Malaysian Dogs Deserve Better News & Blogs
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Dear All, Today Is The Last Day To Raise Funds For.. 11th May 2021, by Malaysian Dogs Deserve Better
Dear all,
We are still very far from settling our chicken supplier. We hope to receive your generosity yet again to ensure our blood donors are fed sufficient protein so that they will have the optimum weight and blood count to save lives, so that we can feed our senior, sick and special dogs with good source of protein to keep them strong, so that we could feed the rest of our doggos to ensure they remain healthy and happy. If you are able to help, pls pay supplier directly and post transfer sl...
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Dear All,. The Number Of Our Resident Doggos Are G.. 9th May 2021, by Malaysian Dogs Deserve Better
Dear all,
The number of our resident doggos are growing. Our food bills are also in the increase as we ensure our doggos are well fed. With the MCO and no adoption drives to raise finds and food, we have been backed to a corner. But in order to continue feeding our dogs, food bills must be settled on time. We are currently in urgent need of settling our chicken bill for March and April. Please help us feed our dogs if you are able to by paying supplier directly. Herewith details, please post tra...
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Sos. Sos. Sos. This 8-Year-Old Dog Has Been Betray.. 7th May 2021, by Malaysian Dogs Deserve Better
SOS. SOS. SOS. This 8-year-old dog has been betrayed by its owners who have moved to a condo. They want to euthanise the dog and their neighbour has asked for a week's grace period to rehome the dog. They have left tge dog behind but will return to take it to be euthanised after the week is over. Can anyone give this poor dog a temporary place to stay until a new home is found? If you are able to help, please call Shirrey at 0162936762. Location - Kajang.
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Sos. The Mco Always Kills Us As We Would Not Be Ab.. 5th May 2021, by Malaysian Dogs Deserve Better
SOS. The MCO always kills us as we would not be able to hold adoption drives where we generally receive some canned food and kibbles to tide us over. We are in a jam currently as we have only a few cans of dog food and MCO comes into effect on Thurs. This means our supplier cannot deliver canned food from the godown in Port Klang to our sanctuary and half-way-home. Hence, we have to buy whatever can good we can get and send them over by tomorrow afternoon. We would be grateful if your generous s...
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Pix Not Ours And Taken From The Internet. Recently.. 3rd May 2021, by Malaysian Dogs Deserve Better
Recently, we were confronted with the deadly distemper which was detected in some of our rescued puppies.
Contrary to the popular misconception that distemper is a death sentence, the viral infection can be countered with swift and correct intervention.
First let us learn what distemper is all about. It would be safe to say that the distemper virus and the human measles virus are cousins. When canines succumb to distemper, it is usually due to some se...
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To The Person Who Went To Gasing And Settled Rm4,0.. 2nd May 2021, by Malaysian Dogs Deserve Better
To the person who went to Gasing and settled RM4,000 of our outstanding bills - as well as to all those who have contributed to our appeal to settle Gasing bills - THANK YOU. Thank you for your generosity and may all of you be blessed with good things in life. You are all greatly appreciated as without your support, we would have long fallen flat on our faces. Thank you for helping us help the voiceless.๐๐ท๐ถ
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When It Rains - It Pours. Dear All,. Our Car, Whic.. 30th Apr 2021, by Malaysian Dogs Deserve Better
Dear all,
Our car, which we use for vet runs, met with an accident on the highway. We probably will not have a car for about a month as the adjuster will first have to validate the claim before the workshop can start repair works.. We have vet runs almost daily. We have not bought a car for MDDB as all the money we get is just sufficient to meet expenses. The car we were using was given by a friend. Does anyone here have an old car we can use? If you are able to help, ...
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