Animal Concerns Research & Education Society (ACRES) News & Blogs
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A Human's Cruel Act To A Defenceless Bird 11th Dec 2019, by Animal Concerns Research & Education Society (ACRES)
Our 24-hour wildlife rescue hotline received a call for a mynah who was seen dangling from a unit’s laundry pole stand in Yishun. Our rescue officers were shocked to learn from the unit’s resident that the mynah was deliberately hung from the pole to teach the mynah (and other mynahs) a lesson so they can “learn” not to enter her kitchen.
The mynah was assessed for injuries and given some water and food before being released. The resident was info...
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Green-Crested Lizard Changes Colour! 7th Nov 2019, by Animal Concerns Research & Education Society (ACRES)
What looks like last week's Halloween trick or treat is nothing short of nature's wonderful ways of language.
Green-crested lizards are known to turn to darker shades during their courtship behaviour, but also when they are stressed. Here is one who fell into the sink at the Volunteer Lounge, turning back to green in less than 2 minutes before scurrying off.
Did this lizard feel fear and express stress? If we do not speak their language, can we conclude that they don...
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