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Photo Feature
16th Nov 2011, by SPCA Penang

Lost Dog - Darwin, Cocker Spaniel age 11 years, male, lost 3pm November 12 at Jesselton, Pulau Tikus. Please contact Linda 04 226 1077, Charles 012 404 7001

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Photo Feature
16th Nov 2011, by SPCA Penang

SPCA Penang at IWA's "A Christmas World", Straits Quay - November 26, 2011 Shop - Dine - Unwind! A Christmas World, November 26, 2011 at Straits Quay, Penang from 10:30am to 10:30pm. SPCA Penang will be there selling merchandise so if you're looking for that special Christmas gift do drop by! All are welcome - no entrance fee.

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Fosterer Needed Urgently For Three Kittens & Mum-Cat (Jessy Lian’s)
16th Nov 2011, by AnimalCare

From Jessy Lian: Dear Dr.Chan, Do you remember I bought Pretty Mama to the panel clinic to spay back in September, but the operation was aborted because she was suspected to be pregnant. Well, she is definitely pregnant & has given birth to 3 kittens a few weeks ago. I have been feeding her all this while, but fail to track down her hiding place with her kittens. Until last night one of my neighbour told me that the kittens were in his house. They were inside a styrofoam box & I have ask...

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Updates From Soi Dog
16th Nov 2011, by AnimalCare

Ref:  http://www.soidog.org/en/newsletter-sign-up/past -newsletters/flood-relief4/?utm_medium=email&u tm_campaign=Flood+16-11-11&utm_content=Flood+1 6-11-11+CID_d6044c49fba6035a9024fea92ab0e407&u tm_source=Email+marketing+software&utm_term=Cl ick+Here   The Story Of A Rescue… Dear Friends and Supporters of Soi Dog, Many thanks to those of you who have donated towards helping the animals affected by the Bangkok floods. Soi Dog is working with a coalition of other org...

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单眼白 Dan Yan Bai
15th Nov 2011, by Homeless & Orphan Pets Exist (HOPE)

这是单眼白,你注意到了吗? 是的,他少了一只明亮动人的眼...... 眼白是一只老狗狗,是在希望护生园 立初期时所拯救的。当时市政局在单 眼白所流浪的住宅区展开一场血腥残 的大扑杀,单眼白和同伴们都难逃被 杀的悲惨命运...当时动物福利问题还 没被这个社会所关注,市政局官员个 像野人一样,用极不文明极不人道的 式来对待他们!!! 他们把一只只捕到的狗...

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15th Nov 2011, by Homeless & Orphan Pets Exist (HOPE)

我们诚意邀请所有学校团体,学院里 学生组织或社会团体来亲身探访我们 收容所以获得更多关于流浪动物的知 识,帮助它们的方法及提升保护流浪 物福利的观念与重要性。我们的负责 将会在您的探访中进行一项教育分享 ,分享拯救流浪动物的点点滴滴及帮 它们的正确方式。有了学生们的参与 我们不仅能栽培一班更有爱心及同情 心的新生代,也能让青少年们...

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Hero Uses Pocket Knife To Free Trapped Lynx In Canadian Wilderness
15th Nov 2011, by The Great Animal Rescue Chase

http://www.care2.com/causes/lodge-workers-heroism- saves-leg-trapped-lynx-in-canadian-wilderness.html

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Cow’s Pilling Sessions (Round 8)
15th Nov 2011, by AnimalCare

Cow’s pilling sessions twice a day had been eventful. If I do not use the vertical carrier trick, I would have a small bite mark to show after each session. Even with the carrier trick, he could still spit the pill out.  Nevertheless, I’ve reached Round 8 this evening and I did it this round without the carrier! And no, he also did not bite me!  Rewarding Cow after each session. He recovered very quickly the next day, as predicted by the vet. Apparently, when prescribed the correct...

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Dai Mao, Cat For Adoption (Marie Anne’s)
15th Nov 2011, by AnimalCare

From Marie Anne (013-3115898 ): I have a cat for adoption.Its an orange cat.Small in size.Age is around 4-5 years old.Spayed already.Quiet and gentle by nature.Name of this cat is Dai Mao.     

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Kelly And Her Five Pups Rescued And Need Help!
15th Nov 2011, by Second Chance

Meet new mummy Kelly, and five of her adorable pups that were rescued by a volunteers a month ago when the little babies were only 2 weeks old. Now, at 6 weeks old, the siblings are all very healthy and eating well, with mummy Kelly taking very good care of them. Kelly was also very skinny when she first came but now she has good appetite and has put on a lot of weight.Out of the 5 pups, 4 are males and one female, quite unusual beause normally the litters of puppies we see have more female...

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Callie, The Petknode Survivor, Passes Away
15th Nov 2011, by AnimalCare

Just a few minutes ago, Maslinda sent me a photo of Callie taken yesterday when she was boarded at the clinic. Before I knew it, Maslinda’s next text message came to say that Callie had passed away. Photo taken yesterday when Callie was admitted. There are no updates yet on what happened, so I will only update here when I receive further news from Maslinda. Meanwhile, let us remember Callie as the brave heroine who survived the Petknode Cruelty case despite being starved till she was prac...

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Grooming Bobby
15th Nov 2011, by AnimalCare

We had been grooming Bobby on our own (with scissors) for the entire duration of his life. However, ever since he became blind, he’s been very afraid of the sound of the scissors so we had not been able to groom him lately. A few days ago, I spoke with a groomer who had had more than 10 years experience in grooming dogs. He said I could bring Bobby to his shop and he would access to see if Bobby was “groom-able”. So the appointment was made for yesterday and I brought Bobby ove...

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You Don’t Need To Buy Your Pets
15th Nov 2011, by AnimalCare

Why buy a pet when you can adopt one from the street or the many shelters around us?  Or, go to the many websites and facebook pages which are advertising pets for adoption (like us!) and choose one from there. Here’s a sharing by Rayna, of her beloved “pets”. They are all former street cats, from different backgrounds. Now, Rayna looks after them. Read her story: They used to be my neighbor’s cat. As far as I know, they stopped feeding the cats already leaving them in t...

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Kittens For Adoption In Johor Baru (Afiq Luqman’s)
15th Nov 2011, by AnimalCare

From Afiq Luqman: As some of you know, I am a animal lover and own a few pets myself. The reason of my I am writing to you is because, I need your helps.  Yesterday I have four cats (1 adult & 3 kittens). You can read the attached so called short story of them (hehehe). And this morning I woke up with extra kittens in my dad’s old car. I am not sure how much newborn there is but I am now overwhelm with emotion. Happy that new kittens are safe, but now puzzle on how would I support them. I...

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Sabah May Be The First In Asia To Ban Shark Trade
15th Nov 2011, by AnimalCare

From Insight Sabah: Sharks evolved 400m years ago to keep oceans healthy. As predators, they rule the underwater world. But they are losing a battle against man. The latest score: Sharks have killed 13 people so far this year. Man kills 73m of them every year largely for their fins which are turned into a culinary delicacy in Asia. Now environmentalists are stepping up a worldwide campaign to stop people from eating them. And Sabah may become the first in Asia to ban shark hunting next year. Re...

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Little Barbra Is Adopted!
15th Nov 2011, by AnimalCare

Ref: http://myanimalcare.org/2011/11/rescued-dogg ie-barbra-for-adoption-stephanies/ Pravinn texted me this morning to say a lady by the name of Valerie will be adopting little Barbra, the rescued doggie. We also had another lady who was interested in adopting a small-sized dog, but looks like Barbra is meant to be with Valerie. Valerie has already bought accessories for Barbra. Have a good life, Barbra! And thank you, Valerie.

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This Is Why I Write
15th Nov 2011, by AnimalCare

I published my first non-academic book, Pawprints on My Heart, in 2008. My friends had been asking me to write for sometime and that day, it was Earth Hour 2008 and the lights were all turned off. Being one who is so used to doing something all the time, I needed to do something while waiting for that one hour to pass. So I sat down, and wrote, under minimal light from the dynamo-operated portable lamp, the first three chapters in Pawprints. That year,  I wrote three books within the span of tw...

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Two Female Cats Spayed (Pn Azie’s)
15th Nov 2011, by AnimalCare

Pn Azie called me last week, requesting help with the alley cats whom she feeds.  Apparently, her neighbours hate the cats and according to her, they caught the cats and burnt their paws.  I checked with the vet who attended to her cats and he said it looked more like the cats had stepped on some corrosive substance. Pn Azie’s request was for us to help her with the spaying cost of these cats, so we agreed. Two of her female cats have now been spayed under our sponsorship.  

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Bangkok Rescue Update Nov 14, From Soi Dog
15th Nov 2011, by AnimalCare

Soi Dog has been rescuing dozens of dogs every day in flood-afflicted Bangkok. Please watch this latest video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UHTR7Sy7g80 Let us do the needful and help where help is most needed right now. To donate, please go to www.soidog.org. If you’d rather not use PayPal or your credit card, you may send your donations to our PBB account, follow-up with an email to chankahyein@gmail.com and we will donate on your behalf. The receipt from PayPal will be sent to you. ...

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Birdwatchers Grab Skunk With Head Sealed In Jar: How They Saved A Life
15th Nov 2011, by The Great Animal Rescue Chase

http://www.care2.com/causes/birdwatchers-grab-skun k-with-head-sealed-in-jar-how-they-saved-a-life.ht ml

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