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Notice To All Registered Monthly Sponsors Eng Vers..
26th Feb 2019, by Homeless & Orphan Pets Exist (HOPE)

给每月助养粑粑麻麻的通告 🐶🐱 Notice to all registered Monthly Sponsors (Eng version below) 有注册成为助养人的大家,每年 的3月份我们都会通过您注册的资料, 寄扣税收据给大家 (总结一整年的助养费) *目前义工们都在努力开收据惹* 如大家地址有更换,或是您只需收据 副本就好,都请尽快快快让我们知道 ,谢谢感恩大家的爱心🙏 **** 关于每 月助养毛小孩计划 : 如果不能领...

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Vincent’s Lunch
26th Feb 2019, by AnimalCare

Vincent was very interested in lunch. Unfortunately, he still could not eat on his own. But he allowed me to force-feed him a tablespoon of Recovery. That was at 1pm. At 5pm, it was time for his antibiotic, so I took the opportunity to feed him again. This time, he resisted. It must be the pain on the tongue due to the ulcers. But the vet had said that if he doesn’t eat, the stomach acid will cause the whole digestive tract to “burn” and that would be very uncomfortable and pa...

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Buddy' Came In For A Recheck And Repeat Blood Test..
26th Feb 2019, by Dr Rayya's Online Veterinary Journal

'Buddy' came in for a recheck and repeat blood test and was full of beans and affection. He also bedazzled me with his striking colour and fluffy coat. I think his pose deserves a caption. I'll start: 'The secret to my good looks are self care; I book myself in for regular prime hair salon visits! 💙💙💙 #germanspitz #vetcheck #caninebloodtest

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Neutering Aid For 3 Cats In Kampung Air Panas (Janiah Bt Salih’s)
26th Feb 2019, by AnimalCare

We have provided an aid of RM180 for the neutering of these 3 cats. This case is sponsored by Avant Pet Sdn Bhd. Pn Janiah is a new applicant. Previously, she applied to the selangorneuteringsubsidy where she had 12 cats neutered. She has a total of 11 more cats to neuter and has done 4 last week. She is claiming for 3 from us. Morning Dr Chan, Sabtu (16 Februari 2019) saya telah hantar 2 ekor kucing jantan & 2 ekor kucing betina untuk dimandulkan di klinik. kucing-kucing ini saya temui d...

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Updates On 26th Feb 2019
26th Feb 2019, by WWF Malaysia

It's time to bring our planet back from the brink - and it's going to take all of us to do it! #EarthHour has shown us how much we can achieve together and that's why we know it's possible 😃. Press ❤️ if you will join us to protect our shared home. This sunset in Sibuan Island, Semporna, Sabah is something that future generations should be able to enjoy. Please support our marine conservation efforts. Visit https://bit.ly/2Cw1c7x and join our #EarthHour events in Penang and Kedah on 30 ...

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Loveaholic For Adoption Shah Alam. A Sweet, Gentle..
26th Feb 2019, by PetFinder.my

Loveaholic For Adoption — Shah Alam https://PetFinder.my/pets/92508 A sweet, gentle girl that loves humans so much she walked right into the hands of dog catchers. Fortunately, the rescuer saved her in the nick of time. All this cheerful girl needs is someone to love her. Can you be the one?

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Zurik And Buddy
26th Feb 2019, by AnimalCare

Zurik is clearly fond of his buddy, Buddy. But Buddy is a food snatcher, so every day, I have to battle it out with Buddy when it’s feeding time. Zurik eats very slowly while Buddy just swallows his food (probably without chewing). Then, he goes for Zurik’s food. Sometimes, I have to resort to shooing Buddy away just so that Zurik can eat in peace. It’s a daily affair. Ginger: I don’t like Buddy because he snatches food. We don’t snatch food. We eat our own, and...

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The Battle Of The Hole Continues….with The Green Clip
26th Feb 2019, by AnimalCare

Cow has been biting the cables off the hole until he could come in. And spray. So, this morning, husband decided to put a clip at the hole. Initially, the clip made the hole too small, so nobody could come in. Even the girls could not. So, I placed the clip a little bit further, thereby enlarging the hole by a wee bit. Only then did Cleo try. And she made it! Yay! Pole: I cannot, I just cannot. I cannot go through the hole. Pole, you are smaller than Cleo, so if Cleo can, why can’t you?...

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Vincent Shows Interest In Food
26th Feb 2019, by AnimalCare

This morning, I was greeted by Vincent as I came downstairs. He had already removed that blue tape-cloth from the IV-pod. Vincent came to the kitchen to join everyone for breakfast. I offered all that he eats, but he couldn’t eat any.  He was interested in the food, but could not bring himself to eat. I even offered Monge kibble (which he used to love), but of course he could not eat that. It’s okay, Vincent. We can try later on. Vincent went back to his bathroom to sit. Then...

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An Abandoned Kitten Is Suspected To Have Been Abus..
26th Feb 2019, by Langkawi Animal Shelter & Sanctuary Foundation

An ABANDONED kitten is suspected to have been abused so badly that she was left with only 1 eye.she had suffered a concussion. We wonder how the injury happened and how many people saw this ignored it? #stopanimalabuse

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This Is Merrell. He Was Adopted From Our Shelter B..
26th Feb 2019, by PAWS

This is Merrell. He was adopted from our shelter by Susan (@impercipient1). When Merrell turned a year old, Susan started bringing him for regular 1 to 3km runs and he absolutely loves it! Recently, Merrell and Susan participated in the 2019 Dogathon and came out 1st place in the women with large dogs category (1.5km with 5 obstacles). We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate them on a job well done! One of Merrell’s three sisters, Adidas, is still here at our shelter. Fully vacc...

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Nature Matters To Us All. Let's #Connect2Earth
26th Feb 2019, by WWF Malaysia

Check out this video highlighting how nature matters to people around the globe https://bit.ly/2Ve1O9I #Connect2Earth in Malaysia by joining our Earth Hour events in Kedah or Penang, or share your #EarthHour event, register: http://www.wwf.org.my/about_wwf/earth_hour/

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True Facts
26th Feb 2019, by PetFinder.my

Did you know these facts about the cute lemurs? 😆

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You Know What Puts A Smile On Our Face Early In Th..
26th Feb 2019, by Turtle Conservation Society of Malaysia

You know what puts a smile on our face early in the morning? This photo sent by Kim Yip, who had recently retired, but is tirelessly promoting our Adopt-A-Terrapin campaign. Seen in this photo are the generous teachers from Kolej Tingkatan Enam Desa Murni with their respective Certificates of Adoption :) Thank you Kim for helping spread awareness on terrapin conservation, and Dr. Valarmathy for making the connection! ----- Terima kasih kepada semua tenaga pengajar dari Kolej Tingkatan Enam Mu...

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12-Year Old Asks Pope Francis To Go Vegan For Lent
26th Feb 2019, by AnimalCare

Here’s the video: https://www.milliondollarvegan.com/ Fr om youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=faJP i8DDthE There is also a petition.

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Winter Food For The Dogs Cats. These Snapshots Wer..
26th Feb 2019, by The Great Animal Rescue Chase

·WINTER FOOD FOR THE DOGS & CATS These snapshots were taken in Serbia where we are now feeding more than 1,110 rescued dogs and cats each day. February is a short month and we have only 3 days left to raise enough funds to buy all the food and supplies on March 1st. It's now more than 80,000 meals we provide daily, carried into underdog rescue centers by foot, by bike, by truck and by sled. Our remaining funds to raise for the month are $2,849. Every donation makes a huge difference, no matte...

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3 Days Left To Buy Enough Food. These Snapshots We..
26th Feb 2019, by The Great Animal Rescue Chase

3 DAYS LEFT TO BUY ENOUGH FOOD These snapshots were taken in Serbia where we are now feeding more than 1,110 rescued dogs and cats each day. February is a short month and we have only 3 days left to raise enough funds to buy all the food and supplies on March 1st. It's now more than 80,000 meals we provide daily, carried into underdog rescue centers by foot, by bike, by truck and by sled. Our remaining funds to raise for the month are $2,849. Every donation makes a huge difference, no mat...

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26th Feb 2019, by The Great Animal Rescue Chase

CLIMB THE HILL WITH US Today we're hoping a few of you will climb the hill with us. This footage was shot in Serbia where we are now feeding more than 1,110 rescued dogs and cats each day! February is a short month and we have only 3 days left to raise enough funds to buy all the food and supplies on March 1st. It's now more than 80,000 meals we provide daily, carried into underdog rescue centers by foot, by bike, by truck - and yes- by sled. Our remaining funds to raise for the month a...

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Eng Version Below. Impian Emas Alita. 4-5. Inbox. ..
25th Feb 2019, by Homeless & Orphan Pets Exist (HOPE)

(Eng version below) 我们救援和医治的性病浪浪从没 断过,而最近在Impian Emas救援的黑虎斑浪浪 Alita,是最严重的,下体溃烂成这样一 定超级痛,不知道你是怎么挨过流浪 每一天 ... 她竟然还会开心对着我们笑 😥 浪浪因为没结扎、不断被迫交配 得 【性病】是很普遍的事,没结扎所带 它们的痛苦,真的一波又一波 每救 只性病狗,从性病康复、到打预防针 到结扎,...

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Help Your Pet Overcome Fear And Anxiety | Star2.com
25th Feb 2019, by PetFinder.my

How some dog lovers help their pets overcome fear and anxiety.

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