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Bosco Fought The Good Fight And Is Now At Rainbow Bridge
23rd Oct 2012, by AnimalCare

Dear Friends, My brave little Bosco passed away at about 6.45pm this evening. He fought the good fight and I am extremely proud of him. I wish to thank all of you for cheering him on throughout these past few days, for standing by us and giving us all your support and kind wishes. In all my experience thus far, I have not seen any other cat who was as strong and brave as Bosco. He has taught me so much in these past few days about acceptance, endurance, strength and serenity. Here is Bosco’...

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Updates On 23rd Oct 2012
23rd Oct 2012, by The Great Animal Rescue Chase

Vegan Hip Hop Artist IFEEL. Gotta love this man! http://www.care2.com/causes/vegan-hip-hop-artist-p roves-its-macho-to-love-animals.html

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R.I.P We'll Always Miss You Ah Bek 安息吧 我们永远怀念您Ah Bek
23rd Oct 2012, by Homeless & Orphan Pets Exist (HOPE)

希望护生园的元老级老狗Ah Bek于今天下午在收容所内安详离世... 我们祝愿他在彩虹桥的另一端快乐的 着。 Ah Bek用他的坚强在希望护生园走完了他 一生.R.I.P我们永远怀念您… HOPE’s veteran elderly dog Ah Bek had passed away peacefully in our shelter on today’s noon... Let’s send our last wishes for him to run freely an happily on the rainbow bridge… Ah Bek uses his best toughness to finish the last step of his life in HO...

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Adoption Spotlight
23rd Oct 2012, by SPCA Singapore

What do I see? Lots of animals looking for love. In my 7 years on the street, I managed to keep my nose clean and my (rather big) belly full. Then one day I got into an accident and my tail got a bit banged up. So someone called the SPCA, they came, took me in, patched me up and though I'm kinda old for a cat, they thought I was so lovely, they decided to keep me and find me a permanent home. So here I am waiting for my special human to come along. Even if you aren't the one, please help me by t...

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Updates On 23rd Oct 2012
23rd Oct 2012, by PetFinder.my

LILO THE CUTIE.. Rescued at the roadside in Klang with her mommy missing. This lovely angel is sweet, cute, playful, friendly and easy to train. Great with kids and other dogs. Let's give this cutie a forever home. Check out Lilo's PetFinder.my profile at: http://www.petfinder.my/pets/36446/

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Photo Feature
23rd Oct 2012, by SPCA Selangor

I am not an UNTIL... dog. I need you to commit to 12-15 years of my life. If you can't commit, DON'T GET A PET :)

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Photo Feature
23rd Oct 2012, by SPCA Selangor

I am not an UNTIL... dog. I need you to commit to 12-15 years of my life. If you can't commit, DON'T GET A PET :)

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The Morning Of Day 4 And Hopefully, Miracle No.2
23rd Oct 2012, by AnimalCare

I got up at 4.27am today. Unlike yesterday, I did not wake up with a bad feeling. I hope that is good. My brood was waiting for me and never mind what time it is, when I come downstairs, it’s Breakfast Time to them and they cannot wait! At such times, knowing that those under your care have a good appetite is such a blessing, isn’t it? It means they are not sick. We must rejoice in such things and never take it for granted. Today is Monge Breakfast Day, so they had a feast. Now, I...

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Updates On 22nd Oct 2012
22nd Oct 2012, by The Great Animal Rescue Chase

"I decided to bring my bike to work, and after work I whizzed along the busy street with traffic flying along on one side and a 10 foot wall on the other. A few little shrubs blocked the sidewalk from the roar of the commuting cars. I was day dreaming and cycling when my subconscious slowed me down. What WAS that I had just passed? Trash? discarded clothing? I stopped and went back. There, crouched next to a small bush was a large fluffy cat. Every time the traffic slowed, she relaxed slight...

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Updates On 22nd Oct 2012
22nd Oct 2012, by The Great Animal Rescue Chase

WANT MORE HAPPY ENDINGS? Have you noticed you are not seeing all our posts lately? This is due to Facebook's changes that encourage pages to pay advertising fees to have their posts show up in fans' feeds. To receive our posts reliably and enjoy lots of uplifting rescue photos & stories from everyday heroes, it takes just 2 seconds: 1) Come to our page https://www.facebook.com/GreatAnimalRescueChase?re f=ts&fref=ts 2) Hover your mouse over where it says "LIKED" (under the cover image) an...

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The Vet Called…at 11.32pm
22nd Oct 2012, by AnimalCare

As I was hanging out my chloroxed laundry of cushion covers and today’s clothes, my phone rang. It was from the vet and it was 11.32pm. The heart stopped. I’m sure of it. It really stopped. My hands are trembling as I write this…. But hey……..Bosco is fine!!!!! Yes, he (the senior vet) said Bosco if fine and “meowed a bit” when he called him this evening. And as of now, the vet said Bosco is fine!! Gosh, I don’t know whether to laugh or cry…I&...

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It Only Took 1.5 Months!!!
22nd Oct 2012, by SPCA Sarawak

Can someone take this fella away so that his daddy can fold his clothes? Those who lock their pets up in cages all the time or chain them without freedom and never spend time with them will never know the joy that a loyal and loving pet can give.

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Fosterer Needed For A Mother-Cat And 5 Kittens (Angelina Ng’s)
22nd Oct 2012, by AnimalCare

From: Angelina Ng angelicious22@gmail.com Message: I am looking for a fosterer for a mama cat and her 5 kittens. Found them at a shopping mall early this month. The kittens are about 2 weeks old now, and they still need their mama’s milk. Location is Taman Setiawangsa. Please contact me at 012-6529197. Thank you.        

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Miracle No.1: Bosco Made It Through The Night, And It May Not Be The Little Toad’s Fault…
22nd Oct 2012, by AnimalCare

My apologies to everyone for this belated post. I know many of you are rooting for Bosco and I owe you all an earlier post, but I just got home, and it’s been an exceptionally long day. In a nutshell, Bosco is hanging on, is able to sit up and meow, and the little toad may not be the culprit after all. Here is the full story: I drove down to PJ at 8.45am, and with the help of some directions on the phone, I was able to find the clinic. It was already 9.30am when I reached there. As I enter...

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Rescue Case 拯救案子 - Opek
22nd Oct 2012, by Homeless & Orphan Pets Exist (HOPE)

各位爱心的大哥哥大姐姐们, 我Opek(黑白)上个月才从鬼门关绕了 圈回来。嘉嘉阿姨把我和几个同病相 怜的伙伴们从市议会工作人员的捕狗 上拯救回来。当时我们身上全身爬满 虱子。命是捡回来了…好景不长,两 个星期前,嘉嘉阿姨发现我的了狗虱 ,紧急输血了。情况似乎稳定了。怎 知道我的身体出现对血液排斥现象, 两天前发现情况恶化就连夜赶紧送到 ...

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Updates On 22nd Oct 2012
22nd Oct 2012, by PetFinder.my

BOOK FEATURE: Here For A Reason, Dr. Chan Kah Yein Dr. Chan Kah Yein of AnimalCare has recently authored a new animal welfare book entitled “Here For A Reason”, which focuses on educating the public on Care-Neuter-Release/Return-Manage (CNRM), providing useful guidelines on caring for street animals. PetFinder.my interviewed Dr.Chan to learn more about the book and obtained interesting insights from her, which we will share in this article. Read full article at WAGazine: http://www...

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Updates On 22nd Oct 2012
22nd Oct 2012, by WWF Malaysia

Kudat-Banggi PCA team organised a run-for-a-cause event aimed to increase public awareness and garner further support from local communities for the proposed TUN MUSTAPHA PARK © WWF-Malaysia/Angela Lim

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Updates On 22nd Oct 2012
22nd Oct 2012, by SPCA Selangor

Get special SPCA Selangor edition TuneTalk SIM cards now for RM5! Top up 30 and above within a month and Tunetalk will donate RM5 to SPCA each time, SHARE this out :))

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Updates On 22nd Oct 2012
22nd Oct 2012, by Animal Concerns Research & Education Society (ACRES)

Spotlight on: Malayan sun bear Fast fact: sun bears spend a lot of their time high in the trees. In fact, their name in Malay, Beruang Matahari Malaya, means “he who likes to sit high”! We’ve recently rescued a sun bear cub at our new wildlife rescue centre in Laos. Watch out for updates about little Neung soon!

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Beast Dumps Handicapped Dog At Shelter Gate
22nd Oct 2012, by SPCA Sarawak

This poor dog was found in a box dumped at our shelter gate on Monday morning. Initial inspection noticed that it was missing its front left paw and had multiple wounds all over its body which smelt of rotting flesh. Owner had obviously been too stingy and heartless to bring it for the necessary treatment and dumped it in the morning like a piece of trash to be gotten rid of before the day began.

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