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Photo Feature
14th Oct 2011, by SPCA Singapore

Pet Care Tip: It has become a common occurrence to see dogs being left, unattended, in locked vehicles with the engine turned off while their owners run their errands. They can die of heatstroke. Please don’t leave your dog in the car even if the windows are rolled down! *Please share this on your wall

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Thank You So Much, "I'm An F3"!
14th Oct 2011, by AnimalCare

This morning, the Nectar Club and Ms Kamala handed over a donation collected from the profits of the sales of animal-friendly products held during the "I'm an F3" event last week.  Thank you so much for all the efforts!

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Popcorn, Reinvented
14th Oct 2011, by Second Chance

Popcorn, rescued just a few days ago, is settling really well at her fosterer’s place. She was very timid and shy initially but after lots of TLC from the family (and furmily) , she’s more relaxed and lively now.Popcorn has been given a makeover since then too. Check out her new cut =) ~A very matted and stinky Popcorn when she was just rescued ~ ~ One day after she was rescued ~ ~ Getting acquaintance with the fosterer’s furmily. Lots of sniffing going on between them :D ~

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Charity Movie Premiere - Red Dog!
14th Oct 2011, by Noah's Ark CARES

Dear Friends, Supporters and Well-Wishers,Have you booked your tickets yet?You are specially invited to join us in this special movie screening of Red Dog organized by Noah’s Ark this coming October! You will be able to catch this 2 days before it opens officially in the cinemas, so book your tickets NOW. Come and join us for this fun-filled night with laughter and tears, all the while helping out Noah's Ark CARES! What's more, you can also come and pick up our just released 2012 calendar!...

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Updates On Wawa (Phoebe Ho's)
14th Oct 2011, by AnimalCare

On 16th August, Phoebe Ho, after having contacted me, brought a rescued dog, Wawa, found on the MMR2 Highway. Wawa had a short chain, was incredibly friendly and we suspect she was probably a lost dog (or abandoned?). Ref: http://www.myanimalcare.org/2011/08/wawa -rescued-pup-from-mmr2-highway.html To recap a long story short, Wawa was limping and our vet said it was probably an old fracture. The bone was broken, but the body has a remarkable mechanism that can sometimes self-heal.  Ph...

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Sammy Boy’s Day Out @ Cutie Pet Fair
14th Oct 2011, by Second Chance

It was Sammy Boy’s second day at Cutie Pet Fair and he was still overwhelmed by the size of the crowd. Despite all the stresses, he did had a good time, especially when passerby stop and pet or gave him treat :D We had no luck finding Sammy Boy a home during Cutie Pet Fair but we’re happy to hear that other dogs got adopted. ~Checking out the crowd and sniffing for the familiar scent of Andy 哥哥 and Yen 姐姐 ~ ~Even though it’s a long tiring day, Sammy still manage to flash us his c...

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George Needs A Home
14th Oct 2011, by Second Chance

XY Soo has recently written to us about George.       & nbsp;       &nb sp;         ;        & nbsp;       &nb sp;         ;        & nbsp;       &nb sp;      George is the blac...

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Updates On 13th Oct 2011
13th Oct 2011, by SPCA Selangor

From 2012 Diary Administrator: To all SPCA Friends that have made orders for the 2012 Diary, please complete the order form that has been emailed to your respective address and submit to the Diary Administrator asap for onward processing.

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More Fish, Duck-Hens, Hands-Up And Mermaids!!
13th Oct 2011, by AnimalCare

Catherina sent these photos:Definitely a Fish.Duck-Hen.Er...hands up? Now, this is hands-up, for sure.The human pose??This one wins hands-down!I mean, hands-up!!Thanks, Cath!

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Sugar R, Rescued Kitten From SS2 (Dawn Tan's)
13th Oct 2011, by AnimalCare

Dawn wrote to me two days ago:We picked up a 2-mth old kitten last night at SS2. She's partially blind and walking all over the road, we nearly ran over her.Took her in for the night, sent her to the clinic this afternoon, diagnosed with cat flu.Will be treated, not sure if can save her eye and hopefully in a few weeks can be spayed before returning to the road again if we can't find a new home for her.And updates today:Sugar's R eye is blinded due to massive swelling. The vet advised to gi...

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Sickly Cat Sent For Treatment (Ah Fatt's)
13th Oct 2011, by AnimalCare

Ah Fatt rescued a sickly cat from his neighbourhood today. He has requested for medical subsidy, and we'll help him with our 50% subsidy. Ah Fatt has sent the cat to a clinic of his choice.  The cat will be put on drips as it is weak and running a fever. The vet will determine the next course of action after the cat stabilises. 

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A Female Cat Spayed (Ah Fatt's)
13th Oct 2011, by AnimalCare

Ah Fatt sent a female cat from his neighbourhood to be spayed under our sponsorship yesterday.  The cat is still at the vet's now. Ah Fatt will cover boarding.We covered the spay charges.

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Apeng On Rainbow Bridge
13th Oct 2011, by AnimalCare

This is a sharing from Azmira Amran, reproduced with her permission:Dear Dr Chan,I was reading your entry about Vixey. It reminds me so much of the best cat I've ever had, Apeng. I miss him so terribly. I really really really hope that Rainbow Bridge does exist because I feel so much pain inside from missing my cat Apeng. If you have time, you can read my blog entry about Apeng. Thank you for the inspiration. I wish you health and happiness always. http://wordsarepouringoutmyears.blogs pot....

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Updates On 13th Oct 2011
13th Oct 2011, by PetFinder.my

Listen to Dr.Susanna Brida-Hofherr of Asia Paws, Malaysia's only Certified Animal Acupuncturist at 3pm on BFM 89.9 this Friday (Oct 14)! A lively discussion of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) applied on animals. Catch this informative segment on air or via live streaming at BFM website.

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Scratching Posts And Mats For The Blueys!
13th Oct 2011, by AnimalCare

More Bluey tales for today....Bagheera is much better today (the aftermath of the vaccination) and has been playing with Baloo.  I thought I should give them a scratching post or mat since they have been conveniently using my two legs as scratch posts...Hmm...now, what is this?Hey, it's nice to scratch, scratch, scratch...Hey Bagheera, come try this thingie...It's real fun!I had wanted this fish scratching pad to be a present for Indy, but he hasn't come home yet.  Will go look for him...

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Here We Go Again....
13th Oct 2011, by AnimalCare

Just now, I received an SOS call from a lady. She said her neighbour had just found a few baby kittens and had handed them to her. She said she doesn't know what to do with them and her husband would not allow her to keep them at all.She wanted me to take them.I said I couldn't, but will source for fosterers if she sent me a photograph of the kittens and her contact details. She wasn't willing to send me a photograph or reveal her details. She just wanted me to take over the kittens. A...

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If I May Add....
13th Oct 2011, by AnimalCare

Ref: http://www.myanimalcare.org/2011/10/resc ued-cat-from-walmart.htmlWow...I had no idea the above post could generate so many comments, but thanks, everyone, for sharing your thoughts on this.  I noticed that only those who agree on moving your pets with you had posted comments.So, to be fair on both sides, allow me to moderate this issue now....In general, this is AnimalCare's stand on certain controversial issues, which remain controversial as there is no right/wrong in it, just w...

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Updates From Brindle's (formerly Subu) New Home!
13th Oct 2011, by Second Chance

Brindle and KerryOur gentle giant, Subu, has been settling comfortably into her new life after being adopted by Robynn. Besides being given a new name, Brindle, she has also put on weight and was immensely curious about her new environment at first. This resulted in a lot of cats being chased all around the house by a very energetic blue mastiff!Read more about our doggie story here »

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Photo Feature
13th Oct 2011, by Animal Concerns Research & Education Society (ACRES)

Thunder Rock School is letting the auction for the artworks continue for another week. Take a look at the artwork(left) for ACRES, which was nicely done by Mahlstik. If you're interested in bidding, please email info@thunderrockschool.com to let them know! All proceeds will come to ACRES.

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Photo Feature
13th Oct 2011, by Animal Concerns Research & Education Society (ACRES)

We had a busy day at Singapore American School yesterday- with four talks on threats to rainforest animals and the wildlife trade, as well as our educational roadshow. Thank you to all the staff and students for their warm welcome and enthusiastic participation in the presentations and for asking some great questions!

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