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Updates On 10th Jul 2012
10th Jul 2012, by Animal Concerns Research & Education Society (ACRES)

Kids creating posters on the illegal pet trade! Classic Moment: In response to a teacher's comment that we musn't buy wild animals, we can only buy dogs and cats, one little boy declares, "No, 'Cher! you shouldn't buy dogs or cats, you must always adopt!" Made our day :)

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Moiselle, Thai Boy And Floppy Looking For Loving Homes
10th Jul 2012, by Langkawi Animal Shelter & Sanctuary Foundation

Thai Boy, Floppy and Moiselle share a room and yard at LASSie. They’re all very different but get along great. Their personalities complement each other’s perfectly and they can often be heard playing in their room. Thai Boy is a tall, lean, athletic male. He loves playing with his roommates and making new friends. He’s active and loves exercise but he’s also very intelligent and easily learns commands. Floppy is the pretty poster boy of their room. He is usually very cal...

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Updates On 10th Jul 2012
10th Jul 2012, by SPCA Sarawak

Calling out for volunteers who can commit regularly to helping out with cleaning and feeding at the shelter. The experience gained will be very useful when dealing with your own pets and helping weak / sick animals outside.

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SPCA Selangor Statement On FlyFM Incident
9th Jul 2012, by SPCA Selangor

SPCA Selangor is writing in response to the radio interview broadcast over FlyFM on Tuesday, 3rd July and FlyFM's apology and explanation on its Facebook page on Wednesday, 4th July, in relation to the response of two of the announcers, Phat Fabes and Ben, to a caller who disclosed that she had run over a cat on the road.We thank FlyFM for its considered response published on its Facebook page, but regret that the apology was for having upset the station's listeners, as opposed to an a...

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Kucing Sarat & Hernia Di Sabah (Sharul)
9th Jul 2012, by SCRATCH

Email yang kami terima daripada Sharul di Sabah : Jumaat, 6 Julai 2012 - 9.38pmPerlukan bantuan dana untuk seekor kucing yang kandungan nya mati di dalam perut. Assalammualaikum Tuan,Puan . . .saya merujuk kepada perkara di atas ining memohon subsidi dari pihak tuan,puan untuk membiayai kos perubatan kucing tersebut . . . apa yang boleh saya lakukan untuk mendapat kan dana dari pihak anda ? sekiranya pihak tuan,puan memerlukan bahan bukti dan sebarang info dari saya. . . saya sedia...

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Puppy For Adoption (Chee Pooi Ling’s)
9th Jul 2012, by AnimalCare

From: Pooi Ling <plchee@gmail.com> Date: Mon, Jul 9, 2012 at 9:22 PM Subject: Pup for adoption To: Chan Kah Yein <chankahyein@gmail.com> Hi doc, I spotted a pup that has been taking shelter right beside a mosque in a housing area dominated by Malays. I am worried abt the pup as I am not able to take her in due to certain constraints. (3 dogs on my own, parent not approving and neighbour starts to hint abt my dogs) I have asked ard whether anyone would be interested to adopt her amo...

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Collar Off, And The Hunger Strike Is Also Off!
9th Jul 2012, by AnimalCare

I was right about the e-collar. Cow hates it and he was protesting against it by going on that hunger strike. Despite me taking off the collar during mealtimes, he still refused to eat. This evening, Cow knew the collar was “officially off”, so after a major 45-minute self-grooming session, Cow decided to join the rest for a meal….  For the first time in 4 days, he trotted out by himself when he heard the rest eating.  This is truly a sight for sore eyes. Cow is eating!! ...

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Ongoing Dogfood Fundraising For Meiji’s 139 Dogs; No Deadlines Anymore
9th Jul 2012, by AnimalCare

I spoke with Meiji today and she says she needs 2 bags of food per day for all her dogs. Previously, we had been doing our “massive” fundraising every 2 months, collecting about RM8000 each time and purchasing dogfood in bulk for her. Then, we had to source for a lorry to transport the food up. The lorry could only unload the dogfood at the foothills and Meiji would then have to make about 8 trips up and down the hill to ferry the food up to her sanctuary. In the previous batch of fo...

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Cow Goes On A Hunger Strike….
9th Jul 2012, by AnimalCare

But it’s not Gandhi-styled, it’s a protest on what is happening to him. He refused to eat this morning. He refused to eat this afternoon and by 3pm, all I could manage to get him to eat were 3 pieces of kibble. He also refused to drink water, spitting out whatever I syringed into his mouth. He just wanted to face the wall and sulk or sit on the grass. At 4.30pm, we went to the vet’s, despite the heavy rain. I asked the vet if we should remove the e-collar as that seemed to be m...

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Photo Feature
9th Jul 2012, by PetFinder.my

Pet Carnavale at Jaya One on July 14th, 10am-5pm! Organized by IACT College, this is a fun-filled event with pet adoptions & talks by SPCA Selangor, colouring competition, face painting, acoustic performances, games & more! Bring your family & kids along for an exciting day in support of animal welfare. Please click on poster for more info.

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What To Do If You Lose Your Pet
9th Jul 2012, by SPCA Singapore

Losing a pet is a very distressing event so here's a helpful list of things you need to do to get him/her back asap!1.    Call SPCA at 6287 5355 ext 25 and the AVA to make a lost report.2.    If your pet is registered with Pet-Call, notify them at http://www.petcall.org/notifylostpet.asp.3.    Put up notices around the location your pet was last seen.4.    Place an advertisement with The Straits Times’ Classifieds section by calling 1-800-289-9988.5.    Post notices on webs...

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Transport Help Needed On Saturday (14th July) For 3 Dogs From KL To Ipoh (Sharol Lee’s)
9th Jul 2012, by AnimalCare

We received this on 29th June 2012: From: Lee, Sharol <lsharol@talisman-energy.com> Date: Fri, Jun 29, 2012 at 11:18 AM Subject: DOGS AND PUPPIES To: chankahyein@gmail.com Good Morning Kah Yein I have recently found 5 dogs and 7 puppies being abandoned by the property developer. These dogs used to be the watchdogs for this developer when the condo nearby was under construction. Now the building is completed and dogs had served their purpose.  In return, the developer abondoned them all...

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Jangan Putus Asa Merawat SPORO
9th Jul 2012, by SCRATCH

Tak semua vet mampu merawat SPOROTRICHISIS (Sporo) kerana penyakit ini memerlukan kos rawatan yang agak mahal dan tempoh rawatan yang menelan masa berbulan-bulan. Walau bagaimanapun, ada rescuer dan pemilik kucing yang tidak mahu berputus asa. Contohnya, pemilik si BULAN ini, yang sabar merawat kucingnya sendiri. BULAN bukan setakat mengidap Sporo, tetapi disahkan FIV positif yang menyebabkan lukanya lambat dan sukar sembuh. Ini gambar BULAN ketika rawatan yang mengambil masa 10 bulan. ...

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Update On PATCHES (Alex Kam)
9th Jul 2012, by SCRATCH

Email yang diterima dari saudari Alex Kam mengenai PATCHES dalam jagaannya : Rabu, 4 Julai 2012 - 9.26pmHello,Some updates on Patches, she was at her second acupuncture session today. I told Dr Susanna that I noticed her left hind leg was thicker than her right one when I was doing her daily physio massage, and that it was very tensed. When Dr Susanna checked, she pointed out that Patch's knee joint seems swollen. I rushed Patches to the vet's after that and the vet confirmed it was an...

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Subsidi Pemandulan Di KKS - 7 Julai 2012
9th Jul 2012, by SCRATCH

5 ekor kucing telah didaftarkan untuk dimandulkan di Klinik Kembiri Setapak. Kucing-kucing jalanan yang didaftarkan ini terdiri daripada 3 ekor betina dan 2 ekor jantan.1) Fatin Nabilah Abdul Malik - 1 jantan Fatin Nabilah2) Nor Aqilah Mohamad Alias - 1 jantan + 1 betinaAqilah AliasKucing-kucing yang di bawa oleh Aqilah diberikan rawatan tambahan kerana jangkitan telinga (earmites) dan kurap. 3) Dewi Rohani Mashita Bt Mustamam - 1 jantan + 1 betinaDewi menghadapi sedikit masalah menghantar...

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Update On OTIS (Latifah)
9th Jul 2012, by SCRATCH

Gambar ini kami terima pagi ini dari salah seorang SCRATCH-er yang melawat OTIS di klinik haiwan yang merawatnya. Menurut Dr Emi, luka OTIS dan mengering berbanding sebelumnya dan OTIS menunjukkan tindak balas positif pada ubat dan rawatan yang diterima. Semoga OTIS cepat sembuh dan bebas Sporo dalam masa terdekat. OTIS akan di adopt oleh Azie Damiri sebagai ahli keluarga baru di rumahnya. Alhamdulillah :)

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Updates On 9th Jul 2012
9th Jul 2012, by SPCA Selangor

We urgently need fosterers!! Will you be able to foster these lovely puppies just for the weekdays? SPCA received an abundance of puppies over the weekends and we do not want to risk them falling sick in our shelter :( Please pass the message around and call SPCA Shelter at 03-4256 5312 for more enquiries.

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Henry And The Sausages Looking For A Place To Call Home
9th Jul 2012, by Langkawi Animal Shelter & Sanctuary Foundation

No, Henry and The Sausages is not the name of a new Langkawi-based culinary cartoon. Henry, Nako, Ayumi and Kecik are four cute, healthy doggies now looking for a place to call home. Got some love to spare? Come and meet them!  The Sausages are three short stout sausagey looking ladies who live with the lean and long-legged Henry. Ayumi, Nako, and Kecik were beloved housepets but their humans had to leave them under the care of LASSie after the owner of the land their home was built on, thr...

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Fosterer Needed For Xiao Huang (Serene Tan Yiwah’s)
9th Jul 2012, by AnimalCare

Ref: http://myanimalcare.org/2012/07/08/xiao-huan g-hit-and-run-victim-from-johor-serene-tan-yiwahs/ From: Serene Yiwah <t.yiwah@gmail.com> Date: Sun, Jul 8, 2012 at 11:48 PM Subject: Re: Xiao Huang To: KTAJ FB <ktaj0311@gmail.com>, Chan Kah Yein <chankahyein@gmail.com> Cc: “PetFinder.my Team” <enquiry@petfinder.my>, “H.O.P.E” <hopes_jb@live.com.my> Dear Nerq & Dr Chan, Xiao Huang is still in the vet clinic. He’s a brave bo...

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Updates On 9th Jul 2012
9th Jul 2012, by Animal Concerns Research & Education Society (ACRES)

There's no better time to stop and smell the flowers - except when you're unloading an animal carrier filled with python secretions. Reticulated pythons have a tendency to secrete a nasty liquid to repel their enemy and make a run/slither for it. Luckily, the rescue team has a row of Jasmine shrubs, now in full bloom, back at the ACRES Wildlife Rescue Centre to comfort their sense of smell. [Photo extracted from internet due to lack of light for our own photography at 2.05am- happy hour...

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