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Another Happy Story On The P Sisters. Pumpkin Was ..
5th Mar 2020, by Second Chance

Another happy story on the P sisters... Pumpkin was adopted on 1st March. prior to this, on 25th February, the family requested that she be neutered and tested for heart worm in advanced. They happily paid the bills; and she was sent to her forever family on 1st March. ♥️ Here is an update from the Chan family: “We are building her trust and confidence. She sticks to my mum more. She's also a heavy eater and we enjoy feeding her. She knows how to sit down to get biscuits now. Loves coconut...

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See The Progress. We Are Thankful For Vinita And F..
5th Mar 2020, by Second Chance

See the progress! 😍🐾 We are thankful for Vinita and family for adopting Purple back in October 2019. Have a look at how beautifully Purple has blossomed into a well adjusted young lady! The pictures say it all! Purple was part of a litter of 5 girls, all whose names begin with P. Purple and Pumpkin has loving families, Peony passed away, and Pomelo and Paula are still looking for homes. Both of them will be at our adoption drive at The Square in Jaya One from 11am-4pm this Sunday, 8th M...

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Prince Cuisine At The Scott Garden Kl Indulges You..
5th Mar 2020, by PetFinder.my

Prince Cuisine at The Scott Garden KL indulges you with a taste of authentic Hong Kong food within a cozy atmosphere. Feast on flavorful meat-free HK-style dishes, fried rice, noodles, curry, vegetables, dim sum and more, prepared with special recipes and quality ingredients. Enjoy 30% off with KindMeal.my: https://KindMeal.my/PrinceCuisine/deal-666.htm

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Kelompok Pencinta Haiwan Harus Lebih Kuat, Bersama..
5th Mar 2020, by Malaysia Animal Association

Kelompok pencinta haiwan harus lebih kuat, bersama bersatu dan berilmu untuk menyuarakan hak haiwan di negara ini. Bergerak secara bersendirian melalui kumpulan-kumpulan kecil akan mudah dibuli dan tidak dipeduli. Ia lebih merugikan. Perkukuhkan kebersamaan dalam mencapai keputusan terbaik untuk dunia haiwan dan nasib haiwan sama ada haiwan liar, domestik atau haiwan stray di negara ini. Ayuh padukan suara dan satukan prinsip. Haiwan berhak menikmati hidup lebih baik di negara ini! #stray #...

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They Have No Color, They Just Require A Meal And A..
5th Mar 2020, by SPCA Ipoh

牠们没有颜色之分,牠们只是要求一 温饱,一个栖身之地。 They have no color, they just require a meal and a place to live. 怡保市政厅(MBI)与怡保防止虐待 物协会(ISPCA)已经推行流浪犬节育回放 计划(TNRM)。 This is ISPCA and MBI's plan: to trap, neuter and release the stray dogs, also known as TNR(M) Program. 1)把流浪犬送到指定兽医节扎 Send stray dogs to a designated veterinarian 2)节育手术同时耳朵剪切记 。 Ne...

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Just After Yang Kar Sam Road Ipoh, The Female Cat ..
5th Mar 2020, by SPCA Ipoh

Just after Yang Kar Sam Road (IPOH), the female cat was hit by a car and was taken to the veterinarian in time. The kind person who feeds it tells us that it recently gave birth to kittens , but unable to determine the location of the kittens. If volunteers nearby finds any kittens, please let us know. 刚发生在杨家森路(Ipoh),这母猫被 车撞倒,已被及时送往兽医. 但喂养牠 好心人跟我们说,牠上星期才生育小猫 ,目前却不能確定小猫的位置. 如果付...

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Banana The Talking Bird.
5th Mar 2020, by PetFinder.my

The Banana Bird is in a very chatty mood. 🦜😘

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Neutering Aid For 4 Cats In Kota Kemuning (Maimunah Bt Abd Majid’s)
5th Mar 2020, by AnimalCare

We have provided a full sponsorship of RM400 for the neutering of these 4 cats. Pn Maimunah is a new applicant and is not conversant with emailing, so she is being assisted by another applicant, Pn Sabariah Ismail. These are the pieces of information I was able to obtain from Pn Sabariah through a few emails: Kucing jantan yang puan Maimunah mandulkn tu.. 1)..2 ekor dia jumpa dekat station bas shah alam. 2)..2ekor lagi,(selepas 2minggu,)beliau jumpa pula dekat bank kota kemuning. Kesemua kuc...

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Our March Newsletter Is Available
5th Mar 2020, by SPCA Penang

Our March newsletter is available https://spca-penang.net/newsletters/nletter_03_20. html

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Lessons From A Sea Turtle. Float With The Tides. A..
5th Mar 2020, by Turtle Conservation Society of Malaysia

Lessons from a sea turtle: Float with the tides.. Avoid the sharks.. Travel many places.. Make time for the beach.. Be adventurous.. Let your conscience guide you.. Enjoy the views..

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Hairless Cat Brothers Love To Wrestle And Growl At..
4th Mar 2020, by PetFinder.my

These two hairless cats have a very special relationship ❤️

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The 4 “Sneezies” And 1 Cleo
4th Mar 2020, by AnimalCare

It was Ginger who first started sneezing and coughing. Then, Indy and this was followed by Heidi and Bunny though it was quite mild of the two of them. So far, Ginger has got much better. I later got a bronco-dilator medicine for his cough and that helped a lot. After two days on it, his cough stopped. Indy has got much better too but still has the occasional sneezing. Bunny and Heidi seem to have stopped sneezing altogether now. Madame is fine now. I’m particularly relieved that Bunny i...

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The 3rd Force Gathers Numbers…
4th Mar 2020, by AnimalCare

This is a follow-up to Tabs’ attempt to strengthen her “3rd force”. She managed to persuade Cushion Kitty 1 to join her last week. And last night… Cushion Kitty 2 joined her as well! So now, there are three of them. And when our grandson visited yesterday, Tabs tried to recruit him as well, but he is too young to decide, so you’ll have a wait until he grows up a bit, Tabs. Goodness and kindness will prevail and become a powerful force. Let cats lead the way!!

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Kemunculan Harimau Belang Di Sebuah Ladang Kelapa ..
4th Mar 2020, by Malaysia Animal Association

Kemunculan Harimau Belang di sebuah ladang kelapa sawit di Mersing Johor pada 1 Mac 2020 lalu menggemparkan dan menimbulkan rasa panik di kalangan pekerja ladang. Kehadiran Harimau Belang keluar dari lingkungan rayau dan masuk ke kawasan penduduk menzahirkan ketandusan habitat atau pengecilan lingkungan pemburuan harimau untuk survival hidup mencari makan. Animal Malaysia merakamkan tahniah kepada penduduk dan juga pekerja ladang yang tidak mengganggu Harimau Belang malah memuji tindakan merek...

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4th Mar 2020, by The Great Animal Rescue Chase

For those who would say, "it's just a turkey", please witness this one come and spread wings for a hug.

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No Evidence That Pets Can Get Covid-19. Who Wsava,..
4th Mar 2020, by Homeless & Orphan Pets Exist (HOPE)

希望大家一起分享 早前有本地媒体乱 标题造成恐慌,真的害惨毛孩了 NO EVIDENCE That Pets Can Get Covid-19! 我们很诧异收到不少私讯,告诉我们 某某狗主或某某邻居因担心狗狗会传 新冠病毒而想弃养,也看到不少国外 区的饲主弃养宠物 世界卫生组织 (WHO) 和世界小动物兽医师协会 (WSAVA, 代表着全球20万位兽医) 一致声明和指出 : #没有证据显示猫狗等宠物会感染新 冠状病...

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Dear All,. Please Keep Your Fingers Crossed. We Ma..
4th Mar 2020, by Malaysian Dogs Deserve Better

https://www.facebook.com/64173243307/posts/1015813 6735653308/ Dear all, Please keep your fingers crossed. We may have found a place to move. The bonus points are that its very near Gasing Vet, it's a spacious bungalow with a big garden and owned by a dog lover. They are asking for a rental of RM4,000 which we can come-up monthly with contributions from our directors and volunteers - like what we are doint now for our current place. However, we will certainly need your help to make initial paym...

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New Packing (400g) For Monge Canned Food For Dogs!
4th Mar 2020, by AnimalCare

This is yet another new product in our fundraising efforts! Thank you very much, Avant Pet! To order: https://myanimalcare.org/gifts/ ( Minimum order is RM350 of Avant Pet and Ecopet products for free delivery to the Klang Valley if address is covered by the company’s itinerary). RM150 per box of 24 cans (400g) Flavours: Chicken, Pork, Turkey & Veges.

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Our Ecopet Cat Litter Products (fundraising)
4th Mar 2020, by AnimalCare

We are pleased to introduce all of you to two new products from Ecopet! Ecopet has offered us a very special price too! Thank you so much. To order: https://myanimalcare.org/gifts/ ( a minimum of RM350 of Avant Pet or Ecopet products for free delivery to the Klang Valley if address is covered by the company). Cindy & Friends’ Cat Litter Tofu litter 2.8kg (RM20) Kitty litter 10L (clumping clay) (RM20)   Flavours (tofu litter): Original, Green Tea, Strawberry, Charcoal. ...

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Happy To Announce That Another Of Our Beautiful Ca..
4th Mar 2020, by Langkawi Animal Shelter & Sanctuary Foundation

Happy to announce that another of our beautiful cats has been adopted!! Can we get a woop woop? 🥳🥳🥳 Photo credit Travelsinflipflops For more details on adoption please contact us via PM or email langkawilassie@gmail.com Can’t adopt? Other ways to help: Share ❤️ Donate 💙 Volunteer 💚

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