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Subsidy For A Little Kitten’s Eye Surgery (Rozaimah Ismail’s)
20th Feb 2012, by AnimalCare

On 9th February, Rozaimah Ismail wrote to me: Hi Dr. Chan, My name is Zai. Yesterday i found a cat with something  that looks like a small size of a ping pong ball on her left eye. She looks so weak n hungry. I felt pity on her so gave her some can food and planning to sent her to any vet to look at her injury. But i couldnt afford to pay for the medical. Can you tell me what’s wrong with her eye? I attach some of her pic for you to see. Can i apply for Myanimal Care to sponsor her med...

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A Female Cat Spayed (David Tan’s)
20th Feb 2012, by AnimalCare

We have subsidised RM100 for the spaying of a female cat brought in by Kirstine Tan Ming Yuen and her father, David Tan. This is the 7th cat we have sponsored for David Tan.

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Two Dogs Spayed-Neutered (Meiji’s)
20th Feb 2012, by AnimalCare

We have sponsored the neutering of one male dog (RM30) and the spaying of one female dog (RM40), both brought down from Raub by Meiji to Klinik Kembiri. Both dogs were rescued from the roadside. The male dog was extremely emaciated initially but after a week of feeding, seemed healthy again. The procedures were done on Saturday and both dogs are doing well now. As Meiji could not send me the photographs, here’s the receipt: I have requested for photographs in future as it is needed for au...

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Fosterer Needed For Mother-Cat And 7 Kittens (Jennifer Govin’s)
20th Feb 2012, by AnimalCare

From: Jennifer Govin govinjann@yahoo.com Message: I found a mother cat and her 8 kittens about 2 week ago. The smallest one is really weak and small ( about the size of a new born) while the rest are almost 4 weeks old. They have all been to the vet including the mother. My problem now is that I am not able to care for them all as the small one takes up alot of my time, he has to be fed via syringe, is sevrely dehydrated and maybe premature. The vet ( I’ve visited 2) are not oo sure why ...

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DogTV - First TV Channel For Dogs!
20th Feb 2012, by PetFinder.my

DogTV - World's first TV channel for DOGS, with programming optimized for the canine's audio and visual enjoyment, spanning themes of relaxation, stimulation and exposure. Perhaps your dog would now turn into a couch pet-ato like you and fight over TV channels! =) Find out more at: http://DogTV.com/ http://www.reuters.com/artic le/2012/02/15/us-dogtv-idUSTRE81E26220120215

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Acres - Animal Concerns Research & Education Society
20th Feb 2012, by Animal Concerns Research & Education Society (ACRES)

The Singapore Animal Welfare Symposium and Public Forum and Animal Welfare Polices is this Saturday, 25th Feb! Have you registered? The full programme for the forum is now available at our website.

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Updates On 20th Feb 2012
20th Feb 2012, by SPCA Penang

A group of 16 students from a Japanese university on a student visit to USM. The students visited SPCA on February 15, 2012.

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Updates On 20th Feb 2012
20th Feb 2012, by SPCA Penang

AISEC USM students with their favourite dogs - The AISEC group volunteered for two days on the 15 and 16 February at the SPCA and did the run of the daily routine both in the kennels and cattery.

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Updates On 20th Feb 2012
20th Feb 2012, by SPCA Singapore

This poor community cat was caught on a glue-board trap placed by a pest control company overnight at a HDB bin centre. The cat in these photos was dying by the time it was brought to the SPCA. She was in deep distress and panting heavily. Our duty veterinarian made the decision to humanely euthanase the cat to prevent further suffering. The board trap was about 4 feet by 5 feet in size and the amount of glue on the board was excessive. The cat never stood a chance. SPCA has previously appe...

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Acres - Animal Concerns Research & Education Society
20th Feb 2012, by Animal Concerns Research & Education Society (ACRES)

The Singapore Animal Welfare Symposium and Public Forum on Animal Welfare Policies is this Sunday! Have you registered? The full programme of the forum is now available online.

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Updates On 20th Feb 2012
20th Feb 2012, by SPCA Selangor

Have you adopted a pet from SPCA Selangor? Post your happy story and some before & after photos here! Who couldn't use some warm and fuzzy tales to take away the Monday blues? :)

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A Couple’s Pride And Joy (a Sharing By Dr Wai Kar Men)
20th Feb 2012, by AnimalCare

I’ll never pass of an opportunity to blog a good story. For me, “good” would be stories about adopting street or pound animals, coping with and managing them, or rescuing a street animal and giving it a better life.  And of course, there are many, many more stories that I consider “good”. Here’s a sharing by Dr Wai Kar Men, from down-under: The bigger dog is Ben. He’s 13 this year. We adopted him when he was 7. Sweetest dog in the world- loves cats, ki...

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Cleo, The Escape Artist
19th Feb 2012, by AnimalCare

I guess one by one, my cats are getting bored being confined in Bunny’s Place although they have a room and a whole back garden to play in. Just when I thought Cleo would not give any problems, she escaped just now! All it took was for me to open the door to get out and with lightning speedy, she squeezed out and went upstairs. Before we knew it, Cleo had gone out our bedroom window and onto the roof and was exploring the roof, but luckily still within sight. We called her and as expected,...

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Nightmare On Street 5A – Indy Lost…and Found!
19th Feb 2012, by AnimalCare

This was really serious and frightening…. Indy had gone out to the porch this evening and was sitting quietly at the porch in front of the little rock garden, just enjoying the evening air. Then it was dinner time, and I got him and Pole inside to eat. Right after dinner, the two of them jumped over the cat-grille and went out again. We thought they would just be at the porch, but we were wrong…. Pole as sitting at the porch, but not Indy. We went out to look for him and couldn’...

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Switching From Cat-Sand To Cat Paper-Litter
19th Feb 2012, by AnimalCare

My friend, Cathy, told me all about cat paper-litter sometime ago. But when I first moved here, I was told clumping cat-sand is better when training cats to use the litter-box, so I tried a clumping cat-sand (had too much dust) and finally, I found Ever Clean, which my brood took to instantly. It was already almost a miracle that my Cow-Bunny-Pole-Cleo gang was willing to use the litter-box with Ever Clean, so I stayed with it. But now, cat-sand poses a slight problem. No matter how high the lit...

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Cody, Puppy With Demodex (Jennifer Lee’s)
19th Feb 2012, by AnimalCare

Jennifer wrote to me several days ago, requesting a medical subsidy for Cody, a rescued puppy with a skin problem. We have offered our medical subsidy and will proceed to transfer the money as soon as we receive the receipt and form. Here is the story: Hi Dr. Chan, I’m Jenn and I have emailed you before (Faith the mix husky and 2 lost dog notice). I’ve attached you 3 photos of a puppy (I named him Cody) which appeared around my neighborhood 2 months ago. That time his size is small&#...

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Cat, Thrown From Upper Floor, Rescued And Survives (Marianne Edwina’s)
19th Feb 2012, by AnimalCare

From Marianne Edwina Santa Maria: Someone from my apartment threw this stray cat down from a few stories above. We rush him to the vet and he is currently being treated. So far the vet has checked him out and he seems ok outside. But has a broken hind leg. Please find attached a picture of the cat. Further updates: Attached are 3 more pictures. The first one is Brownie resting. 2&3rd picture is him at the vet. We met another vet to seek a second opinion and he said the xray looks okay and t...

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Two Students And A Kitten – A Heartwarming Story (Dr Veeranoot’s)
19th Feb 2012, by AnimalCare

From Dr Veeranoot: Dear Sis Chan, 15/02/2012-Two Thai students see these two kittens on their very last days of staying in UM’s hostel; one is about a month old injured kitten because was chased by a big cat and the other older kitten come to see/play in their place. I gave them a carrier to rescure both kittens. 16/02/2012-After two attempts to rescue both of them, they manage to get the only older kitten while the smaller one was disappeared and we hope that someone took a kitten to the ...

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A Movie Star In My House
19th Feb 2012, by Dr Rayya's Online Veterinary Journal

Surprise visits are the best. I had planned to blog about my very interesting eye cases today but a unique visit has prompted me to postpone the eye case discussion. We got a phone call this morning from the owner of a SUPER STAR PET asking if she could honour her promise. Although I was still in bed and my husband had a severe case of the flu, we happily welcomed the much unexpected visit. We had a chance encounter with the owner two weeks ago when we sold her one of our bird cages. We discover...

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19th Feb 2012, by Animal Concerns Research & Education Society (ACRES)

You can view the ACRES slides for the debate on "Shark's Fin Soup: To Ban or Not To Ban? here: http://web1.iseas.edu.sg/sharkfin/16feb12%20Louis% 20Ng.pdf

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