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Updates On 8th Sep 2012
8th Sep 2012, by The Great Animal Rescue Chase

$250,000 for a Click? The Harmony Fund is now in the running for a grant through Chase Community Giving. Will you cast a vote for us now? Our profile page is sadly still blank due to technical delays with the contest organizers, but we need you. On behalf of all 25 animal rescue squads who will receive additional support from this Harmony Fund win, we thank you. https://www.facebook.com/ChaseCommunityGiving/app_ 162065369655?app_data=ein|27-1293736

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Updates On 8th Sep 2012
8th Sep 2012, by PetFinder.my

Want to know the secret to giving your feline friend bright eyes and a shinny coat? Join the Si Comel Sihat Meownawan Contest to find out. You also stand a chance to win a cat condo for your lovely cat. Hurry, log on to the Whiskas FB page for details: http://www.facebook.com/whiskasmalaysia/ app_392740734113116

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Le Viva 2012 Pet Charity Event (8th & 9th September)
7th Sep 2012, by AnimalCare

Hi everyone, We will be opening a booth at this event tomorrow and on Sunday. Do drop in and get our tshirts and free books. My latest book, Here for a Reason, will be distributed at this event. See you there!

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Sep 7, 2012 2:02am
7th Sep 2012, by SPCA Singapore

The weather has been hot and you can see animals hiding from the sun and chilling in the shady comfort of our estates. On the 25th of August we received a call Blk 484D Choa Chu Kang about a tabby that thought it would be a good idea to sit himself on an air condition compressor three storeys up and just enjoy the breeze. Little does he know that it is easy to go up there but harrowing to get down again. Our officers managed to get him off the compressor and released him nearby. Watch this video...

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Updates On 7th Sep 2012
7th Sep 2012, by SPCA Singapore

Row Roohhh!! Farrah is such a silly little cutie. She simply loves her belly rubs and she loves them so much that she plops herself on the floor, ears pinned back and enjoys it. You can see here she is so fond of bellyrubs that her eyes are dilated and she wears the grin from ear to ear. Every animals have their little quirks and likes, so the question this T.G.I.Friday is: What are the silly little oddball quirks that your pet has?

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Bobby’s Ashes Are Back Home Now
7th Sep 2012, by AnimalCare

Pet Memorial Services brought Bobby’s ashes back to us this morning. Scattering the ashes at sea is the normal practice, but for Bobby, we think we ‘d prefer to bury his ashes scattered in our back garden. Bobby has always been so close to us and the cats. By interring his ashes in our back garden, at least he will still be home, in a symbolic way. He would still be near us and be with his cat friends.   So, we will inter his ashes here. Whenever the cats lounged at the Clubhouse...

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Updates On 7th Sep 2012
7th Sep 2012, by SPCA Singapore

Woo hoo! It's that wonderful time of the year again when we celebrate WORLD ANIMAL DAY. Started in Florence Italy in 1931, World Animal Day has since expanded its focus from its original intent of bringing attention to endangered animals. The day is now set aside as a time to reflect on all of the animals we share this world with and to commemorate that special relationship. In sunny Singapore, we will be holding a fun-filled carnival on the Date: 30 September (Sunday) Time: 10.30am-6pm ...

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Spaying Subsidy For 1 Female Cat, Ginger (Christine Lee Oi Peng’s)
7th Sep 2012, by AnimalCare

We have subsidised RM100 for the spaying of the female cat, Ginger. Christine has not got the male cats done yet. From: Lee Christine Date: Tue, Aug 7, 2012 at 8:48 AM Subject: Neutering sponsorship To: Chan Kah Yein <chankahyein@gmail.com> Dear Dr Chan,

I would like to neuter 3 cats living in my backyard, Ginger (mother), Caramel and Checkers, her offsprings. Ginger is a female cat and has had 3 litters. Each time not all her kittens survived. The survivors from the first batch, So...

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Noah's Ark Private Tour - 22nd September
7th Sep 2012, by Noah's Ark CARES

Dear Friends of Noah's Ark,Noah's Ark is pleased to announce the next private tour! Before you get confused, private tour date is for when visitors hire their own minivans or self drive their on vehicles into the sanctuary. On the other hand, public tour dates are done 3-4 times a year and we will hire tour coaches on that occasion. This visit will be on: 22 September 2012, Saturday, 2.30-5.30pmWrite to us at noahsarkcares@gmail.com if you are interested to visit the sanctuary on this day with y...

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Updates On 7th Sep 2012
7th Sep 2012, by The Great Animal Rescue Chase

Cat cooking in 110 degree heat wraps his paws around rescuer. Read here http://www.care2.com/causes/kitty-cooking-in-110-d egree-heat-wraps-paws-around-hero.html

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More Gerbils Adopted! (Dr Veeranoot Nissapatorn’s)
7th Sep 2012, by AnimalCare

In March this year, we published gerbils for adoption from the laboratories in University Malaya. Dr Veeranoot Nissapatorn, a lecturer in its Medical Faculty, felt sorry for the many, many gerbils that would be euthanised when there are no longer useful for the laboratories, so we took a long shot and publicised them for adoption. Every little life saved is still a precious life saved, no matter how small. http://myanimalcare.org/2012/03/27/would-yo u-like-to-adopt-some-gerbils-and-save-them-fro...

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7th Sep 2012, by SCRATCH

Ini email yang kami terima dari Sabrina : Selasa, 21 Ogos 2012 - 6.28pmKucing ni dijumpai saya di Blok 4, Rumah pangsa Taman Sri Serdang, Seri Kembangan di belakang Maybank Sri Serdang. Kucing tersebut telah tempang kaki kanannya kerana mempunyai 3 luka baru yg agak dlm sehhingakan saya ternampak tulang kakinya. 1 lagi di bwh lehernya. ia dtg btl2 dpn rumah saya utk meminta bantuan. saya telah beri makanan & minuman kpd kucing tersebut namun ia masih meraung kesakitan. teringin membantu...

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GINGER (Pn Yahasmida Yaacob)
6th Sep 2012, by SCRATCH

Kisah GINGER telah kami siarkan dahulu di SINI. Penghantar email ini, iaitu Adik Nur Irdina Afiqah Sabri sebenarnya berumur 11 tahun dan telah menulis email kepada kami bagi pihak ibunya, Puan Yahasmida Yaacob. Ginger semasa ditemuiIni gambar terbaru GINGER yang dikirimkan oleh adik Irdina selepas GINGER menjalani rawatan. Ginger selepas rawatan Team Coordinator kami telah menghubungi Doktor yang merawat dan Doktor mengesahkan GINGER terpaksa menjalani pembedahan membetulkan rahangnya ...

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Tiger Misses Bobby
6th Sep 2012, by AnimalCare

All evening, Tiger was mewing for Bobby. It was not his usual mewing sound. This was different and we understood. Tiger was looking for Bobby. Flashback:  Tiger usually spent the evenings with Bobby.  The big cats (Cow, Bunny & Tiger) always accompanied Bobby. But this evening, Tiger could not find Bobby…. So he mewed at the grille and he would not stop until we came into the room to talk to him.  Bobby is not here anymore, Tiger.  Bobby has gone to a better place and he is not...

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KIMI Si Kucing Oren (Siti Aishah Norzalina Mohd Suhaimi)
6th Sep 2012, by SCRATCH

Email yang kami terima dari Aishah: Rabu, 29 Ogos 2012 - 10.43amAssalam rakan2 di KTAJ,Suami sy jumpa seekor kucing berhampiran masjid Sri Rampai pd 17/8/2012 yg lalu.Kucing tersebut mengalami luka besar di bahagian tepi perut. Waktu dijumpai luka tersebut mengeluarkan nanah setiap kali dia bernafas.Kami segera membawa dia ke vet di melawati memandangkan itu shj vet yg paling hampir dan yg kami tahu.Sesampai nye di klinik, doktor terpaksa cukur bahagian yg luka dan mendapati kulit bahagian ats...

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DONATE 2 BAGS Of DOG FOOD RM99 捐赠2包狗粮现只需RM99
6th Sep 2012, by Homeless & Orphan Pets Exist (HOPE)

给流浪动物们温饱的一餐吧 我们在此非常高兴的宣布 希望护生园收容所 荣幸获得 BRIT ( 高素质捷克宠物食粮制造商) 和 Xpet (分销商) 的大力支持,推出一项惊人的狗粮捐 计划,而希望护生园正是此计划中荣 受益的团体! 我们万分感谢他们的支持。 收容所的流浪动物们相信现在也兴奋 比,因为这项计划将会让他们大饱口 。收容了超过700++只的流浪动物,收 所一天...

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JACK SPARROW (Rahimah Hj Ibrahim)
6th Sep 2012, by SCRATCH

Email yang diterima dari Rahimah : Selasa, 7 Ogos 2012 - 2.31pmAssalamualaikum wbt,Dear KTAJ,Sy dengan ini memohon jasa baik pihak KTAJ membantu dari segi kos perubatan Jack Sparrow yang sy jumpa di kedai mamak di Taman Koperasi Polis Gombak pada Jumaat lepas bersamaan 2/8/2012 dalam keadaan yang sungguh menghibakan mengesot hanya menggunakan tangan. Sekarang Jack berada di bawah jagaan Mira Ahmad sb sy x boleh bw dia ke Gasing Vet. Jadi minta tolong Mira Ahmad. Mira baru communicate ...

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Second Life Of Hei Hei 苦难重生后的毛孩黑黑
6th Sep 2012, by Homeless & Orphan Pets Exist (HOPE)

16/07/2012-苦难重生后的毛孩黑黑 - 他用生命守护你 而你无情的弃养他 他被无人性冷酷的饲主弃养,就把他 出门外让他自身自灭!!! 他被抛弃后又遭遇其他流浪狗的攻击 当时伤口非常严重,耳朵那里的肉烂 很严重开始生浓生虫,眼睛一个被咬 伤了,他也残遭遇恶人丢了一个炮竹 伤喉咙… 他虽然受了重伤,但他依然还是每天 主人家门口等侯,但他的主人始终不 ...

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Rabbits For Adoption (Ang Lee Ling’s)
6th Sep 2012, by AnimalCare

From: Lee Ling <leeling110@gmail.com> Date: Thu, Sep 6, 2012 at 6:51 PM Subject: rabbits would like to offer for adopt To: chankahyein@gmail.com Dear Dr Chan Kah Yein,

Hello, How are you sis. Here my brother have rabbits would like to offer for adoption do you know anyone / contact who like to rear rabbit ? 2 female rabbit with dark brown colour, about 2 years+ 1 male rabbit with yellow brown colour, about 2 years+ 2 QQ baby rabbit, about 1 weeks+ with metta lee ling 012-317 3717 ...

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E-Poll | Your Say | REACH
6th Sep 2012, by SPCA Singapore

Animal Welfare Legislation Review Committee (AWLRC) Consultation on Strengthening Singapore’s Animal Welfare Legislation If you, like the SPCA, believe Singapore needs to strengthen legislation for animal welfare for our animals, we encourage you to give your views and opinions to the E-Consultation found in https://www.reach.gov.sg/YourSay/EPoll/tabid/104/D efault.aspx?ssFormAction=[[ssEPoll]]&pid=[[30]] . Your input can shape improved legislation for better protection against animal abu...

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