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Photo Feature
9th Sep 2011, by SPCA Penang

Dog Found Abandoned At SPCA - young adult dog found abandoned at SPCA compound on Sunday September 4 - Breed: Shih Tzu

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Updates On 9th Sep 2011
9th Sep 2011, by SPCA Penang

NEW VOLUNTEERS - please note the next introductory briefing session for new volunteers wil be held at SPCA on Saturday Spetember 17 at 9am sharp.

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Updates On 9th Sep 2011
9th Sep 2011, by SPCA Selangor

To all Petknode's victim, please bring your pets to vet for thorough checkup, and remember to get a copy of written report from the vet. Lodge a police report, and bring your affected pet to Department of Veterinary Services in Shah Alam SS15 for examination. On a side note, please monitor your pet's condition. We have a victim's cats died one by one over the span of 5 days.

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Photo Feature
9th Sep 2011, by SPCA Singapore

SPCA CHAMPIONSHIP AGILITY CUP 2011 (SCAC) For the very first time, SPCA, with Smartdoggy Academy, is holding an exciting agility competition. Dog agility is a competitive dogsport that tests a person’s skills in training and handling of dogs, working as a team partnership over a timed obstacle course. Competitors race against the clock as they direct their dogs to jump hurdles, scale ramps, burst through tunnels, traverse a see-saw and weave through a line of poles in an obstacle course confi...

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Stop Animal Abuse In Malaysia : Online Petition
9th Sep 2011, by SPCA Selangor

Wow, 5000+ signatures in the last few days after the Petknode case surfaced! Please do continue to promote this petition, we are at 20,000 signatures now!

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Updates On 9th Sep 2011
9th Sep 2011, by WWF Malaysia

Thank you to everyone who participated in the WWF-Malaysia Nukleus Facebook contest. Congratulations to the winners: First prize: Thineshwaran Kamalanathan Second prize: Khairul Adzman Third prize: Kah Lian Yap We will be in touch with the you via e-mail presently to coordinate the delivery of your prizes. Congratulations again.

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5 Animals Seized And Rescued From Johor Zoo
9th Sep 2011, by AnimalCare

We highlighted baby Paloh's case sometime ago.Here's the latest news: http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?fi le=/2011/9/9/nation/9452571&sec=nationJOHOR BARU: Officers from the Wildlife and National Parks Department (Perhilitan) have rescued five animals from the Johor Zoo, said to have been kept in deplorable and unsuitable conditions.Those seized included a tiger named Jeli, which was sent there after it killed a rubber tapper in Kelantan several years ago, the chain-smoking orang ut...

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Playtime For The Blueys!
9th Sep 2011, by AnimalCare

Kittens, just like human children, need toys and playthings for mental stimulation, so late last night, I decided to make a playhouse for them.Husband says he will use the blade to cut the doors and windows. There...we put the litter tray inside, and put the two kitties inside. This is Bagheera, right? Gosh, I can't tell them apart now...Yes, it is.Baloo was scared inside the house, so we quickly "opened" the house and let him out.He was so scared, he didn't dare move at all.Okay, come...

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Updates On 9th Sep 2011
9th Sep 2011, by WWF Malaysia

Good Morning & Happy Friday, today we announce the winners of the WWF Malaysia -Nuklues Contest. Are you ready? :)

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Sick Kitten In Need Of Fosterer (urgent)
8th Sep 2011, by AnimalCare

This is a request from Sherlyn Hoh (0146276884): I found a kitten today near a drain covered with big red ants. It is underweight (weighs about 250gm) and is as big as my palm. Tried to feed it with kitten tuna, kitten biscuits, cat milk and water but it refused to eat or open its mouth. Took it to the vet. Vet found a big red ant in its anus. Also another ant hooked on its body. It's literally in bones. Doc says he's around 6-7 weeks (judging from the teeth) but size of about 4-5 weeks.Aft...

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Now, Who Is Who? (Blueys' Bedtime Challenge)
8th Sep 2011, by AnimalCare

Let's play a spot the difference and who-is-who game here.Tonight's photos of the Blueys, after dinner:ABCDEScroll down for answers...Answer:A. BagheeraB. BalooC. BagheeraD. BalooE. Baloo in front, Bagheera at the backWhat's your score?Now, Baloo looks really happy (coz he has poo-ed) and Bagheera is a bit sluggish. I think after a good poo-poo, he should perk up.  Goodnight!

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Stop Animal Abuse In Malaysia : Online Petition
8th Sep 2011, by PetFinder.my

20,000 SIGNATURES REACHED! Let's show what we can achieve in our united war against animal abusers! Keep up the strong momentum, and please get all your friends to sign this Petition ASAP.

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Ginger (Crypto Case?) Is Recovering Amazingly Well!
8th Sep 2011, by AnimalCare

Ref: http://www.myanimalcare.org/2011/08/ging er-has-crptococcosis.htmlPeggy Tiong brought Ginger to our panel vet and was suspected to have Cryptococcosis, a zoonotic fungal infection. The medicine needed was Itraconazole, and it was available at our other panel vet, so Peggy brough Ginger there.BEFOREOur other vet checked and found no fungus.Instead, he said it could be mastcell cancer or just an allergy and prescribed some creams and medication. Ginger was also given two injections. ...

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A Sad Story Of A Tortured Cat
8th Sep 2011, by AnimalCare

Tati Ambia shared this. It is a very, very sad story of a tortured cat.http://tatiambia.blogspot.com/2011/09/momo-mal aysian-cat-tortured-alive-saved.htmlI read it and I truly feel so very sad for poor Momo.The key to reducing the incidence of cruelty would be the following:1. Stricter penalty for animal abuse as a punitive measure to curb cruelty.2. Educate people that animals are no different from us. They may not be able to speak or reason like us, but they can suffer.For (1), we do not have ...

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Fatimah's Updates
8th Sep 2011, by AnimalCare

Aimy says Fatimah is doing well.Get well soon and have a happy life, Fatimah!Aimy has also asked me how to look after a blind animal. I do not know, because Bobby became blind only in his old age. He had grown up in this house, so it wasn't a problem for him at all. He knows every part of the house and is still able to go up and down the stairs. He still follows me all over, every step of the way. Even if I were to sneak to the bathroom while he is fast asleep, the moment I come out, he would be...

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Wild Rabbit Adopted!
8th Sep 2011, by AnimalCare

Danny Ong, a student, wrote to me a while ago about this wild rabbit that he and his friends had rescued and were looking after in Semenyih. But since the semester had started again, they could no longer look after it and hence, they asked for advice:I am a student studying in Semenyih and live with a couple of my friends in Taman Tasik Semenyih (TTS). It so happen that one day (in July) we found a rabbit running wild outside our house and we managed to catch it and care for it until this v...

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The Blueys Go For A Car-Ride...to The Vet's!
8th Sep 2011, by AnimalCare

Bagheera's appetite had been so incredibly good today. Although I already stagger his feeds, giving him not more than 3ml per round, and letting him walk around to play a bit before the next round, in one hour, he would take as much as 10-12ml of milk.His stomach looked bloated today, so I thought he probably has worms. I know all kittens need to be dewormed, but the tricky question is - WHEN? Best to ask the vet. Our vets normally deworm if the kitten looks fit enough. Some vets deworm only aft...

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Our Hero's Ready To Fly!
8th Sep 2011, by AnimalCare

I managed to peep in on Hero this evening just before the clinic closed for the day. The vets says he is doing well. Hi Hero!He mewed loudly, sat up and walked towards the door when he saw me. He definitely looks so much better today, compared to yesterday. He's quite photogenic, isn't he? I'll bet he can earn a good living working as a male feline model for catfood advertisements. Look at those eyes! Good boy, Hero...I offered some kibbles, but he didn't want any. After...

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Spitzy-Pom Spayed
8th Sep 2011, by AnimalCare

Marianne found this Spitzy-Pom two days ago when she (the dog) followed Marianne as she (the person) was walking to work in SS15, Subang Jaya.However, as adorable as the dog is, Marianne cannot keep her as she only rents a room, so she has no choice but to put the dog up for adoption.The dog was spayed today, under our sponsorship. If there are still no takers, MDDB is willing to take over the dog and put her up for adoption at their adoption drives. If you are interested in adopting this d...

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Updates On Fatimah And Hero
8th Sep 2011, by AnimalCare

Aimy texted to say Fatimah's surgery went well and her daughter will be bringing Fatimah home today. We're very glad to hear this.  I went to the clinic to see Hero today, but there was surgery going on upstairs so I could not see him. However, I checked with the vet, and he is doing well.Azie said she would visit, so I'll wait for updates from her.

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