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Spay,spay,spay And Neuter,neuter Neuter
24th Oct 2010, by Second Chance

This is what we have been doing for the past 2 months…… In and Out of the clinic to prevent unwanted pregnancies       and .. and … we even brought our adopted Skippy to be spayed!!!!

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Tammy Found A Home Too!!
23rd Oct 2010, by Second Chance

Tammy was fostered by Mrs Lai ever since she was rescued. This lil cutie found a good home too!! Thanks to Ms Woon for showering her with lots of LOVE she deserves.    Tammy has grown up so much!!

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Caught Her Too !!!!
22nd Oct 2010, by Second Chance

Our elusive Pearly is finally caught… Good Job Uncle Wong and Mrs Lai! This girl is in our shed but never trusted us after so many months with us. She will be sent for spaying. We still have one more to catch……yes, its Diamond. We will try……running around the shed and the temple is really not fun… but still it has to be done…. Any Volunteers??????

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We Caught Her!
21st Oct 2010, by Second Chance

Diamond and Ruby They escaped from the shed more than a month ago. We have tried catching them back but we failed several times. We suspect that they may be on heat as there are 2 new male dogs suddenly appearing around the temple.This time with great determination we decided to catch them and WA LAH ! Ruby was caught!April and Kim cornered Ruby to a confined area opposite the temple. Poor Ruby, pee and poo all over the floor out of fear..Kim leashed her when she tried to dash out of the confi...

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Cycle & Carriage - Irish Red Setters
21st Oct 2010, by Noah's Ark CARES

Hello hello!My name is Cycle and and I am an Irish Red Setter.I came to Noah's Ark 8 years ago in the big shift from Singapore to Pekan Nanas. I have a sister and her name is Carriage.Word has it that a wealthy man paid a deposit for us to be imported from Australia. However, he was too busy to take care of us and left us at the pet shop to be rehomed.Both of us were puppies then and were kept in the pet shop where we had many other puppy friends to play with. Eventually, our puppy friends went ...

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Keiko – Moving To A New Place
20th Oct 2010, by Second Chance

Our lil’ celebrity Keiko has been rehomed to Jayne in Putra Heights. Check out the pixie below…. From uncertain in new environment….   Are you my new papa & mama?   Why am I here? *puZzzled* To craving for attention… Mama… Let me in puhlease….. ahh… I love lying down on the tiles…. You know… puppy’s skin is very delicate… I’m loving it! Mama, can I watch Nat Geo channel? We are extremely happy for you lil’ K...

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20th Oct 2010, by Second Chance

…… Lily found a home too!!! Our last soldier from Aunty Kiew ‘s first batch of rescued pup went home with Linda last weekend. Lily has gone through a lot of ups and downs, good times and bad times with us and she certainly deserve to have a proper home. Lily loves to sleep in a cage and Linda has bought a new one just for her! Lily loves to play with toys too! Thanks Linda for sharing your home with her. Lily really is a good girl, not demanding at al...

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Newly Delivered!!
18th Oct 2010, by Second Chance

Mama dog May delivered 4 pups recently. Aunty Kiew busy setting up temporary shelter for the family. Oh Boy!! We have 4 more new babies….they are like little soft balls… Please call us if you are able to help us to foster this new family!!

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Kittens Were Successfully Rehomed Too!
18th Oct 2010, by Second Chance

5 of Aunty Kiew’s rescued cats from the markets found their home too!! They were rehomed in Cutie Pet fair!! See the pics, aren’t they look cuuuute?? Thanks to Vivien and friends!!

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The Yard Puppies ……
17th Oct 2010, by Second Chance

Bella ……… gone home Charlie Mohawk and Smokey Eyes ……. gone home Bobby and Ah Ngiao …….. gone home Charlie Brown (renamed Bobo) …… gone home ……very bossy and demanding according to Mrs Leong. Wants to sleep on Ms Leong bed only!! ……but still ONE MORE (haiz..)………….. kept by yard owner. Hope he will be taken good care off ……(wish we have the space earlier to take him away)

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Better Owner, Better Dog
17th Oct 2010, by Noah's Ark CARES

The Better Owner, Better Dog seminar is back this year in its third year running! Organised by Pets Magazine, the Better Owner, Better Dog seminar is the largest scale dog care seminar of its kind in Singapore. Dog owners, both new and experienced, can all learn something new from this seminar with a local panel of 5 speakers giving valuable and practical insights and answering questions covering pet health, diet, training, alternative therapies, grooming and bonding. There will also be ne...

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Our Innocent Furrizens
16th Oct 2010, by Second Chance

Chocolate : Got It! Let us see, Chocolate! Chocolate: Its Mine! What is the strange looking thing that SQUEAKED??? Sandy: Let my boys see Chocolate:Its Miine! Sandy : Grrr……..!!! Chocolate: Its Mine, Chocolate: Its Mine!!! Chocolate: Grrrr… Don’t Touch!! Chocolate: G...

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Our Limited Rescue
15th Oct 2010, by Second Chance

Looking at what we have done and are doing, our rescue is really very simple, no high profile rescue. Even with this simple rescue we are quite drained at times especially when viruses attack our poor furrizens. We really admire and envy those big NGOs who are able to rescue on big scale and able to help all those who called for SOS. We have to admit that we are unable to, we are not so capable. Our mission is very simple. We make sure that those furrizens who crosses our path in life get ...

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A Home For Charlie Brown
14th Oct 2010, by Second Chance

Charlie is the other pup beside lucky Nike and Paul whom got adopted on 1st day of Cutie Pet fair. Check out Charlie’s lovely new family =) Lucky Charlie! CHarlie enjoying being the center of attention >_< Thank you so much Mrs Leong for giving CHarlie a home!

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13th Oct 2010, by SPCA Ipoh

This Blog is created for The I.S.P.C.A (The ISPCA) (The Ipoh Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals). All information displayed on this Blog is strictly intended for general information and knowledge only. The information displayed herein may be changed and may no longer be accurate after the date it has been uploaded. All information contained is this Blog is posted on an “AS IS” basis and The ISPCA makes no representation or warranty whether expressly or impliedly with r...

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Snoopy.. We’re Gonna Miss You Much!!
13th Oct 2010, by Second Chance

Our rebellious princess Snoopy got adopted yesterday! We’re so so very happy for her and like to take this opportunity to express our heartfelt thanks to Mr Ang for giving Snoopy a home and your generous contribution.   Darling Snoopy, be a good girl and don’t cause too much trouble for Mr Ang alrite? All of us are gonna miss your cheerful spirit in the shed!

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12th Oct 2010, by SPCA Ipoh

Our fellowship was held on Sunday 24th October 2010 at The Lost World of Tambun, Ipoh. It was actually partly held to observe World Animal Day which was hosted by The Lost World of Tambun (The Lost World). Mr Calvin Ho, the General Manager of The Lost World initiated the event by extending a very warm welcome to everyone present. In his speech, Mr Ho informed that The Lost World would assist to rescue any animal that proved difficult to catch or re-home. This certainly was welcoming news to ...

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Peter Got Lucky Too!
12th Oct 2010, by Second Chance

It’s Cutie Pet Fair Day #1, and it’s Peter’s first day out since he were rescued by us, together with his handsome brother Paul and fierce sister Pony =) Little did we know that it’s going to be Peter’s lucky day! He’s the first pup to be adopted from us during Cutie Pet Fair =)     The smile says it all!         Looking smug and handsome after putting on a collar >_< With the 2 lovely & pretty ladies that will be his new f...

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Lucky Nike
12th Oct 2010, by Second Chance

Hi all, meet Nike! Nike was rescued by Uncle Tony from a golf course. Little Nike was at the Cutie Pet Fair Day # 1 looking for adopter. Nike sort of get a privileged treatment from all of us since she/he is still so young and ooh-so-adorable >_<                     Nike’s got her/his own chair *_^ Even get to enjoy the breeze from the fan =) and Uncle Tony’s undivided attention >_<   &#...

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Cutie Pet Fair Nice Pics
11th Oct 2010, by Second Chance

handsome doudou~~please help doudou find his home.....MrsLai~with snow white (adopted!) PawsMission booth @ CutiePetFair 2010Untie Kiew!Hi all~~ more nice pics here:http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=101502 67862115024&set=a.10150267856190024.517875.488 48050023#!/album.php?aid=517875&id=48848050023

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