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Azalia’s Tale By Su Mei Lenden-Hitchcock
22nd Aug 2010, by Noah's Ark CARES

It was a Wednesday afternoon and a group of us were headed for our very last gathering before my friend left for Australia to further her studies. It had been years since we last met. As usual, the same two friends were late and so my friend Jia Rong and I met up first. We had known each other since primary school and we were both passionate about animals. And that’s when it all started…Knowing how much I cared about animals, Jia Rong told me about two kittens she had seen on her wa...

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First Look At Girlie And Her Pups
22nd Aug 2010, by Second Chance

Girlie and her pups haven’t got any coverage yet as they have been holed up in a secluded area in the shed in order to give them some privacy.   We would love to keep them in a family suite too but unfortunately there’s only one in the shed and Bibi & pups are already occupying it. Girlie and pup will have to make do with this. But rest assured, Aunty Kiew is always looking for way to improve their home.       Meet Girlie, the proud mama.    Oh ...

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Bibi’s New Pup?
22nd Aug 2010, by Second Chance

I was in Bibi’s family suite, taking picture of her and her pups.. *click click snap snap*..       ???? Is this Bibi’s pup too?  I don’t recall seeing him previously.. Or maybe he was just hiding when i last came.     It was only after I asked April about her new rescued pup named Hugo that i realized this black pup is Hugo.. ooOOooo.. Am so blur… There’s new faces every week.. We really hope that more people would adopt these adorable furr...

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Chocolate Milk
21st Aug 2010, by Second Chance

Chocolate and Milk makes a good drink.. don’t you think? :D         CHOCOLATE (Yes, she’s called Chocolate)                  AND         &# 160;        0;                MILK (Sophia)               MAKES A GOOD ...

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The Tale Of 2 Sisters
21st Aug 2010, by Second Chance

I first met Vuki and Suki at MV Expo. They’re still little pups back then. Compared to the other pups, they were extremely well behaved. They don’t bite or scratch the newspaper, they don’t try to jump the playpen.. they just..sleep and watch the crowd.. It was later that i learned they’re wary of human. Suki and Vuki during the MV Pet expo:     Somersault Vuki Vuki is the gal with the funny ear… at first i thought it accidentally folded that way but after a few t...

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A Big Thank You!
20th Aug 2010, by Second Chance

Our puppies would like to say a big Thank You to the following: Tony TeohCheng Swan PoochElizabeth Lee Thank you for your very kind donation! Woof !Woof!

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If I Were A Female Dog..
20th Aug 2010, by Second Chance

If i were a female dog, i would fall head over heels for the drop dead gorgeous Ah Boy! Seriously, he is one of the most handsome dog I've ever seen. For True Blood fan out there, I honestly think that Ah Boy exudes the charm similar to Eric Northman, vampire sheriff of Area 5. Arrogant, sexy and mystifying… Yea Ah Boy is kinda arrogant, but he is very loyal to Aunty Kiew.. And Aunty Kiew absolutely adores Ah Boy too. Ah Boy have lots of admirers, but his heart has always been with Old...

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8 Beauties
19th Aug 2010, by Second Chance

Ok..Ok… If you think you want to have more choices…here we have…the 8 beauties… We will not talk more, let the pictures say it all…If you are keen to give them a home, please please please call us…make it quick ya :) they are definitely a hot cake!!!…and please mention “8 beauties”!

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Lost Pup Found In Happy Garden
19th Aug 2010, by Second Chance

Ever came across this lil cutie in Happy Garden market? Rescuer Michelle ‘s brother in law found this lil pup there and took her home…definitely a lost pup. Please take a good look and see if you have ever seen her before or know her owner. Please help us to help this pup to find her owner, else she will be put for adoption. More picture of her… The white pup next to her is a male rescued pup. About 3 months old. Vaccinated. Interested to give her a home? Or…more pic...

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19th Aug 2010, by Second Chance

你认得这个背影吗~呵呵短短一个多 里在 爱 的魔法下变得不一样了 还是一样无辜的眼神 变得壮壮的身体..柔顺的毛发 ..让每个见到他的人,都忍不住想抱一 抱 被抱在怀里的mario..可万般不愿意下来 照片会说话~看看之前小朋友的样子 着实与现在很不一样啊唯有在爱心照 下狗狗才能像变魔术般的从邋遢模样 得更健康快乐!可能在以前漫无目的 游荡的流浪生活里遭...

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Oh Carol!
19th Aug 2010, by Second Chance

  Carol may be young, but she knows that life is short, therefore she lives her life to the fullest. She “sing” like no one’s listening, She will follow you everywhere because she treasure her time with you, She loves to run around to celebrate her freedom. Carol’s only wish is to have a home of her own. Would you like to give Carol a home and received an unconditional love in return?        

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Knocking On Heaven’s Door
19th Aug 2010, by Second Chance

Darling little Mandy had crossed the rainbow bridge to knock knock knock on heaven’s door at 7pm yesterday. Dearest Mandy, We hope you can feel our of love of you, at this time - shedding tears of loss and sadness. I am sorry I was not there for you when you left, i'm sorry I didn't kiss you goodbye and didn't hold your hand for assurance till the beautiful light took you away. I wanted to be there for you but you departed while I was away... never had a chance to say proper goodbye.. ...

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Good Bye, Midnight!
19th Aug 2010, by Second Chance

  Midnight did not make it…. no matter what we did, he did not pull through. =~( He passed away peacefully in UPM on 8/8/2010. Midnight is finally free from his suffering esp. from hunger. He was not able to eat and drink for weeks on end. We all miss him because he was such a sweet gentle cat. On 5/8/2010: Mrs Lai sent Midnight to UPM to seek for medical treatment from Dr Grace & Dr Noor.  They had performed blood test on Midnight to see whether he is o...

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Priceless By Peanut “Monster” The White
17th Aug 2010, by Second Chance

   An awfully cute puppy: Free Vaccination & Neutering: RM200   Macbook Cable: RM299   1/2 hour ANTI-CHEW Obedience Training: PRICELESS

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Volunteer With Us Today!
17th Aug 2010, by Noah's Ark CARES

Love animals? Enjoy being around them or working with them? Wish to give back to society in some way?You can! Simply by volunteering with Noah's Ark. Help our 4 legged friends, be their voices, shower them with love & give them hope. Be an Ark Angel! Noah's Ark is located just across the causeway in Johor Bahru but you can easily help while in Singapore too. Here's what you can do:Visits to the sanctuaryIf you have a car, you can drive to our sanctuary with yo...

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17th Aug 2010, by Second Chance

It was late in the night when we passed this house and … and … can you see who we saw??? Can you see him!!! Do you know who he is??? HI Dearie! It’s us! We are not here to help you escape but to ensure that you do not escape! Go inside and guard your new Home! We are glad that he has put on so much weight that he is unable to “Jailbreak” from this house.In the day he will be leashed until he understands that this is his new home.He none other than our dear Frosty a.k.a.La...

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Love Know No Boundaries
16th Aug 2010, by Second Chance

We just had our oldest adopter. A 91 year old uncle whom absolutely love dogs, was here at the shed with his wife and daughter to adopt a dog. We’re so touched that despite his age, this uncle still want to take the effort and time to care for a furry fren. It is just so amazing how people love dogs. Our heartfelt thanks goes to you!This mean we’re bidding our farewell to one lucky furrizen! And she’s none other than Sooni ^_* Sooni is one cool girl. She’s very independent and don’t t...

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An Example To Follow
16th Aug 2010, by Second Chance

Since young Elsa has this connection with other living beings . She has no fear with 5 snakes all round her shoulders and holding baby crocodile (ee…eee…I fear reptiles!) at a very young age. According to her mum,she will even play with worms found on vegetables! Woh! That is something most kids will not do nowadays. Finally after 3 years of asking her parents for a pet, they relented. This young lady too does not want to buy BUT to ADOPT! Hmm….. I am really very happy that she understa...

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It’s Snowing
16th Aug 2010, by Second Chance

Yes, it’s snowing in the shed.. thanks to the bored furrizens with too much time and nothing much to do. Lesson learnt: Never, ever, give soft toy or cushion to dogs… especially puppies.   The sight that greets me when i arrived at the shed… oh dear..   Checking the extents of the “damage”… luckily only the “lobby” is affected.

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Dog Adoption 31072010 @ Jln Kuchai Lama, Revisit
15th Aug 2010, by Second Chance

Never really finish blogging on the adoption drive @ Jln Kuchai Lama as we always got side tracked by many other things going on. So, back on the adoption drive @ Happy Garden. Will keep it short and simple and let the picture do the talking ~_~ Again, our endless thanks to all the kind loving people who gave the furry fren a place called home. Lucky furry frens with their adopters ** Our apologies if we missed out the pictures of some adopters here..  **   Shashi with her lovi...

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