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Bagheera Drinks More Milk!
7th Sep 2011, by AnimalCare

The Blueys got up after that second feed and started mewing loudly.We want more! We want more!Great news.....over one hour or so, Bagheera drank 3ml of milk! He only takes about 0.5ml each time, and his feeding needs to be spread out. Well, that's how mother-cats feed also, isn't it? It's feeding on demand.After a feed, I put them back and they would play for awhile before mewing again. That means they want milk again.So, in this way, they know how to ask for milk when hungry. Baloo drank a...

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Cream @ Mekee's Owner Identfied!! (Pet Boarding Cruelty Case)
7th Sep 2011, by AnimalCare

I received this email from Haniza:Hello Dr. Chan.Gambar dilampirkan ialah kucing rakan saya.. Ms Zarina.. kucing ini diserahkan di Petknode Hotel bukan sebagai boarding. Setelah mendapat tahu kes penderaan kucing ini. Kami ingin merujuk semula kepada pihak puan untuk menuntut semula. Kami menamakannya mekee.. Kami mensyaki ini adalah mekee.. kami terkejut keadaan nya yang sangat kurus. Diharap pihak puan dapat membantu kami dan ingin tahu cara mengambilnya semula untuk jagaan kami.Ini adalah gam...

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Updates On 7th Sep 2011
7th Sep 2011, by SPCA Selangor

Another day, another wall, another red tape, another dead body, and it will continue this way, until we can find the missing cats, and bring the culprits to justice.

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Bluepoints In The Afternooon
7th Sep 2011, by AnimalCare

The Blueys slept after that first feed and I managed to grab a quick bite. Hadn't had lunch yet...was rushing all the way today.Now, to prepare the hot water gloves.... Surgical gloves. Here is a piece. Fill them with water, tie them securely. Make sure there are no leaks.You can microwave them, but I don't have a microwave oven, so I boiled them in a pot of water till it's hot enough. Not too hot, because the gloves might tear. Winnie had brought these water-proof bags, whic...

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Updates On 7th Sep 2011
7th Sep 2011, by SPCA Selangor

Hell hotel update: we went to PJ police hq, in hope of meeting with the OCPD to discuss about the case. But we were given wild goose chase again. They wholly denied anything about the meeting and chased us away.

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Rescued Terrier At Train Station
7th Sep 2011, by AnimalCare

From Koo:Hi Dr Chan,  It would be very much appreciated if you could publicise this rescue case on your AnimalCare blog: On Wednesday, 24 August 2011, a Malay female bus commuter alerted MDDB that there was a stranded dog at the Taman Wahyu KTM Komuter station at Jalan Ipoh, KL. Rescuers, including me, could not locate the dog initially as we could only search in the dark after working hours.  On Saturday, 27 August 2011, I woke up early in the morning to ...

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Engaging Critics Online 'Works Better'
7th Sep 2011, by Animal Concerns Research & Education Society (ACRES)

Acres' executive director, Mr Louis Ng, told The Straits Times yesterday: "Resorts World Sentosa, as of today, has not responded to the people who have been posting on their Facebook page. "The people will not stop if the hotel continues to ignore us." He urged supporters to be "civil and polite" if they post any further comments.

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3 Cats, Day 4 (Cruelty Case)
7th Sep 2011, by AnimalCare

I couldn't go down to visit the 3 cats today as Winnie's kittens were coming over. Maslinda, who lives in PJ, says she would go daily to get updates and visit.  Updates from Maslinda:Spent 45mins there. attending vet is on leave, just talk to the assistant.Calico~ now on drip NaCl~ i can see that the flu is better. no more discharge from the nose or saliva coming out like yesterday~ not eating on her own. tadi handfed, she licks 3-4 times~ right eye lil bit swollen, sakit mata sikit~ standi...

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It's Raining Bluepoints....again!
7th Sep 2011, by AnimalCare

Winnie texted today to say the mother-cat did come back, but would only look at the two kittens and then go away. So Winnie was worried there would be no one to feed these kittens this afternoon while she was at work. It so happened my classes are in the morning today, so I said I'd look after them for today.Came home after visiting Hero, prepared the carrier and the stuff that kittens need and waited for the arrival of the bluepoints....The kittens came in a carefully prepared shoebox which had...

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Our Hero (Day 1 After The Surgery)
7th Sep 2011, by AnimalCare

Our vet stayed back till very late last night after closing time to ensure Hero was fine before he went home.  What was thought to be a simple surgery turned out to be not so simple after all because when opened up, it appeared that the hernia must have been there for quite sometime as some of the organs that have fallen out had attached themselves to the "wrong places" and these had to be "detached" and pushed back to the right places. I rushed over to see Hero right after work just n...

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Updates On 7th Sep 2011
7th Sep 2011, by Animal Concerns Research & Education Society (ACRES)

Giving three lectures today! Two to Curtin University students and one to NTU students! Cant wait to create more awareness on animal welfare issues.

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Finally....our Yellow Speak Up Tshirts!
7th Sep 2011, by AnimalCare

Dear all,Amidst the ongoing work that we do, I have constantly been "bugging" our tshirt supplier on the delivery date of our all-new yellow tshirt.  The agreed deadline was mid-September and I've just been informed yesterday that the tshirts will arrive either today or tomorrow.  YAY!!This is all so exciting because it's something so new - the colour yellow and the V-neck for ladies.  To all those who have placed your orders, may I first thank you so very much for the show of sup...

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Katya, Russia's Olympic Bear, Lives In A Rusty Cage
7th Sep 2011, by The Great Animal Rescue Chase

RUSSIAN TRANSLATOR PLEASE: I urgently need a Russian translator to assist in an animal rescue situation. Volunteer basis - just translating a few emails back and forth. http://www.care2.com/causes/katya-russias-olympic- bear-lives-in-a-rusty-cage.html

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Winnie's Kittens Say "Goodnight"
7th Sep 2011, by AnimalCare

Winnie has brought them into her room and has just given them supper....and they have pee-d too.That's the twosome in a shoebox....so, so small.Goodnight, sleep tight, little ones.Winnie has requested for fosterers or adopters for these kittens.Winnie (012-2927743).

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An S.O.S. - Bluepoint Kitty-Siblings Just Rescued
6th Sep 2011, by AnimalCare

Winnie Low texted me to say she had just found a litter of two kittens. I asked how big they are and if their eyes were already opened, and she said the eyes are opened but the two kittens are of different sizes....(isn't that strange?).Anyway, I gave her instructions on what to do:1. Buy kitten milk to feed them. Small amounts at regular intervals, 1-2 hourlyy. Do NOT overfeed.2. Keep them warm with hot water bottles and towels. 3. Massage tummy and privates to make them pee and poo.All se...

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Visiting Don Don & His New Friends At The Vet's
6th Sep 2011, by AnimalCare

I made a trip to the vet's this evening to settle this week's bills. Hello there....and who might you all be?Why, it's Alarie's kittens. Alarie had written to me for financial assistance with a mother-cat and three kittens. I offered to get the family dewormed and the mother-cat checked, but Alarie had already placed the kittens here in this clinic for adoption. That's definitely even better!They are such pretty little things too...Interested? Please contact Mayo Clinic on 03-56377026 and a...

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And A Hero Comes Along...
6th Sep 2011, by AnimalCare

Today was Hero's scheduled surgery for the hernia and his neutering.These are the photos taken last week when Hero was first brought in by Azie. Hero came to Azie's house on his own and Azie noticed a big bulge (lump) on his underside.This bulge is actually due to a hernia where there is a tear inside, and the organs have "fallen" through, thus causing this bulge that hangs down when Hero stands up. We could push the organs back while at the clinic, but the bulge would appear again the mome...

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This One Could Be Their Own Cat (Cruelty At Boarding House)
6th Sep 2011, by AnimalCare

Someone sent me this link: https://www.facebook.com/?sk=ru#!/photo .php?fbid=1178093028786&set=a.1082886168674.10 386.1721944222&type=1&theater  It shows a photograph of the operators' own cats. I think one of the cats currently boarded at the vet's could be the cream-coloured cat in the photograph. If it is, then it is their own cat. This one. Maslinda and I are trying to determine if it could be one of their cats. It looks very similar in colour, but we cannot compare the...

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A Female Cat Spayed, A Male With Swollen Face Treated For Ear Mites
6th Sep 2011, by AnimalCare

Mrs Lim operates a launderette in USJ and she also looks after the neighbourhood cats and dogs. She sent one more female cat to be spayed under our sponsorship today.The female catMrs Lim also found a male cat who had been crouching at the alley for some time. The cat was brought in as well, and the vet said he had ear mites.The infection is so bad that his whole face is swollen and he cannot even open his eyes (see photos below). The cat was given an injection and a bottle of eyedrops. Mrs...

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The 3 Cats At The Vet (Cruelty At Boarding House)
6th Sep 2011, by AnimalCare

I went to visit the three cats this afternoon and met Maslinda there.  I have already spoken to the person-in-charge in KTAJ, Mira Ahmad, and she says I am to liaise with Maslinda over these 3 cats.  Our concern is to get these 3 cats back to health and discharge them from the clinic. There are already ready fosterers waiting to help. If these were former pets, they would definitely do better in a home with love and care.  Currently, they are in a big room all by themselves, so th...

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