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The Rescue And Rehoming Of Puss (Liyana Ismail’s)
15th Mar 2012, by AnimalCare

Here’s a very touching sharing by Liyana: Dear Dr. Chan, I like to share with you the story of a kitten that I rescued few weeks ago.I found it all alone, tiny, and thin.It was all bone, skin and fur. I picked it up, walk around the area to find its mother, but couldn’t find her. After that, I bring it back to my place and feed it. The kitten eat heartily, almost choking itself because the kibbles is too big and the kitten too hungry that it hardly chew it. I put some water in cont...

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“Papa Says It’s Ok To Adopt Stronghold” (Sue Yie’s)
15th Mar 2012, by AnimalCare

In the midst of handling the Kawan-and-Hoarder case, a rescuer who is instigating another to cheat us and a few other cases, it is such a relief to receive happy and delightful news from Sue Yie, Stronghold’s new caregiver and “big sister”! Here are some of her emails to me today: Dear aunt kah yein, Stronghold already poo this morning, that means he is healthy right? Already consult papa this morning, papa agreed if there is no fosterer, we will adopt stronghold. But must make...

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Sg Chua Market In Kajang
15th Mar 2012, by Malaysian Dogs Deserve Better

Sharon Tan has been having sleepless nights after someone alerted her about the strays at the Sg Chua market in Kajang. She lives in Bangsar but has been going o Kajang almost daily to feed the dogs and to rescue those in need of help. Apparently, it is a dumping ground where the irresponsible come to dump their unwanted dogs and puppies. She had actually found a box with several puppies that had apparently been dumped there just moments before her arrival there during one of her trips. Shar...

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Dog Shampoo – All Distributed
15th Mar 2012, by AnimalCare

Ref: http://myanimalcare.org/2012/03/13/dog-shamp oo-for-distribution/ The 15 boxes of dog shampoo donated by Mrs Wai have been distributed to the following rescuers/organisations: 4 boxes (96 bottles) and loose bottles for Meiji (placed in front of these bags of food). Meiji thanks Mrs Wai very much for the shampoo. 2 boxes (48 bottles) for Kelly and Jacinta in Ipoh. Kelly called from Ipoh to wish Mrs Wai and everyone else good health and expressed her utmost gratitude for all the help we ar...

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15th Mar 2012, by Malaysian Dogs Deserve Better

We have been requested to post details on how people can donate to Malaysian Dogs Deserve Better (MDDB). Herewith the details. We would also like to take this opportunity to thank all our donors who have made it possible for us to save the many dogs MDDB has helped over the years that would have otherwise been doomed to untimely deaths and lives of misery. Its your generosity that keeps us going and allows us to do what we do. Thank you from the very bottom of our hearts.Cheques in favour of:Com...

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Dolphins No Longer To Be Kept In Captivity
15th Mar 2012, by Animal Concerns Research & Education Society (ACRES)

Following votes in both houses of parliament, the keeping of dolphins or whales in Swiss zoos or waterparks will be forced to come to an end.

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Please Do Not Do This, Part 2
15th Mar 2012, by AnimalCare

In view of our Multiple Fund Policy where we only subsidise a maximum of 60% if rescuers apply to 2-3 funds (single fund, it is 50%), it has been brought to my attention that a certain rescuer has devised a way to procure 100% sponsorship for her medical cases by doing the following: a.  She claims 50% from one fund. b.  Her friend (in collaboration with her) claims 50% from other fund, using the same case, but under a different name. It would then be two different rescuers claiming from two d...

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Stronghold And His Ever-Able Caregiver, Sue Yie (Joey)
15th Mar 2012, by AnimalCare

Sue Yie (Joey) (Christine’s eldest daughter) wrote to me last night and sent these photos: Aunt kah yein, I am Sue Yie. Stronghold has big eyes right.  It looks like there is an “M” letter on his forehead. He looks like a small tiger. He moves a lot now. I can not hold it very long now. I noticed he is the biggest among the four siblings. I think he must be the eldest among them. He looks bigger, others look skinny. Hi Joey, The “M” classifies Stronghold as a R...

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More About Kitty-George
15th Mar 2012, by AnimalCare

Ref: http://myanimalcare.org/2012/03/15/kittygeor ge-is-receiving-medical-treatment-now-wong-choy-fo ongs-dts/ More about Kitty-George from Lydia, who accompanied Choy Foong to the vet’s this afternoon: Kitty has some pretty serious injuries. This is what the xray showed: Left hind leg showed a displaced fracture of the tibia (if I’m not mistaken as the vet did not mention and I’m concluding from my own viewing of the xray) where the bone has broken into several parts and the parts are no...

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A Bed Of Thorns (Part 6)
15th Mar 2012, by AnimalCare

Ref: http://myanimalcare.org/2012/03/09/the-12-do gs-survivors-of-the-distemper-outbreak-previously- a-bed-of-thorns-parts-1-4/ Six of the 12 dogs from the Hoarder have been sent to the vet’s for vaccination. All have been vaccinated and 3 of them received injections for their skin condition. As pledged, we will subsidise these vaccinations as soon as I receive the receipts. Our volunteer went up to visit the place today. Many of the dogs and cats are not in good condition, and just today...

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More About Kitty-George
15th Mar 2012, by AnimalCare

Ref: http://myanimalcare.org/2012/03/15/kittygeor ge-is-receiving-medical-treatment-now-wong-choy-fo ongs-dts/ More about Kitty-George from Lydia, who accompanied Choy Foong to the vet’s this afternoon: Kitty has some pretty serious injuries. This is what the xray showed: Left hind leg showed a displaced fracture of the tibia (if I’m not mistaken as the vet did not mention and I’m concluding from my own viewing of the xray) where the bone has broken into several parts and the ...

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Subsidy For Spay-Neuter Of A Male And A Female Cat (Norhayati Abdullah’s)
15th Mar 2012, by AnimalCare

From Norhayati: Dear Dr. Chan, The cat was misscarriage after i bring it back from the vet’s clinic in sri petaling.  It was aboout 3 weeks ago and i am decided to spay it this weekend.  Ms Ho will bring it on my behalf.  There is another stray male cat that always come to my house and i will give it food.  Can i get another allocation to spay it togehter with the female one this weekend? Thank you again Dr. Chan. Best regards, Yati. Norhayati brought the female cat to the vet...

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Subsidy For Spaying Of 2 Female Cats (Ah Fatt’s)
15th Mar 2012, by AnimalCare

We have fully subsidised the spaying of 2 female cats from Ah Fatt, at RM100 per cat.    

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Kitty@George Is Receiving Medical Treatment Now (Wong Choy Foong’s & DT’s)
15th Mar 2012, by AnimalCare

Ref: http://myanimalcare.org/2012/03/14/urgent-fo stererrehomer-needed-for-injured-cat-wong-choy-fon g/ Dear everyone, Many thanks to everyone for sending positive vibes to Kitty, who is now called “George” by Choy Foong. Our grateful thanks also go to DT for offering to take full responsibility for George (in other words, adopting George!) and our volunteers for helping out today. Here’s what happened at the vet’s this afternoon: Hi Kah Yein, I apologize for the late up...

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14th Mar 2012, by SPCA Penang

Registration form for our Animal Communication Preview (see our post on Monday or future events at our website www.spca-penang.net) can be downloaded here http://www.spca-penang.net/spcadox/animal_comm_reg _form.pdf

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14th Mar 2012, by Malaysian Dogs Deserve Better

http://www.malaysiandogsdeservebetter.blogspot.com /2012/03/beyonces-story-shattered-our-hearts.htmlO ur friends from KL Pooch Rescue spotted Beyonce at a shelter and noticed the bad shape she was in. There was also an air of despondency around her. When we saw her picture - our hearts simply broke and we wanted to so badly help this poor dog that had been caught and sent to the shelter by local council dog catchers. When she was first brought to our panel vet - she had a badly infected ey...

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14th Mar 2012, by Malaysian Dogs Deserve Better

The injury on the day of the accidentRemember the puppy that was run don by some students a couple of months ago?http://www.malaysiandogsdeservebetter.blogspot .com/2012/01/injured-puppy.htmlWell, the fellow is doing fine and is currently undergoing treatment for slight mange. He has also received his second vaccination and would be ready for adoption in a week or two. His badly smashed paw has healed well and there is only slight deformation. We would be grateful for adoption, fostering or ...

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Updates On 14th Mar 2012
14th Mar 2012, by SPCA Penang

DUMPED? Being old - is that a good enough reason for an owner to give up on me? Female Alsatian picked up amongst heavy traffic at Weld Quay. She is tame with a mild temperament. It appears she has been abandoned and has not been cared for on a while. Please call us if you know the owner. It is a concern that of late many breed dogs have been abandoned by their owners. Please be responsible pet owners. HAVE A HEART.

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Updates On 14th Mar 2012
14th Mar 2012, by Animal Concerns Research & Education Society (ACRES)

Thank you, Brandon and Han Lin, for your passion and dedication in helping us count donations for ACRES Flag Day!

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Updates On 14th Mar 2012
14th Mar 2012, by Animal Concerns Research & Education Society (ACRES)

We would like to thank everyone who donated on ACRES Flag Day. Thank you for helping us help the animals!

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