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Updates On 10th Jan 2014
10th Jan 2014, by Animal Concerns Research & Education Society (ACRES)

Thank you so much for the strong support for the Asia for Animals Conference Singapore 2014 Minister Shanmguam and Minister of State Desmond Lee. Minister Shanmugam is the Guest of Honour for the Opening Ceremony of the conference and Minister of State Desmond is the Guest of Honour for the conference Gala Dinner!

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Updates On 10th Jan 2014
10th Jan 2014, by The Great Animal Rescue Chase

HUNGRY IN THE DESSERT, ----- HAPPY FOR YOUR HELP! These dogs in Dahab, Egypt are having their meals thanks to you today. Funds were sent to buy food for the hundreds of dogs who live here in the dessert and for thousands of others across the world this month. Yes, the Harmony Fund runs quite the "gravy train" and it's really impossible to express just how relieved rescue squads are to have this essential aid and just how quickly the dogs and cats gobble it up again. If you'd like to join...

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急需猫粮与狗粮 DOG AND CAT FOOD NEEDED 2014 Of Jan
10th Jan 2014, by Homeless & Orphan Pets Exist (HOPE)

急需猫粮与狗粮!!! 时光飞逝,一晃就到了2014年1月份… 护生园里食物耗尽的速度比您想象中 快…我们现在急需猫粮和狗粮以喂饱 望护生园里面的毛孩子们!!! 现只需RM206就能捐赠3包15kg的狗粮给流 动物们, 一份捐助 = 一份希望....谢谢大家 请参考下面的链接,您如何能帮助到我 !!!感恩!!! http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.545289412 183935.1073741854.134246123288268&type=3 DOG AND CAT FOO...

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10th Jan 2014, by Homeless & Orphan Pets Exist (HOPE)

为什么要结扎? WHY NEUTERING? 减少流浪猫狗数量 Reduce Stray animal 减少感染性病的机会 Reduce chances of sexual transmitted disease 减少感染前列腺疾病 Reduce chances of prostate disease 减少感染乳癌的机会 Reduce chances of mammary tumor 减少性器官感染的机会 Reduce chances of reproductive tract infection http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.588552977 857578.1073741881.134246123288268&type=3 http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=5424...

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您也在他们的重生过程中扮演着举足轻重的角色 You Will Be Instrumental In Giving Them A Second Chance At Life
10th Jan 2014, by Homeless & Orphan Pets Exist (HOPE)

您的善款将让我们有能力给与这些有 要的动物们及时的医疗及护理,您也 他们的重生过程中扮演着举足轻重的 角色!! 谢谢! Your contribution will ensure that we have the means to continue with the quality care that these dogs require and deserve, and that you will be instrumental in giving them a second chance at life. Thank you!!! 安全的网上捐款: Secured online one time donation: https://www.ipay88.com/VirtualLink/PaymentDetail.a sp?Merch...

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祝大家2014年新年快乐 Happy New Year 2014
10th Jan 2014, by Homeless & Orphan Pets Exist (HOPE)

回顾2013年大家一起努力为守护流浪动 走过的风风雨雨做过的点点滴滴,提 倡尊重善待每个生命,多一份爱心, 一份慈悲,多一点节制,多一点奉献 让我们的生活更文明,更生态,让社 会更文明、更和谐! Recalling year 2013, we fight together to protect and work as guardian to those strays. No matter what challenges we met and face, we never give up on any strays and life. We encourage paying respects to these litt...

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Updates On 10th Jan 2014
10th Jan 2014, by SPCA Seberang Perai

A brown dog was hit by car just now & hide somewhere near BMW, Jalan Baru, Butterworth. Anyone can help to search for the dog & rush to vet?

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How About A Vegetarian Reunion Feast For This Chinese New Year?
10th Jan 2014, by AnimalCare

Chinese New Year is approaching and Chinese families will be planning for their reunion dinner with family and loved ones. How about making a difference to the animals this year and going vegetarian for the reunion dinner? We can make a difference….we certainly won’t starve to death by forgoing meat once a week. But many, many animals will eventually be spared from the butcher’s knife if more people were to abstain from eating animals, even if it is just once a week. In factory...

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A Powerful Message From A 13 Year-Old
10th Jan 2014, by AnimalCare

Bernice shared this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SBQAaRf3fCc& amp;feature=youtu.be Warning: It will break your heart. I could not survive past a few seconds. But I will share it far and wide and hope you will too. Please eat less meat.

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Gingy (formerly Thong-Loeng) At His Forever Loving Home (a Sharing By Adlina)
10th Jan 2014, by AnimalCare

Ref: http://myanimalcare.org/2013/12/28/miracles- do-happen-thong-loeng-cat-with-ch-is-adopted-from- dr-veeranoot-nissapatorn/ Thank you very much, Adlina, for your consent to publish this! About Cerebellar Hypoplasia: http://lifewithchcats.com/what-is-cer ebellar-hypoplasia/ Dr Veeranoot forwarded these to us. From: Adlina Date: Mon, Jan 6, 2014 at 6:52 PM Subject: Re: Thong-Loeng is still available? To: Veeranoot Nissapatorn

Hi doc. Just wanted to update on gingy’s latest condit...

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Updates On 10th Jan 2014
10th Jan 2014, by PetFinder.my

Nikki For Adoption @ Puchong http://www.petfinder.my/pets/47922 A boy kitten with very thick eyebrows. Holding your laughter when you see him is so difficult, especially when he gives you the "look". Now that you can't "unsee" the thick eyebrows, bring him home, and let him be the talk of the house. Nikki the next Internet sensation in training http://www.petfinder.my/pets/47922 Fo llow PetFinder.my for more unique kitties, or adopt them now at http://www.PetFinder.my/

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Updates On 10th Jan 2014
10th Jan 2014, by SPCA Penang

REMINDER - Deadline for ordering CNY cookies for pick up from 20th is January 15, for pick up from the 27th, please order by the 20th. Order online at http://merchandise.spca-penang.net or email info@spca-penang.net or call 04 281 6559. Thank you for your support!

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Updates On 10th Jan 2014
10th Jan 2014, by SPCA Selangor

Amur, Ainu and Ahhu are up for adoption! Adoption procedure: http://spca.org.my/v51/adoption.php Office hour 9am-4pm everyday 03 4256 5312

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Updates On 10th Jan 2014
10th Jan 2014, by SPCA Seberang Perai

This is the feeding schedule for MPSP Pound Dogs. Note that other than handling her own 500 over animals in the shelter, Mdm Tan from SPCA Seberang Perai still go to the pound 4 times a week to help in cleaning and feeding. S.S. Lee and Mimi are both very committed volunteers who are currently helping to fill up the remaining days of the week in feeding the pound dogs. We are seeking for more volunteers to come forward to help out. Food for feeding will be provided by SPCA Seberang Perai. I...

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Updates On 10th Jan 2014
10th Jan 2014, by SPCA Singapore

A child has to deal with one of the saddest moments in life - the loss of a pet. This is how he reacts ... http://www.quickmeme.com/p/3vrfhu

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Updates On 10th Jan 2014
10th Jan 2014, by PetFinder.my

Hero saving the world at Petaling Jaya http://www.petfinder.my/pets/50833 This clumsy brindle puppy was rescued from the drain, perhaps because he won't stop jumping into the drain, acting like a Hero and all. Maybe it's the action movies he's been watching, or he's developed Messiah Complex. He's determined to save every one from the evil kitty cat. Just role play with him every day, one day Godzilla scene, and King Kong the next, keep him occupied. He is attending Justice League juni...

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Updates On 10th Jan 2014
10th Jan 2014, by SPCA Selangor

ALERT: This dog was found near Plaza Central on Jalan Bukit Bintang. She seems lost. Please call 0178807854 if this is your dog, please SHARE!

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Updates On 10th Jan 2014
10th Jan 2014, by WWF Malaysia

We hope you have enjoyed learning more about our turtles and elephants over the past month. Please help WWF-Malaysia to save our wildlife and wild spaces -- including our forests and seas -- and protect our living planet. Click here: http://goo.gl/ptpxlQ

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Bobby, The 3-Legged Elderly Cat, In His Forever Home!
10th Jan 2014, by AnimalCare

Ref: http://myanimalcare.org/2013/12/21/3-legged- male-cat-for-urgentadoption-bandar-puteri-vet-puch ong/ Sometimes, we get really lucky and miracles happen! This elderly male cat was rescued by a client of Bandar Puteri Vet and she brought the cat to the clinic. The cat was found to have an irreversible nerve problem in his front leg which required amputation in order to save his life. But the cat was old (practically had no more teeth) and it would be very hard to find a home for him. The vet...

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Sun Bear Saved!
10th Jan 2014, by WWF Malaysia

Last December, while my colleagues and I were visiting an Orang Asli village in Belum-Temengor, a villager, Pak Uda, suddenly approached us and told …

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