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Updates On 9th May 2012
9th May 2012, by SPCA Selangor

Will you give lovely Sashi a home? Breed: Mixed Breed Gender: Female Age: 4 Years Colour: Mixture of Brown & Black Kindly contact SPCA at 03-4256 5312/4253 5179 if you are interested

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Sale Of Live Butterflies
9th May 2012, by Animal Concerns Research & Education Society (ACRES)

A member of public reported about live butterflies being sold in jars at Vivocity. Our rescue team is glad to report that these are electronic butterflies that flutter when the jars are tapped. Thank you Su Wei and friend for keeping vigil to signs of animal cruelty! Please continue to speak up for the voiceless

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Does This Dog Belong To You?
9th May 2012, by MDDB & MCCP Penang

Message from Tajul Arosh Hi,We found this one year old 'juvenile' Rottweiler cross wandering outside my house over the Wesak weekend. It had been wandering around for 2 days in the rain. We took him in to protect him and am now trying to locate the owner. No dog license, only a red collar. The neighborhood area is Island Park bounded by Jln Besi and Jln Tembaga. Please circulate amongst your friends to widen the area of possible contacts. Hopefully someone may recognize the dog and he can b...

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9th May 2012, by Animal Concerns Research & Education Society (ACRES)

We'd love to hear your views about ACRES! Give us your feedback about our efforts at: http://acres.org.sg/support/feedback.html

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Going Green On The Go
9th May 2012, by AnimalCare

My pharmacist introduced me to this raw living vegetarian product and I’ve been taking it for about a week now. It’s REALLY good. If you’d like to eat less meat (or noodles, nasi lemak, roti canai or bread & peanut butter) and opt for a really green and healthy whole meal, you may wish to check this out. I got it for RM144, and it should be available at most pharmacies. http://www.gojuvo.com/products.php Th e product is developed by an oncologist, James Hwang, MD, PhD, and...

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Well, Of Course We Have A Choice! (a Sharing From A Vegan)
9th May 2012, by AnimalCare

Here’s a sharing from a lady by the name of Carole who happened to pick up one of my books, “Do We Have a Choice”: Dear Kah Yein I get a copy of your book from SS18 Medifoods organic shop at Subang Jaya.  I wish  to know how to donate towards printing more books for free distribution. I like the contents of your book. I decided to be a vegan after readings enough books about the reality of food with relate to health 8 years ago.  It was not an easy decision to be vegan, yet ...

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Baggy Takes Over Pole’s Condo, And Eats Like A …….!!
8th May 2012, by AnimalCare

 Baggy’s appetite has been exceptionally good.    Today, I managed to witness a golden moment where I saw for myself…Baggy poo-ing!  Covering up the evidence.  Baggy has also taken over Pole’s condo.  Pole’s been sitting on the shelves in the garden since she has no more condo now….  See?  This is during a game with Tabs. If Baggy gets into her Holey Box, she’s safe. No one can touch her.  Yes, those are the rules!  Poor Pole…she&...

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Catfood For Maslinda’s Cats
8th May 2012, by AnimalCare

We have sponsored RM60 worth of canned catfood (Kucinta brand, as requested by Maslinda) for her cat colony, from our Food Fund.  24 cans  Maslinda dropped in for a visit today. I also had three litter boxes for Maslinda’s cats as I’ve changed my cats’ litter boxes to higher ones.  Greetings to the boss first.  Of course Tabs is always the perfect hostess.    Animals just know instinctively if a human loves animals, don’t they? You can never fool an animal...

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Spaying And Vaccination Subsidy For 1 Female Cat (Nor Hayati Abdullah’s)
8th May 2012, by AnimalCare

We have subsidised RM100 for the spaying and RM20 for the vaccination of a female cat rescued by Nor Hayati Abdullah.      

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Updates On 8th May 2012
8th May 2012, by SPCA Selangor

Absolutely adorable puppies up for adoption!! Hi folks! Could you help find these lovely puppies a home? Please share this page with your friends would might be interested. They are currently fostered in Melaka but arrangements can be made if adopters are outside of Melaka. We believed that they are mongrel-mix. Kindly contact the numbers below for more details.

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8th May 2012, by Animal Concerns Research & Education Society (ACRES)

ACRES Achievements 2012! Thanks to your fantastic support for ACRES, here’s what we achieved for the animals in our last Financial Year (1 April 2011 – 31 March 2012): • We held 242 talks and/or roadshows, reaching out to over 46,000 people about animal protection. • Students are now more interested in animal welfare and we helped 67 groups of students with their animal protection projects. • Our efforts were featured in 235 media articles and/or reports, reaching out to millions of...

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8th May 2012, by The Great Animal Rescue Chase

Brave stranger in black boots rescues neglected dog. http://www.care2.com/causes/brave-stranger-in-bl ack-boots-rescues-neglected-dog.html

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Shocking Truths About What Is Going On In Sarawak
8th May 2012, by SPCA Sarawak

These are based on reports by people we know personally, encountered in our job at the shelter or witnessed with our own eyes. 1. Female animals, usually dogs, being killed in barbaric ways by so-called animal lovers who think that's the best way to control the population of strays. These include being drowned in sacks thrown into drains, lakes or rivers and also smashed onto the floor as newborn puppies since the gender for dogs is obvious from birth. 2. Animals being allowed outside uns...

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Mother-Dog And Puppies For Adoption (Edward Lee’s)
8th May 2012, by AnimalCare

Ref: http://myanimalcare.org/2012/04/27/the-6-pup pies-and-mum-are-safe-and-sound-edward-lees/ The puppies are now old enough to be adopted. An adopter has been found for 3 of the puppies so Edward needs to find adopters for 3 more.  The mother-dog also needs to be adopted. She has lost her right rear paw. If you are interested in adopting the puppies and/or the mother-dog, please contact Edward Lee directly at eduardo.lee@gmail.com. We are really hoping that someone would be willing to take ...

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Urgent: Prayers For Blackey (Sha’s)
8th May 2012, by AnimalCare

UPDATES at 8.19pm – Blackey has just passed on to Rainbow Bridge. We convey our deepest condolences to Sha. I have just got off the phone with Sha and of course, we are all in shock because just last week, the vet sent photos of Blackey to Sha and Blackey was improving. This sudden turn is due to the old operated wound. Animals know when to let go when conditions are no longer favourable in this existence. Blackey is in a better place now, free from pain and suffering. We share Sha’s...

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Photo Feature
8th May 2012, by PetFinder.my

WAGATHON this Sunday (May 13) at 1Utama Central Park, 7am-12pm! Bring your beloved doggy and family to join in the fun activities, performances and more in support of (MNAWF) Malaysian National Animal Welfare Foundation. Bring your mom along too.. a great way to start off Mother's Day with a fun family outing!

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Nikita Looking For A New Home
8th May 2012, by Langkawi Animal Shelter & Sanctuary Foundation

Nikita is a survivor. Yet another victim of reckless driving, she was saved by Sonia’s family but she is now paralyzed from her hips down. Here’s her story. Please help us look for a new home for Nikita. Hi my name is Nikita. I am a female dog. I have tiny eyes and I have black patches and white fur on my body. How was I found? Good question. Now the story starts . When I was trying to cross the road somewhere near Puchong area, some car KNOCKED me to the side of the road. Then a lov...

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Meant To Be Free (Tinsel Escapes, Over A 9-Foot Wall!)
8th May 2012, by AnimalCare

Tinsel’s story started on the day Terry’s friend rescued him 3 years ago, from behind the tyre of a reversing car. He was then a tiny little kitten. From Terry, he went to three different homes, and finally, Tinsel came back to Terry. Ref: http://myanimalcare.org/2012/04/02/ti nsel-cat-for-adoption-terry-saws/ But Terry could not adopt Tinsel as his brother is allergic to cats and Terry travels in his work, so Terry was contemplating releasing Tinsel in his neighbourhood so that he ...

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Updates On 8th May 2012
8th May 2012, by Animal Concerns Research & Education Society (ACRES)

It's been a year since we said goodbye. Thank you, Edith, for all that you did for ACRES and the animals. You are missed very much.

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Baggy Wants To Play!
7th May 2012, by AnimalCare

This evening, it seemed to be siesta time for everyone…    Well, not everyone….because Baggy was wide awake and looking bored.  She went out to the pantry and started playing with a fly.  Then, she got bored…  Isn’t there anyone who is awake?  Bunny  Cow  Tiger, Indy, Cleo, Pole. Yups, everyone’s either asleep or doing their own thing.  So Baggy goes back to hunt for the fly.    Soon, she decides to join the fray.  Tabs awakens…...

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