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Updates On 27th Apr 2013
27th Apr 2013, by SPCA Singapore

Bob (Ginger) was previously adopted from SPCA and now he's back and heading home with a new friend, Thumb.

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Event: Kiwanis’ Food For Thought
27th Apr 2013, by AnimalCare

We have been invited to open a booth tomorrow at the Kiwanis’ Food for Thought event in Shah Alam. See you there!!

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<3 Hope, Care & Home Campaign 2013 <3
27th Apr 2013, by SPCA Selangor

Thanks to The Pet Family for their awesome campaign that helped raised RM12K worth of much needed items for the shelter animals! Many thanks to the hundreds of donors too for their generosity!

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Photos Of SPCA Selangor, Malaysia
27th Apr 2013, by SPCA Selangor

Female dog needs shelter immediately, she is roaming around the Guang Hua School in Bandar Baru Klang. Please contact Chia Bee Ling is you can help take her in, even temporarily!

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Updates On 27th Apr 2013
27th Apr 2013, by SPCA Selangor

ALERT : Dog catchers doing rounds in Bandar Sg Long today, please keep your pets and community animals safe in your compound.

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Of Concerts, Ceramahs And Animal Rights, Part 2 (on A More Serious Note)
27th Apr 2013, by AnimalCare

Part 1: http://myanimalcare.org/2013/04/27/of-concerts -ceramahs-and-animal-rights-part-1-in-a-lighter-ve in/ It’s ceramah fever, folks! And yes, I have been attending the ceramahs and dialogues because as a citizen, I want to know what is going on and what the politicians plan to do to serve us better, but I have not forgotten to ask for animals rights too. It is never easy to ask for the rights of a minority (not in numbers as stray animals may well outnumber humans in our community) bu...

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Of Concerts, Ceramahs And Animal Rights, Part 1 (in A Lighter Vein)
27th Apr 2013, by AnimalCare

From our cartoonist!   Speak up for the animals! They cannot speak for themselves. Coming up next….Part 2 (please see next post).

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How Are The Bunnies? (a Report From HSI)
27th Apr 2013, by AnimalCare

Nope, it has nothing to do with my bully Bunny, it’s about the millions of bunnies (rabbits) involved in animal testing all around the world. So, how are these bunnies doing? Take a look at the following “good news” reports from Human Society International: http://www.hsi.org/news/news/2013/ 04/bcf_anniversary_042313.html?utm_source=hsieatne ws&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=eat13 An excerpt: It’s the one-year anniversary of our Be Cruelty-Free campaign, and we...

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News On Bonny
26th Apr 2013, by AnimalCare

Ref: http://myanimalcare.org/2013/04/19/updates-o n-bonny-the-puchong-dog-kwan-pei-kuans/ There has been no updates from Pei Kuan on Bonny so since we have pledged a maximum of RM1000 (RM500 from our Medical Fund and RM500 from Angel Inc.), I contacted the vet to find out what is going on and if there has been any progress on the evaluation of Bonny’s condition. According to the vet, the growth at the vagina and the swelling beside the left eye is TVT (confirmed) and TVT is entirely treat...

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Adoption Drive On 20th April 2013
26th Apr 2013, by SPCA Seberang Perai

6 puppies were adopted during the event. We hope to have more adoption drives in times to come so that we can help more shelter animals find good homes. Please continue to show your support to SPCA Seberang Perai. We would also like to take this opportunity to thank all adopters for opting to adopt instead of buying. MANY THANKS!

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Good News On Animal Welfare Legislation Review
26th Apr 2013, by Animal Concerns Research & Education Society (ACRES)

We are delighted to announce that MND has accepted the 24 recommendations from the Animal Welfare Legislation Review Committee that ACRES sits on! It is a fantastic day for the animals!

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Donations For Obot – Thank You So Much
26th Apr 2013, by AnimalCare

Ref: http://myanimalcare.org/2013/04/25/obot-spor o-cat-from-chini-pahang-maslina-omars/ After the above post was published yesterday, we received pledges of donations to top up the balance of Obot’s bill. To date we have received the following: Alida Mahyuddin RM100 Sau Yee RM200 Jasmine Ong RM200 Total: RM500 Our subsidy is RM500 (our maximum subsidy) So, altogether, we now have RM1000 for Maslina Omar and we are waiting for her form and receipts to arrive. Thank you, everyone, for your...

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MND Accepts Recommendations To Improve Animal Welfare
26th Apr 2013, by SPCA Singapore

We're psyched that this has gone through! We've been working with other local animal welfare groups and stakeholders on this for the past year, and can't express how great it is to see the hard work pay off. May this bring a brighter future for our animals in Singapore! :) http://www.asiaone.com/News/Latest%2BNews/Sing apore/Story/A1Story20130426-418585.html

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Rescue Case 拯救案子 - Bakri(安息吧,RIP)
26th Apr 2013, by Homeless & Orphan Pets Exist (HOPE)

(Kindly scroll down for English write-up) 又一个希望破灭的小生命…….…安息 ,Bakri。 在本月25日早上我们接获来自麻坡的MR. Heng拨打的紧急求救电话,对方声称在 地发现一只狗狗名为Bakri,其身体十 虚弱并已奄奄一息,其严重脱水且瘦 骨如柴不说,更糟的是Bakri的双眼伤口 严重肿大。 我 们促请Mr.Heng赶紧带Bakri到附近的兽医 所求诊,无奈Mr.Heng询问后并无头绪当 地什么地...

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Adoption Drive 领养活动_21/04/2013
26th Apr 2013, by Homeless & Orphan Pets Exist (HOPE)

昨天(21/04/2013)的领养活动中还有2只狗 成功找到属于自己的家,所以昨天一 共有10 只狗狗有家了,这次的领养活动让我 看到了更多人愿意给流浪猫狗一个家 择以领养取代购买,希望这份领养之 爱继续延续下去,让更多无家可归的 浪猫狗们能 延续生命和感受满满幸福的爱和家的 暖:) 这是我们有史以来领养出最多拯救动 的一次,也是反应最热烈的领养活动 希望...

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Happy Inside - IKEA Cats Advert
26th Apr 2013, by SPCA Singapore

True or False: Cats are unhappy kept indoors. F.A.L.S.E. While some still think that cats need to run in the great outdoors to be happy, many cat lovers are now aware that indoor cats are not necessarily unhappier and are definitely safer. When we decide to bring home a cat, we take on the responsibility for their health and welfare. For those who still think that they should let their home cats roam free, here are some reasons to hopefully convince you otherwise. 1. An indoor cat is relativel...

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Indy And His Primal Instinct
26th Apr 2013, by AnimalCare

I just had a fright of my life. I’ve been told that dogs are known to kill out of jealousy. Apparently, cats do it too. Indy sneaked out of the grille just now, when I was exiting the room. Vincent Starry was in the dining room and Indy attacked poor Vincent straight on, engaging him in a very fierce battle of the jaws. It was the “locked bodies” type of fight which I’m told can only be broken up by spraying water. There was no water hose nearby as this was in the dining ...

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Updates On 26th Apr 2013
26th Apr 2013, by Animal Concerns Research & Education Society (ACRES)

Our 12th birthday Gala Dinner celebration is just 3 weeks away! And we need your support to make this evening as special as it can be for the animals. This is our biggest fundraiser of the year, so we do hope you will buy a ticket and celebrate with us! You will receive tax exemption for the cost of your ticket. Ticket price includes a 9-course dinner, free-flow of wine and beer, entertainment and entry to a Lucky Draw! (And if you add a touch of the wild to your outfit - anything from an ...

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Updates On 26th Apr 2013
26th Apr 2013, by SPCA Singapore

Friday' s Adoption Spotlight: Brown Age: 1 year 6 months Breed : Holland Lop He's cute and fluffy, but definitely isn't a toy. Unfortunately for Brown, his previous owner didn't understand that. Like any Holland Lop, Brown needs regular grooming to maintain his coat, and needs adequate exercise and space to move around in. Rabbits shouldn't be kept in cages all day. Are you ready to make a 10-year commitment to this lovely rabbit? We advocate responsible pet ownership, so if you thin...

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Which Brands Still Use Animal Testing?
26th Apr 2013, by AnimalCare

A sharing by Bernice: http://www.animalsaustralia.org/features /animal-testing-list.php Please click on the link above to check if the brands that you use still use animal testing. If it still does, you may wish to consider switching to a cruelty-free brand. We have, as part of our Gifts-by-Donation,  Orifera’s Virgin Coconut Oil Soap and Virgin Coconut Oil Toothpaste, both of which are local products by Adirondack(M) Sdn Bhd, certified to be NOT tested on animals. If you live in Malaysi...

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