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眼见宝宝被抢走,母狗冲上前咬伤人后,最终被执法人员一枪打死! -【星洲国内】
19th Jan 2020, by Homeless & Orphan Pets Exist (HOPE)

人不犯狗,狗不犯人! 一样的悲剧, 天发生在不同角落、不同浪浪身上 ... 人类抢走狗宝宝,狗妈妈咬人 狗 错,被射死 小屁孩三番四次挑衅流 狗 浪浪忍无可忍而攻击小孩 狗的错 被举报和处死 摩多党多次用引擎声 唬浪浪 浪浪看到摩多就反感而追逐 的错,被举报和处死 大人看到流浪 又欺负又虐待 狗狗为自保而对人类不 友善 狗的错,被举报和处死 自私...

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Sabah Authorities Killed Mother Dog Because She Attacked People Who Stole Her Puppies
19th Jan 2020, by Malaysia Animal Association

Anak dipisahkan dengan cara dicuri dari si ibu. Ibu menyerang dan pertahankan anaknya. Lalu ibu dihukum bunuh kerana menyerang pertahankan anak yang dicuri. Di Sabah Malaysia! https://www.worldofbuzz.com/sabah-autho rities-killed-mother-dog-because-she-attacked-peop le-who-stole-her-puppies/

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Animal Malaysia Mengajak Pencinta Anjing Bantu Man..
19th Jan 2020, by Malaysia Animal Association

Animal Malaysia mengajak pencinta anjing bantu mangsa serangan anjing ganas di Puchong Selangor. Adik Parvinder Mejia Singh alami trauma dan kesakitan hingga pergelangan tangan hampir putus. Mencintai dan pertahankan anjing jalanan nakal daripada dizalimi adalah perbuatan terpuji. Tetapi tanggungjawab bersama perlu seiring. Seorang kanak-kanak OKU Autisme jadi mangsa dan telah menjalani proses pemulihan psikologi trauma terhadap anjing. Mari sama-sama ringankan beban keluarga ini menanggung...

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The Giant Japanese Spider Crab
19th Jan 2020, by PetFinder.my

Meet the humongous Japanese Spider Crab.

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Di Malaysia. Tercipta Sebagai Anjing Jalanan Adala..
19th Jan 2020, by Malaysia Animal Association

Di Malaysia. Tercipta sebagai anjing jalanan adalah lebih hina, jijik dan haram berbanding mabuk, hisap dadah, berjudi, rasuah, menipu wang ringgit, berzina serta kerjaya sebagai seorang pelacur dan melanggan pelacur. Salam Ahad! #animalmalaysia #malaysiaanimals #stray #animals #strayanimals #dogs #straygods #saveourdog #saveouranimals #saveourstray #malaysiaanimalassociation

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Cat Takes On 3 Coyotes
19th Jan 2020, by AnimalCare

The video: https://edition.cnn.com/videos/us/2020 /01/14/cat-against-three-coyotes-pkg-vpx.kcal

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Dog Feeds Baby Goat
18th Jan 2020, by PetFinder.my

Helping take care of a little kid!

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Betsy’s Eye
18th Jan 2020, by AnimalCare

I visited Betsy yesterday! Now I know why Connie keeps saying that Betsy is a very “polite” dog. She IS!! I have never met Betsy before and yet, when I arrived, Betsy ran all the way to the gate to greet me! She let me carry her throughout my entire visit and when we left, she sent me off as well. She is completely adorable and oh-so-happy! However, this morning, Betsy went for her eye check-up and the vet said that tried as he did, but the 3rd eyelid flap surgery failed to save Bet...

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Need 1 More Per Dog To Feed All 700. 4 Way Match -..
18th Jan 2020, by The Great Animal Rescue Chase

Need $1 More Per Dog to Feed All 700 4 WAY MATCH - FREE _____________________________________________ Every donation is MULTIPLIED TIMES 4 this weekend. It's such a special event and we only need about $1 per dog this weekend for a total of $10,000 for food and care for the 700 dogs at the Bark Ark in Bosnia. This special opportunity comes thanks to an anomymous major gift and other groups of supporters all pulling together. “It’s a heavy and expensive task that we have to do every day,...

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4 Way Match - Free. - 690 More To Feed 700 Dogs. W..
18th Jan 2020, by The Great Animal Rescue Chase

4 WAY MATCH - FREE! - $690 MORE TO FEED 700 DOGS We're in the final stretch. We need to raise about $1 per dog this weekend in our special event that will raise a total of $10,000 for food and care for the 700 dogs at the Bark Ark in Bosnia. This special opportunity comes thanks to an anomymous major gift and other groups of supporters all pulling together. “It’s a heavy and expensive task that we have to do every day,” The Bark Ark director Bojan Veselica explains,“Each day, 450 k...

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Good News On Cny. Rm1,100 Was Raised Up From The S..
18th Jan 2020, by Second Chance

Good news on CNY🎉🎉🎉 RM1,100 was raised up from the sale of Gin Gin’s donation of 6 CNY cookies & 10 CNY crackers & an anonymous donor donated 2 CNY GiftPacks & 12 bottles of peanut butter for supporting our daily RM1k Food Fund campaign 👍👍👍 All of these credit to... Gin Gin & her pawsparent, Christina & Johnny , the donor’s peanut butter donation ( prefers anonymous) Nevertheless, we also want to thank you to: 1)the buyers who dropped by our adoption drive in Jaya One ...

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Is This Your Dog? Found Wandering Around Jalan Kuc..
18th Jan 2020, by Malaysian Dogs Deserve Better

Is this your dog? Found wandering around Jalan Kucai Jaya. If it is your dog or if you know whom it belongs to, please call 0166576277.

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Kambing Gurun Muncul Di Kawasan Berdekatan Empanga..
18th Jan 2020, by Malaysia Animal Association

Kambing Gurun muncul di kawasan berdekatan Empangan Kenyir Terengganu. Kedengaran perbualan individu dalam kereta seperti berikut : Kalo bedil molek nih (Minit 0:38) Kelihatan jaket IPD Marang (Minit 1:03) Sebutan Pistol tak bawak (Minit 1:26) Kambing Gurun adalah hidupan liar dalam Jadual Kedua Akta 716 Perhilitan. Untuk menyimpan Kambing Gurun memerlukan Permit Khas dengan kelulusan menteri. Kambing Gurun bukan hidupan liar bahaya. Kenapa dialog mahu membunuhnya dilontarkan? Apa pendapat P...

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Neutering Aid For 2 Cats In Tampin (Rusni Bt Abd Manaf’s) & Updates
18th Jan 2020, by AnimalCare

We have provided a full sponsorship of RM160 for the neutering of these 2 cats. Sekali lagi saya memohon subsidi pemandulan 2 ekor kucing jantan. Seperti yg saya pernah maklumkn pd doktor chan tempohari saya ingin memandulkan  seekor kucing jantan yg saya jumpa telah di bawa klinik dimana sebelah kiri matanya sakit teruk dn kini telah buta. Saya beri namanya Jojo.  Manakala seekor lagi Saya beri nama Belang.  Belang adalah kucing stray yg sentiasa berada diluar rumah saya dn saya...

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A Kind Priest Brings Stray Dogs To Mass So They Ca..
18th Jan 2020, by SPCA Selangor

Strays live such sad, miserable lives 😰😰😰. Alone and generally abused by humans, they suffer tremendously and alone😩😩😩 . Many die from cruel street lives.....without anyone knowing. 😪😪😪 Bless all dog and cat rescuers for their kindness and compassion for caring for God’s creatures 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏and giving them a new lease of life with much love. Help us care for the abused animals and Donate securely via ipay88.com >> http://www.spca.org.my/donation-for...

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Thank You Volunteers From Pedigree Malaysia Helped..
18th Jan 2020, by SPCA Ipoh

Thank you volunteers from Pedigree Malaysia helped bathe the dogs, cleaned up the shelter. Thank you for your help at the shelter and donate dog food 100 kgs 感谢多位来自 Pedigree Malaysia 义工,他们为庇护所大扫除与整理狗 及捐狗粮 100 kgs 庇护所的毛小孩需要您的帮助 我 重新调整庇护所的粮食分配, 確保所 有动物都有温饱的一餐。 这里共收容 十只狗狗,每一天我们提供一餐给动 物们, 每一天共需四十...

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Encik Mani Is A Full-Time Driver And Also A Volunt..
18th Jan 2020, by SPCA Ipoh

Encik Mani is a full-time driver and also a volunteer, he made use of an empty space near his house to keep more than 10 stray dogs and give them space to roam around. However, he got worried of the reproduction problems of the strays, and his current financial state couldn't allow him to bring the strays to the vet for neutering. Luckily, a kind lady from Spain (Ms. Joe) heard about his problems, and contacted ISPCA for help to neuter the female stray dogs from En. Mani's area, and all medical ...

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Remember These Two Pups Found In Rawang Which Were..
18th Jan 2020, by TNRM Malaysia

Remember these two pups found in Rawang which were diagnosed with parvovirus about two weeks ago? https://www.facebook.com/403709439694040/pos ts/2905449796186646/ They recovered although they were found in very weak condition. They were discharged on Sunday. Thank God they survived. Now they are being fostered by a volunteer. We are kinda hoping that he will adopt them but we’ll see.

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We Havent Gotten Any Sponsorship For These 4 Cats...
18th Jan 2020, by TNRM Malaysia

We haven’t gotten any sponsorship for these 4 cats. Please help to sponsor them so we can help more. Thanks so much in advance.

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Thank You To Husky Family Group For Your Kind Dona..
18th Jan 2020, by SPCA Seberang Perai

Thank you to Husky Family Group for your kind donation of rice total 96bags(50kgs/ bags) to SPCA Seberang Perai. 🙏🙏🙏 Our shelter is always facing shortage of rice due to the increasing numbers of dogs. If you would like to donate rice to us, please do drop by on any Sundays between 3.30-6pm.

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