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Spaying Sponsorship For 2 Female Dogs (Thong Seiw Ling’s)
12th Feb 2014, by AnimalCare

We have fully sponsored RM300 for the spaying of these 2 female dogs. Mdm Thong’s (Mrs Lam) friend agreed to adopt the brown dog after she is neutered. The other dog has been returned to her colony. From: Thong Seiw ling Date: 2014-02-06 16:10 GMT+08:00 Subject: To: Chan Kah Yein <chankahyein@gmail.com> 陳医生你好, 我Mrs Lam,今天带去做結扎的黃狗,是华人年 八跑到cheras yulex 友人的店门口,友人捉了來給我,我 朋友为何不收养它...

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Updates On 12th Feb 2014
12th Feb 2014, by Animal Concerns Research & Education Society (ACRES)

How exciting!! The ACRES Wildlife Guardians training will be held this Saturday (the 15th of February 2014) at the ACRES Education Centre. Ever felt like doing your bit for the animals? Here's your chance! Register your interest now with Gretchen at gretchen@acres.org.sg. The training will last from 10am to 5pm, and will include a vegetarian lunch! The training fee is $30. We hope you will lend us a hand, by becoming a Wildlife Guardian this weekend!! We hope to see you soon!

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Updates On 12th Feb 2014
12th Feb 2014, by PetFinder.my

Penelope the Survivor in Kuala Lumpur http://www.petfinder.my/pets/49432 Lopey is a tough dog; no, she has not lost the love of her life to ruthless assassin nor did she fight Godzilla; but she deserves no less love and attention than your fruit-branded Korean talking device. Lopey knows a lot about good behavior and the concept of home. She will become your best guardian and fight the monsters under your bed. Lopey is a tough dog trained by Chuckling Norris. It's Lopey and you against the wo...

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Rescue Case 拯救案子 - Ah Han 阿汉
12th Feb 2014, by Homeless & Orphan Pets Exist (HOPE)

小小身躯却要无辜承受人们间接不断 伤害-阿汉 An innocent little creature that gets non-stop abuse from people-Ah Han 他叫阿汉,今年5岁,不知为何在当地 人们很讨厌他,他就如过街老鼠人见 人打,更曾经遭人用烧水直接烫伤整 背后,还好坚强的他苦挨支撑才奇际 下来,但最近他又再遭恶人打瞎右眼 打烂右耳!! He is Ah Han, 5 years old. We have no idea why the locals hate him much. He is like rat in...

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希望护生园狗狗洗澡如 H.O.P.E Doggies Bathing Event
12th Feb 2014, by Homeless & Orphan Pets Exist (HOPE)

Sunday, March 2, 201410:30am until 1:30pm81300 Lima Kedai, Johor, Malaysia任何关于洗澡日活动的交通问题 ,地点询问或细节,请联络 012-716 7123 (IRIS LEONG) / 016-791 1638 (AUNTY JIA JIA). 谢谢 :) -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- Any transportation problems or queries about doggies bathing event please contact 012-716 7123 (IRIS LEONG) / 016-791 1638 (AUNTY JIA JIA. Thank you! :) ------------------------------------...

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2月09号2014年 希望护生园狗狗洗澡日 09 Of Feb 2014 H.O.P.E Doggies Bathing
12th Feb 2014, by Homeless & Orphan Pets Exist (HOPE)

非常非常感谢昨天参与狗狗洗澡日的 工朋友们,大家辛苦了! Million of thanks to all volunteers who've participated in our Doggies Bathing Event yesterday..thank you! 感谢大家的齐心合力帮了狗狗们一个 忙,让他们保持干净及避免患上狗虱 题。 Thanks for helping the doggies to keep clean and to prevent fleas & ticks. 希望下一次的洗澡日能再和大家碰面 别忘了下次邀请更多的朋友一起参与 项有意义...

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急需猫粮与狗粮!!! DOG AND CAT FOOD NEEDED!!! FEB 2014
12th Feb 2014, by Homeless & Orphan Pets Exist (HOPE)

急需猫粮与狗粮!!! DOG AND CAT FOOD NEEDED!!! 时光飞逝,一晃就到了2014年2月份…护 生园里食物耗尽的速度比您想象中的 …我们现在急需猫粮和狗粮以喂饱希 护生园里面的毛孩子们!!! Times flies, it's the month 2014 of Feb.... and we're in need of dog and cat food for our shelter animals. The food runs out faster than you can imagine at the shelter. 现只需RM206就能捐赠3包15kg的狗粮给流 动物们, 一份捐助 = 一份...

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Rescue Case 拯救案子 - Oscar
12th Feb 2014, by Homeless & Orphan Pets Exist (HOPE)

又是一宗惨遭不负责任的驾驶者撞了 就逃之夭夭-Oscar An irresponsible driver who hit and run-Oscar 他是一只才三个月大的小狗,我们帮 取名为Oscar,他被好心人发现被撞后 法行动在小贩中心附近,于是这名好 人就立刻带他去兽医所急救,过后就 将因受内伤需要特别照顾的Oscar直接载 往至护生园! He is only a three-month old puppy, we named him Oscar, he found by a good-hearted guy at hawker centre an...

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领养人基本条件和程序 Basic Requirement & Procedures For An Adopter
12th Feb 2014, by Homeless & Orphan Pets Exist (HOPE)

领养条件 / 手续 / 费用 Terms & Conditions / Procedures / Fees for Adoption 经常有很多想领养猫狗的朋友会问: 如果我们想领养一只宠物,需要具备 么样的条件呢?” We receive a lot of the same question from those who are interested in adopting a pet from HOPE, “What do we have to comply to if we were to adopt a pet?” 领养人需要有理性的养猫狗常识和耐 和感性的爱猫狗之心和宽容..其他的 都不是那么重...

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And The Chap Goh Mei-Valentine’s Day Blanket (No.26) Goes To…
12th Feb 2014, by AnimalCare

Thank you very much to all bidders for participating in this round’s auction! Congratulations and thank you, PC Leong, for your generous bid for this pink blankie! For those who still like pink, here’s sneak peek at the next blankie… Yes, PINK is still IN! Coming up next….real soon!

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Updates On 12th Feb 2014
12th Feb 2014, by SPCA Singapore

Adoption Spotlight: Koko. Happy Koko is a 6-month-old puppy who is growing fast in our shelter. He didn't get such a great start in life, and is wary of strangers. He may bark at you and retreat when he first sees you, but that's only because he's not familiar with you yet. Give him some time to familiarize himself with your scent and you'll see what a lovely darling he is! He's ready for his second chance and can't wait to meet his forever family. He'll blossom into a handsome lad, and will re...

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Updates On 12th Feb 2014
12th Feb 2014, by Animal Concerns Research & Education Society (ACRES)

Its our Wildlife Rescue Center Director ANBU'S BIRTHDAY today!!! It is a busy day as usual for the team but we at ACRES bought our very much loved and respected ANBU a cake to celebrate! May Happiness surround you always! Caring like an older sister to everyone, We want to shout out a big "Thank you for all that you have given to us!" :) HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANBU!!! <3 ANIMALS!

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Continous Loss Of Lowland And Valley Forests Is Threatening The Lives Of These Borneo Elephants. The
12th Feb 2014, by WWF Malaysia

Continous loss of lowland and valley forests is threatening the lives of these Borneo Elephants. They require abundant space to roam, mate and feed comfortably. Support @wwfmy to save our gentle Giants in Borneo. ©WWF-Malaysia / Engelbert Dausip #borneoelephant #gentlegiants

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Updates On 12th Feb 2014
12th Feb 2014, by Animal Concerns Research & Education Society (ACRES)

From ACRES Lao PDR "In the first week of this month, we had four new animals in our care! The four macaques were donated in the middle of the night. The monk who brought them said he had traveled from a temple in southern Lao. He explained that the temple is very close to what is know locally as a 'monkey forest' and is home to many macaques. He told us that people will often catch them to be kept as pets or tourist 'attractions' but that they will often get donated to the temple too. Having h...

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Updates On 12th Feb 2014
12th Feb 2014, by PetFinder.my

Thomas in Petaling Jaya http://www.petfinder.my/pets/53554 Thomas wasn't the president of US; Thomas is not the little train engine that could; and Thomas didn't join Bayern Munich. Thomas is just Thomas, an orange kitten who has charming neon-colored eyes, loves a home, and needs a home. Thomas, a friendly kitten http://www.petfinder.my/pets/53554 Follow PetFinder.my for adorable kitties seeking home, or find 1000s of cute felines at http://www.PetFinder.my/

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Updates On 12th Feb 2014
12th Feb 2014, by SPCA Singapore

Lucky Tiger found a family who cherishes him and treats him as one of their own. He's seen quite a bit in his past 13 years, and has grown with the family, from kids to adults. Read his heartwarming adoption story here - http://www.spca.org.sg/services_adoption_happyendi ng.asp Thank you Natasha for sharing your happy ending with us, and for adopting and saving lives! If you have adopted your pet from us and would like to share your happy ending, please email us at education@spca.org.sg. If yo...

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'We Need To Abolish All Zoos', Says Britain's Most Famous Zoo Owner Damian Aspinall | UK | News...
12th Feb 2014, by SPCA Selangor

“But truthfully, if zoos did what was best for the animals, not what’s best for the public, they would be very different places." “I come from a point of view where no animal should be here to entertain us. We’re supposed to be the intelligent species: surely we’re above having animals entertain our children."

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Received A Whatsapp Message This Morning On Newbor..
12th Feb 2014, by MDDB & MCCP Penang

Received a WhatsApp Message this morning on newborn puppies found at Autocity. Anyone who can help with the rescue, please contact 0124995552.

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Update On These 2 Pups. They Are Now About 2.5 Mon..
12th Feb 2014, by MDDB & MCCP Penang

Update on these 2 pups (https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=634157376 623176&set=a.202065756499009.47358.199141126791472 &type=1&theater) They are now about 2.5 months old. A neighbour is helping rescuer to foster them until next Adoption Drive. They still have no luck finding adopters. And due to the new job and time constraint (fosterer is working 7-11am and 4-10pm daily), the pups are not taking care well. There were soak in urine and poop, fed once a day with rice and fish (prepared ...

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Photos Of SPCA Selangor, Malaysia
11th Feb 2014, by SPCA Selangor

AUGUST the Shih-tzu has escaped from her foster home in Tmn Gembira, Klang. Please contact Shirley Tan if you have seen her!

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