to take after she is willing to just sit down quietly and let me take her pictures XD. She is extremely energetic and it is really hard to take a photo of her =)   Although she is a beauty now, she is  very naughty haha and a  playful  =) but me and my family are taking good care of her.. She likes to play with me, my bro but not really my mum and dad..cause they are fierce sometimes =( Above was from one of...

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Wishbone Wish Upon A Bone Event Finale
29th Jul 2010, by Noah's Ark CARES

Participate in Singapore’s First Pet Mass Wedding by WishboneWe’re Looking for 10 Pairs of Dog or Cat Couplesto be Wedded in WishBone Style!21 August’10 . 3 – 6 pm . The Green Room Cafe (Bishan Park 2)How to Participate?Simply submit the following participating details via email to joan@wishbonepet.com, titled “Wishbone Mass Pet Wedding” by 6 August’10!Owner(s) Details: Name(s), D.O.B(s), Contact No.(s), Address(s), Email Address(s), Photo(s)Pet Couple D...

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Better Late Than Never ~~ Photos From TCM Adoption Drive On 6th June 2010
29th Jul 2010, by Second Chance

After procrastinating for more than a month, i finally got around to upload some pictures taken from the adoption drive held in Tropicana City Mall on 6th June 2010. A Zillion thanks to Petster Magazine and Petfinder for inviting PAWS Mission to join in the adoption drive!         &# 160;        “Brownie” : Where’re we going?? *whines* I scare scare…         &# 160; ...

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Sneak Preview – 5 Star Guests
28th Jul 2010, by Second Chance

Please meet the cute and adorable pups rescued by Michelle recently.     there are 5 of them…2 male and 3 females…want to see more photos? ok, ok, here they are…. cant help to want to see more….?   some more…? These are the 3 females…         &# 160;        0;                 &# 160; ...

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28th Jul 2010, by Second Chance

难得坐定定的姐妹。。。好可爱的笑 我们像不像双生儿眼神一致。。有食 引诱才能拍到张像样的。。长大了许 多的小姐妹从胆怯怕人的性格变得活 可爱有点问题的皮肤也长美美了现在 只等待一个家这一段时间幸好遇到贵 人帮我中途两姐妹间中也接过几通想 养狗狗的电话可都不适合。。比如要 在公寓里的(马来西亚公寓里养狗是 犯法的,况且这还不是小型犬...

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28th Jul 2010, by Second Chance

As someone who’s only recently got to know about this fantastic group of selfless people, I can only applaud them for what they have done over the past one year.Looking back though the pictures taken by April one year ago, To view the album –> http://www.flickr.com/photos/40584506@N03/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/40559696@N05/I can’t even imagine all the hard work and effort they have put in to get where PAWS MISSION is today… O...

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Weekend With Lady Marisa - By GK
28th Jul 2010, by Second Chance

Lady Marisa, the seasoned traveller, is now temporarily (let’s pray that the temporary will change to permanent yeah) residing in Beranang.And here’s how she’s spending her time ~ ~ ~ After reading about Sam’s and Fan’s team of ‘interior designers’, we initially keep a very close eyes on her.But Lady Marisa is indeed a lady in every sense! She don’t bite, she rarely bark, she don’t poo or pee in the house!! and she eat like a lady too! ...

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Leng Leng Aka Misty Rain
27th Jul 2010, by Second Chance

Cute and lovely pup Leng Leng was rescued during the football world cup tournament. She was spotted loitering around a five foot way of a coffee shop together with her 2 other siblings and mama dog at 1 am during one of the weekend after the match was over. We turned back our car to pack fried rice for the hungry family. When we came back, only Leng leng and her mama were there, the other 2 siblings were no where to be found. mama dog wa...

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