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Photo Feature
10th Oct 2011, by SPCA Singapore

SPCA attended to a tragic case of two kittens aged around 8 weeks old, found dead at Marsiling Crescent. AVA is currently conducting a post-mortem to determine the cause of death. We are offering a reward of $1,000 for any information leading to the arrest and prosecution of the person/s responsible. *Please share this post to spread the word

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Can You Be Kind To Them? 可以不可以善待它们?
10th Oct 2011, by SPCA Sarawak

Please OWNER, he is in pain. please get him a vet, bath him well, keep him in a better living environment.

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Blueys - For Adoption
10th Oct 2011, by AnimalCare

They Blueys are ready for adoption.Their jungle gym...under supervision.Criteria:1. To be adopted together.2. To be spayed at 5 months. 3. Please love them as much as you love yourself. No.3 comes first. A cat's lifespan is 18-20 years or more. They need food, medical treatment and lots of love. It is a lifetime commitment. Interested, please contact me at chankahyein@gmail.com

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Bluey Tales - Chapter 34: Tiger Returns To The Room
10th Oct 2011, by AnimalCare

Yes, today is the 34th Day the Blueys have been with me. For the past few days, Tiger has been returning to the room, not as frequently as before (which was every day), but it's a good enough sign.Baloo tried to make friends today, but got hissed at...poor girl.I'll play it safe...I'm with Uncle Bobby.Nothing beats Uncle Bobby.They have grown so big, haven't they?  Both are about the same size now.Playtime is really fun for them. They are very intelligent and create all kinds of games ...

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Updates On Ben And Burt
10th Oct 2011, by AnimalCare

Brothers Ben and Burt are still boarded at the clinic; Burt for sporo-treatment and Ben for wound-treatment. Norshidah visited them a few days ago and sent updates.Burt still has one stubborn wound beside the nose. The rest seems to have dried up.The wounds on the body have dried up too.Get well soon, Ben and Burt!Burt's sporo-treatment is very expensive, and it costs RM40 per day. Not many clinics are willing to board and treat a sporo case as sporotrichosis is zoonotic (can be transmitted to h...

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Winter's Story - A Touching Dolphin Tale
10th Oct 2011, by AnimalCare

A friend shared this: http://www.seewinter.com/winter/winters -storyIt's always great to know how far people would go to save a life.Winter's story has been made into a movie.

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Updates On The Asia Jaya Puppy - Rescued!!
10th Oct 2011, by AnimalCare

Happy updates! The puppy is now safe and sound. Kudos to Elaine and all who had helped. Elaine even specially purchased a carrier just for this rescue.From Elaine:Hello Dr. Chan,Just to update you regarding the puppy. First time (around 4pm) we were unable to capture the puppy. The puppy cleverly eluded us by hiding from under 1 car to another no matter how we try to coax the puppy out with food/water the puppy ignore us. My friend managed to grab the puppy legs & got bitten. ...

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Cutie Pet Fair - Day Two
9th Oct 2011, by AnimalCare

Today, Mun Yee (the one in the centre) would help me out in the morning as I had to deliver a talk at the Bandar Utama Buddhist Society (BUBS). But I was there are 8am with the day's "goods" and to set up the booth.  Mun Yee also enlisted the help of Wendy, his cousin-in-law. We had a surprise "drop-in" by Chee Onn, our Gold tshirt designer and the one who finalised the Yellow Speak Up tshirt for me. Chee Onn and his friend, Daniel, help us a lot with the artwork that we need for our buntin...

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Tear Gas? Woof! Sausage The Dog Just Loves A Riot | Stuff.co.nz
9th Oct 2011, by PetFinder.my

Meet SAUSAGE the Riot Dog in Greece, who has become a celebrity, always in the thick of protests and clashes, dodging rocks and tear gas and barking at police. Bravo to this Freedom-fighting doggy! If only we can invite him to fight for our animal welfare here.

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Cat Carrier At An Incredible Price!
9th Oct 2011, by AnimalCare

The Eukanuba stall at the Cutie Pet Fair was selling cat carriers at a ridiculously low price yesterday....It can be unzipped and folded up into a thin bag. Good for rescuers/caregivers who pick up strays along the road, good for cat owners too, of course. Guess how much they were selling it for...No...guess again...Nope, still wrong...guess again.RM20...!!Needless to say, they sold out the entire box within hours!Chung Kai bought the last piece!

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The Blueys Test Out Uncle Bobby's New Food
9th Oct 2011, by AnimalCare

At the Cutie Pet Fair yesterday, Mr Teh, a petfood nutritionist with Canine Caviar came over to chit-chat. I told him how Canine Caviar had helped Bobby to significantly, but Bobby is not eating it anymore now. Bobby is an extremely picky eater.He offered to let me try Canine Caviar's wetfood - Duck Meat, and gave me a can. And also another brand of wetfood.But of course Bobby won't touch it until his two expert connoisseurs test out the food first.I'm still giving Bobby the Canine Caviar kibble...

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Updates On The Asia Jaya Puppy
9th Oct 2011, by AnimalCare

Ref: http://www.myanimalcare.org/2011/10/urge nt-puppy-in-need-of-fostereradopter.htmlElaine has been keeping me updated on this. She said three people have offered to help, and to cut a long story short, an attempt will be made today, to rescue the puppy, and to have the puppy transported to MDDB's adoption drive.  We wish them all the best in catching the puppy and may everything go well.

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Sammy Boy Is Still In Need Of A Good Home
9th Oct 2011, by Second Chance

Sammy boy is at the Cutie Pet Fair today, rain or shine.Sammy is still looking for a home... This pic of him looks very sad though =(He is still stuck with the fosterer since June...I need a LoVe-ing home please <3Read more about our doggie story here »

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Is She Your Doggie?
9th Oct 2011, by Second Chance

We found a Silky Terrier has been wandering in Seri Kembangan for a few weeks. After observing for weeks and asking the neighbour around, we concluded that she is most prolly a LOST dog / ABANDONED pet. Catching her was a breeze as she was so tame and stood still in the drain when we chased her.We renamed her Popcorn de Terrier.This is her in her Zebra suit after 2 hours of grooming marathon.She was a stinky terrier when we just got herRead more about our doggie story here »

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Cutie Pet Fair Day One
9th Oct 2011, by AnimalCare

Here's what happened today....Nandhini and I set up our booth at 8am.Aaron Lee is one of our helpers this round. That's Daniel Azlan with Aaron. Daniel is one of our very, very first adopters, two years ago. He came by the visit with his newly rescued Saluki.The tshirt sales begins...Terry, longtime helper, was also here today.Winnie Low also helped today. That's Winnie's friend wearing a specially ordered Size 48. Nandhini brought two kittens for adoption - Mimi and Kiki. Chung Kai an...

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Yet Another Case Of Dog Abuse
8th Oct 2011, by AnimalCare

Wani of MDDB requested that we post this: http://malaysiandogsdeservebetter.blogs pot.com/2011/10/another-case-of-dog-abuse.htmlIt's indeed very sad that people do such things. 

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Basset Hound Mix Dogs For Adoption - 1 Year 7 Months, Hazelnut & Walnut From KL, Kuala Lumpur
8th Oct 2011, by PetFinder.my

WALNUT & HAZELNUT - Two loving and affectionate siblings for urgent adoption as owner will be shifting shortly. Sweet-natured and great with children. This brother & sister are very attached and should be adopted together.

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Cutie Fair, Central Park Day 1
8th Oct 2011, by Second Chance

Even before 8am, the car parks were already full. Many came early to set up the booth and to unload their stuff. The morning started great with quite a crowd at the fair. The help students were of great help too. They helped to asked for donations from people at the fair.Aunty Kim briefing the students on what to do.Our booth at Cutie FairRead more about our doggie story here »

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Desexing Your Bitch Can Save Her Life…
8th Oct 2011, by Dr Rayya's Online Veterinary Journal

I have had a very hectic two weeks and was also on emergency call last weekend. I had a major sleep in today and finally feel refreshed and ready to face the world again. My hard work has mostly paid off recently and I have been rewarded by so many of my clients with brilliant gifts. I am humbled and feel so thankful that my efforts have been recognised and my patients have pulled through. It may seem like such a rhetoric for many people to hear veterinarians recommend desexing their p...

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8th Oct 2011, by Malaysian Dogs Deserve Better

This fellow is one of the puppy chaps that will be at Summit Subang Jaya.1) Malaysian Dogs Deserve Better (MDDB) will hold an adoption drive and fund raising event at Summit Subang Jaya tomorrow between 11.30am to 7.30pm. More than 20 dogs and puppies will be made available for adoption there. MDDB will also be giving out reading material about the Trap-Neuter-Release- Manage (TNRM) system and explaining to members of the public what it is and how they can participate. There will also be an pict...

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