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Updates On 3rd Oct 2012
3rd Oct 2012, by SPCA Singapore

In conjunction with World Animal Day, we have an exciting fundraiser by The Body Shop. THe best part is that you can get your furry canine pal involved. Please do show your support : )

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By Getting A Pair Of Animals Neutered, This Is How Much Good You Will Do
2nd Oct 2012, by AnimalCare

Take a look at the astounding figures! These calculations are based on a pair of cats producing only 2 litters a year with 2.8 surviving kittens per litter. Yes folks, you would have prevented 2000 unwanted births in just 4 years – and more than 2 million in 8 years!! So, let’s get out there and CNRM!!

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Updates On 2nd Oct 2012
2nd Oct 2012, by SPCA Seberang Perai

Please help to give these 3 Charlie's Angels a 2nd chance. A caring home is just all they need. Please help & share~

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Updates On 2nd Oct 2012
2nd Oct 2012, by SPCA Seberang Perai

[From Mummy Wan] .. saw a stray dog limping with a realy big cut near his leg that his intestine/stomach is almost VISIBLE @ parking lot Pulau Tikus market this morning.. pls help.. _________________________________ Can someone please help this dog?

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Another Three Feline Visitors
2nd Oct 2012, by AnimalCare

Besides Mr G and the latest visitor, Bosco, we also have two regulars. They are Rosie the Calico and Ginger the ginger-cat. Both are quite well-mannered and do not make demands. Ginger is the most well-mannered of all them as she would just sit on our pillar and enjoy the scenery. Both are not here for the food, but just for the company. Rosie is one of our community cats as her ear is already notched. This is Rosie…  She does try to come into the house every now and then, but unlike Bos...

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希望护生园狗狗-爱心摄影比赛-H.O.P.E Animal Care Dog Photography Competition
2nd Oct 2012, by Homeless & Orphan Pets Exist (HOPE)

热烘烘的爱心作品出炉咯,大家赶快 去相册里为参赛者按“赞”投下您神 的一票,请在10月5号晚上9点30分之前 投下您的爱心之票! 我们将在10月7号的狗狗冲凉活动上颁 奖品给胜出的朋友们。 参赛作品在面子书获得最多“赞”的 会获得以下奖品: 冠军-神秘礼物+奖状, 亚军-神秘礼物+奖状, 季军-神秘礼物+奖状, 安慰奖3份-神秘礼物 Fresh from the oven! Browse through the p...

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Updates On 2nd Oct 2012
2nd Oct 2012, by PetFinder.my

Introducing an alien, oops.. we mean kitten, ET! This cute and active Ginger kitty boy is ready for a permanent home. Doesn't his big ears make him look like ET? =) Check out lil ET's profile for more info & pics: http://www.petfinder.my/pets/35036/

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Indy’s World
2nd Oct 2012, by AnimalCare

Ever since Indy fell terribly ill last year, where no vet could diagnose what was wrong with him, where I rushed him for acupuncture, camped with him in the clinic when he was on drips and his life hung by a thread, took him every day for his antibiotic injections because he could not take it orally, Indy had become very attached to me. When Indy was first rescued from the drain four years ago, his life also hung by a thread and the vet thought he wouldn’t have made it. Anyway, all these e...

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Adoption Spotlight
2nd Oct 2012, by SPCA Singapore

Unlike his Flintstone's namesake, 9mo cross-breed Bam Bam is quiet and well-mannered. He absolutely loves being petted and will return the affection with nuzzles and soulful looks. He is honestly such a sweet dog. Even though he's slim and not huge, sadly, he will not be allowed in a HDB residence. Please come down and give this lovely doggy a forever home today! Check out all our other pooches here http://www.spca.org.sg/gallerydog1.html.

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Welcome To Singapore SPCA Online
2nd Oct 2012, by SPCA Singapore

*Be a part of two exciting fundraisers in support of the SPCA and World Animal Day. Learn the ropes on how to create ceramics OR spend a ‘Meatless Monday’ evening with Pure Yoga OR both : ) For more details, please visit http://www.spca.org.sg/Fundraisers.html

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It Must Be The Hot Weather….?
2nd Oct 2012, by AnimalCare

Fights have been breaking out in cat territory lately… Ever since Bobby passed away, Bunny has been occasionally terrorising Tabs and Tiger. Poor Tabs has got it the worst because she is so scared of the big bully. Tiger, well, he is Gandhi and after living together for 6 years, he has more or less figured out a way to deal with Bunny’s aggression – just close your eyes real tight and it will all go away sooner or later, never fight back, because “an eye for an eye makes ...

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Updates On Pak Din And His Dogs
2nd Oct 2012, by AnimalCare

Chew sent the following updates on Pak Din, after a visit in mid-August: I paid a visit to Pak Din to find out how he’s doing and also to give him some “Duit Raya” (courtesy of the donors) in view of the festive season. Pak Din has been suffering from diabetes and is under treatment. However recently his blood sugar was found to be very low and the doctor has advised him to take care of his diet. The clinic also advised him to purchase a blood sugar monitoring device which I ha...

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Puppies For Adoption (Lillian Yang’s)
2nd Oct 2012, by AnimalCare

If interested, please contact Lillian at her email below: From: Lillian Yang <lillianspyang@yahoo.com> Date: Tue, Oct 2, 2012 at 12:44 PM Subject: Puppies needing homes To: Chan Kah Yein <chankahyein@gmail.com> Dear Dr Chan You helped me find a loving home for a couple of small puppies that my daughter found at work (picture on your blog of a happy family with the pups) and I’m hoping that it will happen again. The pictures attached are of a couple of stray puppies in Jalan D...

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Join Us At Our Annual Terrapin Release Event!
2nd Oct 2012, by Turtle Conservation Society of Malaysia

The time has come for our Annual Terrapin Release event! In about 2 weeks’ time, we will be releasing more than 400 five-month-old river terrapins into the Kemaman River. These river terrapins are the results of this year’s conservation project, where more than 1,400 river terrapin eggs were secured for incubation, and 975 terrapin hatchlings were hatched. You may read more about this year’s project here. As always, we would like to invite all our TCS friends, supporters and d...

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Pedigree Free Sample Redemption | PetFinder.my
2nd Oct 2012, by PetFinder.my

Doggy owners, grab your FREE Pedigree Sample Pack now! Pedigree strives to help your dog achieve 5 Signs of Good Health - Shiny coat, strong teeth, strong muscles, firm stools and a cheerful and active dog in 6 weeks. Give it a try now, while stocks last! Just fill in the form and Pedigree will deliver the free sample right to your doorstep.

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Neutering Sponsorship For 1 Male Cat (Yap Siew Hwa’s)
2nd Oct 2012, by AnimalCare

Yap Siew Hwa (Mrs Lim) owns a launderette in USJ and she has been getting many of the street dogs and cats neutered. The latest is a male cat and we have fully sponsored RM100 for the procedure.

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2nd Oct 2012, by WWF Malaysia

Join IGEM on www.facebook.com/IGEMplus and be informed of the latest green technology development. Participate in the “Share Your Love For Green Technology” weekly draw and stand a chance to win fabulous Green Prizes! *Visit the WWF-Malaysia booth at IGEM

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Animal Day @ 313
2nd Oct 2012, by Animal Concerns Research & Education Society (ACRES)

Come by to 313 this Sunday as ACRES joins Thunder Rock School for their World Animal Day event! We're working with The Sam Willows and KINGS SG to get the word out about animals, so do check out these amazing bands if you haven't already. See you there! :)

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Lala, The Pet Penguin!
2nd Oct 2012, by AnimalCare

This 10-year-old King Penguin was rescued from a fisherman’s line and refused to leave after he was healed. He was adopted by a family in a small town in Japan and became a beloved pet who has his own personal air-conditioned cold room. Lala is so smart – he walks to the fish store with his little backpack to shop for fresh fish every day. http://www.flixxy.com/pet-penguin-goes-shoppi ng.htm

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Updates On 2nd Oct 2012
2nd Oct 2012, by The Great Animal Rescue Chase

Wow. What a beautiful way to honor our pets and a great holiday gift idea! Customized pendants with your pet's photo Have a look https://www.facebook.com/PawsAndWingsArtBoutiqueBy Oephebia

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