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Waffles (Update) - 09 June 9th Jun 2008, by Noah's Ark CARES
Little Waffles still has the bone pin in her hind leg. She has been living with a fosterer for the past 2 mths with lots of "cage rest" in order for her bones to fuse.According to the fosterer, she is still not putting weight on her hind leg and we're getting a little concerned.In the opinion of her Vet - Dr Simon Quek, she is young and recovery period is generally should be quite fast. Waffles (her fosterer calls her Audi) had a surgery on Wed (June 4) to have the bone pin removed.Stay tuned to...
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Update - Eby (formerly Known As Bear Bear) 9th Jun 2008, by Noah's Ark CARES
We are glad to hear that Bear Bear (now renamed Eby) is settling down well with her new family.The day before Eby arrived, the family went on a shopping spree to buy treats, toys, a new pink collar with matching leash and a new pink bed for her. We are pleased to know Eby is well loved and doted on.Eby's new family decided to change her name from Bear to Eby because they could not imagine calling her Bear Bear 10 years down the road!Eby was quite unfriendly and sober for just one day and became ...
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NA Rescue - Truffles Rehomed To Noah's Ark 8th Jun 2008, by Noah's Ark CARES
Truffles (Mommy Dog) having nursed her two gorgeous pups, Ben & Jerry, into young lads, will be going to Noah's Ark today. A kind sponsor, Leng, will sponsor Truffles' stay at Noah's Ark for the rest of her life.We are sure having lived the tough life of a stray, Truffles will be excited and delighted to be at Noah's Ark, running free, making new friends, having a shelter when it rains and best of all, she would never have to worry about her next meal. Food will be aplenty at Noah's Ark.Her ...
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NA Rescue - Snoopy (Silky Terrier) 6th Jun 2008, by Noah's Ark CARES
Noah's Ark volunteers have been waiting with bated breath for the family of Snoopy to contact us. Finally last weekend they did!Snoopy's owner had been transferred to the hospice and the hospice had agreed to have Snoopy visit. According to the nurses and care-givers at the hospice, the owner talked about Snoopy everyday from the time she had checked in.We arranged to have Snoopy groomed his best and brought him to the hospice to visit her on Tuesday. Snoopy took a few minutes to recognize his o...
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Lady (Update) - 05 June 2008 5th Jun 2008, by Noah's Ark CARES
Noah's Ark volunteers visited Lady this afternoon and managed to have a word with Dr Nan, the Vet in charge of Lady. We requested that Lady have a blood test for heartworm and liver and kidney checks. Lady has cleared all those but revealed that she has Ehrlichia .Due to this new sickness which has further weakened her health, Lady has not been bathed since her admission for fear of aggravating her already frail health. But we are hearten to report that Lady is eating well and is also been given...
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Benji - Update (04 June) 4th Jun 2008, by Noah's Ark CARES
Remember little Benji boy, found at Jurong industrial estate with a bad eye injury?It has been some weeks and he has been staying at a fosterer's home, receiving lots of love, care and attention. He thrives on it!Last Friday our Noah's Ark volunteers took Benji to the Vet for his eye follow up. The Vet, Dr Heng, examined his eye and noted that his recovery was slow, and the ulcer was rather deep.However she decided against operating on his eye at this present moment, choosing to give it some mor...
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Man's Best Friend In Life And Death - Tosca (R.I.P.) 3rd Jun 2008, by Noah's Ark CARES
Tosca came to Noah’s Ark in a most unusual way.Remember the little dirt track outside Noah's Ark? Along that track, pass the huge plantation on both sides; at the very end, lies a Chinese cemetery.One night in the Hungry Ghost month of 2006, Raymund heard a dog howling it’s heart out. It sounded so heart breaking that Raymund was moved to unravel the mystery dog behind it.There, he saw a bull mastiff guarding a newly setup grave. The dog was keeping vigil at his deceased master's grave. Ever...
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NA Rescue - Lady (Update 02 June) 2nd Jun 2008, by Noah's Ark CARES
An icy reception from Mommy....Inched a little closer but Mommy still needs some space...Finally snuggling up together after renewing ties.Prince has tape worms and so off he went to the Vet this evening to be de-wormed. He also visited mommy at the same time.Initially he took a few seconds to recall. He just stared at her. Then he realized this was his mommy, jumped into her cage and went to nurse straightaway!Alas, there was none that he can find. Then he quietly lay next to her and snuggled u...
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Contributions 2nd Jun 2008, by Noah's Ark CARES
Dear Friends and Well-Wishers,After news of our rescue of Lady, Prince and Benji were posted, we received an influx of sympathy, and offers to help in any way possible. To date, there are have been offers to contribute to their medical bills, health supplements and even a daily supply of yummy home cooked liver and gizzards.Here at Noah's Ark, we would like to thank everybody for their concern and generous support.We are truly touched to know that there are people out there who support the work ...
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NA Rescue - Lady (Update - 31 May) 31st May 2008, by Noah's Ark CARES
We have been visiting Lady daily and bringing her regular fix of liver, gizzard and eggs kindly donated by concerned well-wishers. She laps it all up. She is looking a little more perky but unfortunately, things don't seem to be looking good for her.We managed to speak to the Vet today and was told that they discovered a new wound under her jaw. There are more maggots developing again and today alone, they took out many live ones. Despite this, her eyes seem a little livelier.The Vet said she ca...
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NA Rescue - Lim Chu Kang Dogs 30th May 2008, by Noah's Ark CARES
Here are a series of photos of a backyard breeder who housed her dogs at a fish farm. This was where Lucky the Fox Terrier was rescued from.See for yourself, the deplorable conditions of existence where dogs were caged 24/7 solely for the purpose of breeding puppies for unscrupulous businessman and in this case; a businesswoman with nary a care for their health. All dogs were tested positive for heartworms.Should you be in the vicinity of any fish farm in Lim Chu Kang, please keep your eyes open...
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NA Rescue - Lady (Update) 29th May 2008, by Noah's Ark CARES
Lady with a bandaged ear, looking verry sorry for herself.Our volunteers have visited Lady at the animal hospital. Her wounds are being cleaned twice a day and there are still new maggots found each time they cleaned her wound. Until these creepies are eliminated, Lady cannot be discharged. If maggots are left in her wound, they will start breeding again.Lady has been reported to be eating well, which is a good sign for her fight for survival. However, during our visit today, her mood seems to h...
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NA Rescue - Benji (Update) 29th May 2008, by Noah's Ark CARES
Hi Everyone,We are please to inform you that Benji is doing very well. He has turned into a playful and fiesty little fella. He enjoys a healthy appetite and is always game to play with anyone or any dog for that matter.Benji especially enjoy car rides with his head out of the window, with wind blowing into his face. Sadly, his last car ride with his owner was to be abandoned.Nevertheless, we are confident Benji will find his new adoptive parents soon.Here are pics on Benji on his trips to the g...
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NA Rescue - Lady (Mongrel) 28th May 2008, by Noah's Ark CARES
On Sunday evening, a caregiver was driving along Lim Chu Kang area and saw a stray dog stumbling across the road. The dog seemed disoriented when running. She stopped to take a closer look and got a rude shock!The entire right side of the dog's face and ear was bleeding with a huge gaping wound and what a stench of rotting flesh it was!!She had ran out of food but drove to the nearest provision store to buy some and drove back to feed the dog, who was lying by the roadside now.While the dog ate,...
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Tribute To Dolly (Noah's Ark 1st Spokesdog) 26th May 2008, by Noah's Ark CARES
DollyRescued on 18 July 2003Passed away peacefully on 13 May 2008Estimated age 12 yrs oldDolly was the first spokesdog for Noah's Ark in 2003, helping to raise funds for her fur friends.May she rest in peace.Tribute to Dolly - 1st Spokesdog of Noah's Ark (R.I.P.)Dolly came to Noah's Ark via a vet. She had been abandoned in a house after her expat owners moved out of the country; leaving her and a cat behind in an empty house, like used furniture.Like Dolly who found a new home, the cat was rehom...
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NA Rescue - Benji (Bichon Frisé) 23rd May 2008, by Noah's Ark CARES
Covered in a thick coat of oil, soot and dust. Note eye is too swollen to open.On Wednesday evening, we received a call from a man who delivers food to the Jurong industrial area. He wanted us to help save a toy dog he had seen while on his rounds.The dog had been observed running amid the rumbling trucks, oblivious to the perils on the road. The dog was also cranky and constantly bared it's teeth to the workers.For it's own safety, someone had tied it to a shed for the past 2 mths, to prevent i...
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Before And After Photos - Lucky (Fox Terrier) 22nd May 2008, by Noah's Ark CARES
Lucky, the Fox Terrier was rescued from a puppy mill in a Lim Chu Kang fish farm. Here are photos of Lucky in the appalling conditions of the puppy mill.To stem out such unethical businessman from profiteering on poor and helpless animals, please verify that puppy comes from a reliable source which treats their animals humanely before buying.Wherever possible, do look beyond the superficial surface. With lots of TLC, some good nutrition and a little grooming, you will discover a gem that will be...
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NA Rescue - Truffles (Update) 22nd May 2008, by Noah's Ark CARES
Truffles the rescued mommy dog and her puppies are recovering well. She has put on weight with ample food, good rest and a quiet environment to nurse.Her puppies - Ben and Jerry are little round fur balls.Both of them will be sent to take their first vaccination tommorow.Noah's Ark is looking for adopters for the 2 furballs to good homes.Please send your enquiries to noahsarkcares@gmail.comp.s see previous story on NA Rescue - Truffles (Project Industrial Dog)
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NA Rescue - Bear Bear (Mongrel) 20th May 2008, by Noah's Ark CARES
Bear Bear in the playground.Hello everybody,My name is Bear Bear and I am 8 weeks old. I was born in an industrial estate in Toh Guan. I was alone with no mummy and siblings when Uncle Dog Lover found me.He took me in and send me to another fosterer who promised to take good care of me. However, the fosterer didn't like me and I was tied up for 24 hrs a day in a factory; rain and shine.One night, it was raining cats and dogs and I was huddling below a tree; feeling very sorry for myself. I miss...
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Animal Abandonment ≠ Animal Liberation 19th May 2008, by Noah's Ark CARES
Today is Vesak Day which is the day Buddha was born and attained enlightenment. A common practice to celebrate this day is to free animals which is also known as Animal Liberation.Noah's Ark frequently rescues many dogs and cats that are abandoned. Most were rescued from the streets and many others were unceremoniously dumped right at our door step. Many of these abandoned animals are pedigrees.Sometimes, the owners were traced and of course, we queried the reason behind the abandonment. The usu...
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