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A More “balanced” Diet For Vincent And More About His Subcuts
17th Sep 2018, by AnimalCare

I forgot to mention to very important things I learnt at the vet’s today. The first is regarding Vincent’s diet. As you know, we were so desperate to just get him to eat initially, so we adopted the principle of letting him eat whatever he wants as long as he is willing to eat it. We have various food options in the house, but Vincent wanted only raw meat. So, raw meat, it is. I would have much preferred that he ate Cubgrub, but somehow, he didn’t want it anymore. Prior to gett...

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Vincent’s Evaluation
17th Sep 2018, by AnimalCare

The vet wanted to see Vincent as well, so we took both Ginger and Vincent to the clinic. I had been keeping the vet informed about Vincent’s condition throughout the weekend. After examining Vincent today, the vet thinks that the “weight gain” was probably due to hydration (because of the subcut and the food he is eating). So, maybe it’s not really “weight gain” at all. However, what we can rejoice over is that the weight has not gone down. Yes, I did sus...

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Ginger’s Wound Is Still Infected
17th Sep 2018, by AnimalCare

Luckily the vet insisted on seeing Ginger again today. If he had left it to us, we wouldn’t have brought Ginger back because (in our untrained mind and eye), we really thought Ginger’s wound was healing very well. But the vet said he would like to see Ginger again. However, Ginger had other plans. As though he knew, he escaped from the front door (our little guy doesn’t learn that he is at risk being outside in the porch with the terrorist-Zurik) and sat under the car. When we ...

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Great News!! Pole Does NOT Need Tooth Extraction!
17th Sep 2018, by AnimalCare

The first stop today is at the vet’s with Pole. Today, we got to see the senior vet at the clinic. I explained what had happened in the past week (appetite gradually going off), the pawing of the mouth, the grinding of the teeth and also that the vet on Saturday said Pole had a tooth that needed to be extracted (rotted to the root), but needs to be on medication (steroids, antibiotics, anti-gastric) for 2 weeks before the procedure can be done (preceded by a blood test). The vet took a loo...

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Two Is Not Better Than One. Hamsters Make Great Pe..
17th Sep 2018, by SPCA Singapore

TWO IS NOT BETTER THAN ONE! Hamsters make great pets, but having more than one in the same cage is one too many. As hamsters are prolific breeders, a female hamster can give birth to 6 to 10 babies at a go. These babies will then grow to start breeding from just six weeks old! As our shelter constantly receives unwanted hamsters due to overbreeding, we urge for owners to please separate your hamsters. You should only keep one per cage as they are solitary animals and are happy to be alone. A...

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Updates On 17th Sep 2018
17th Sep 2018, by SPCA Selangor

SPCA Selangor Food Bank Appeal ------------------------------------------- ---- We provide food monthly for more than 100 cats and dogs, who are being cared for by rescuers and sanctuaries - we would really appreciate donations of canned food or kibbles! HOW TO DONATE Drop off food donations at SPCA Selangor (10am-4pm, Tue-Sun) - http://bit.ly/1UszJFi We thank you in advance for your generosity!

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Dr. Jane Goodall
17th Sep 2018, by PetFinder.my

When it comes to climate change, there's a forgotten solution we all need to remember. Learn from Dr. Jane Goodall and Alec Baldwin as they explain how we can make a difference before it's too late!

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We Compiled A List Of Common Questions That We Rec..
17th Sep 2018, by SPCA Sarawak

We compiled a list of common Questions that we received from members of public. Q1: Should my dog get rabies shot? A1: Sarawak requires that all dogs over three months of age be vaccinated for rabies by a veterinarian. It is a public health issue. The number one way to prevent the spread of rabies is vaccination. Q2.How much is the rabies vaccination given by Department of Veterinary Services during mass vaccination? A2. It is FREE, you pay nothing. Q3. My dog lives indoor. Is it necessary?...

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Vincent’s Subcut
17th Sep 2018, by AnimalCare

Since Vincent still has no appetite this morning, a subcut was definitely due. We gave him his medicines first (a bit of a struggle there). Then, proceeded with the subcut. Needle in. He was very well behaved…until we reached about 80ml. Then, the resistance started. We tried to push it to 150ml, but the resistance became a struggle and we needed to hold him down. Then, he got violent, so we let him go. But we managed about 130ml so that’s better than nothing. Hopefully, he will ...

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Another Opinion For Pole
17th Sep 2018, by AnimalCare

Last night, I managed to receive a response from a senior vet whom I consulted about Pole. This vet agreed that we needn’t wait for 2 weeks with the medication. Instead, we should get the blood test done as soon as possible (results could be obtained within 20 mins) and if Pole is fit for general anaesthesia, we should go ahead with the tooth extraction. With that being the case, I was advised to take Pole back to the clinic today and get an evaluation. So, I got up at 4am this morning and...

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Photos From SPCA Penang's Post
17th Sep 2018, by SPCA Penang

Dog found We will try to do a trace on license when department re-opens on Tuesday but in the meantime the message from finder is: Dog with name tag found in Paya Terubong Night Market since 6pm. Owner pls call Yuki on 0184079390 immediately. Pls share. Thanks.

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The Dodo
16th Sep 2018, by PetFinder.my

This cat and his kitten brother used to be feral, but now they love camping with their parents!

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Updates On 16th Sep 2018
16th Sep 2018, by SPCA Penang

Dog with name tag found lost in Paya Terubong Night Market since 6pm. Owner pls response immediately. Pls share. Thanks. Contact Alice on 014-9661023.

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Pole Eats Kibble
16th Sep 2018, by AnimalCare

It was supper time for the Cow Clan and husband had forgotten that Pole has a dental problem. So, since Pole went to her eating station on the pantry counter, he gave Pole a bowl of kibble too, and Pole happily ate it. By the time I came into the pantry, Pole was already eating so I let her go on. It would be good too, to see if she could eat kibble. That would indicate to us how severe the inflammation is. https://myanimalcare.org/wp-content/uploads/20 18/09/Night-eating.mp4 I don’t know ...

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Nellie' Came In To Get Her Desexing Surgery Wound ..
16th Sep 2018, by Dr Rayya's Online Veterinary Journal

'Nellie' came in to get her desexing surgery wound checked. It has been very challenging to keep her quiet. She's doing really well and keeping her new family very busy. 💜💜💜 #rescuekitten #vetcheck #kittenspay #petdesexing

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The Evening Stories
16th Sep 2018, by AnimalCare

Heidi: Heidi likes to lounge at the porch these days. She is particularly skilful at sneaking out of the front door. She is not afraid of Mr Zurik. Mr Zurik does occasionally chase her. But there has been no fights so far. Maybe Mr Zurik has his own rules? He won’t fight with females or elderly ones? But it is still safer for Heidi to come inside. It’s not easy to coax her to come in…unless it’s in the morning after taiji when we eat half-boiled eggs. Heidi likes the ...

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Another Drum Roll, Please!!
16th Sep 2018, by AnimalCare

It happened at 2.20pm, after I returned home with fresh chicken for Vincent and the cats. It was past their lunch time, so everyone was excited. I fed Vincent (but he just stared at the food and did not eat – it’s okay), Tabs, Heidi and Ginger, then I brought in Monge, Cubgrub and two slices of cut chicken meat. It was supposed to be for Cow’s clan. But Pole was waiting at my table, so…why not? Let’s see if she can eat any of it. After all, there’s three type...

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Drumroll, Please….
16th Sep 2018, by AnimalCare

The Chinese say you must not outwardly demonstrate your rejoicing when things works in your favour. I don’t know why the Chinese have this taboo, but if there is a good reason for it, please allow me a small indiscretion and share this news with you, because all of you have been rooting for Vincent and I am truly thankful for your moral support. I believe in celebrating small achievements. After all, life is made up of fleeting moments. Every moment will pass on and is not permanent, so I ...

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Terrapin Adoption Form
16th Sep 2018, by Turtle Conservation Society of Malaysia

We've received numerous requests to adopt a terrapin (sorry, our website is currently being revamped). Here's the link to support us by adopting a terrapin: https://goo.gl/forms/ML4gVUW5cZiFDXqr2 We will release the terrapins on Saturday, 6th October 2018 (more details to follow).

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Nursing Ginger (pilling And Cleaning Wound, Single-Handed)
16th Sep 2018, by AnimalCare

With Vincent and now, Pole, being “difficult”, Ginger is the total reverse. Watch these… All ready…please bring in the candidate. https://myanimalcare.org/wp-content/upl oads/2018/09/WhatsApp-Video-2018-09-16-at-11.25.18 .mp4 https://myanimalcare.org/wp-content/uploads/2 018/09/WhatsApp-Video-2018-09-16-at-11.25.18-1.mp4 See what I mean?

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