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Mickey - Domestic Short Hair Cat
In Heaven
CatDomestic Short Hair
ProfileMale, 1 Month
BodyMedium Size, Short Fur
LocationAmpang, Selangor
Posted13 Jan 2009 (Updated 21 Jan 2009)
My hubby and I rescued Mickey last night while having supper at a food outlet. He was crying loud and followed anybody that was walking in front of him and searched for his mommy. I guess he was abandoned by his previous owner as there were no signs of his mommy and other siblings. We named him Mickey because of his signature "M" on his forehead.

Mickey has been adopted by a caring friend of ours. But due to his condition, we will observe him for 1 week before handling him over to his new owner.

21/01/2009 - Mickey passed away sudddenly in the morning without a chance of meeting his future owner. Coincidentally, it was his owner's birthday today and we had to break the sad news to him. COD unknown. Hope his little soul rest in peace.
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Mickey - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Mickey - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Mickey - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Mickey - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Mickey - Domestic Short Hair Cat

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Share your comments here13 Comments
Hairball117   Jan 13th 2009 at 10:01AM
That "M" signature on his forehead makes him look so adorable! Why don't you keep him? :)
felinelover   Jan 13th 2009 at 11:32AM
Cant keep him because Ah Boy dont seem to like him. But my hubby is thinking of keeping him. :)We'll see how things go.
missing   Jan 13th 2009 at 5:36PM
can i have him please.. any procedure to go about it? i really am looking for a kitten to adopt.. all supplies are ready, only kitten is not found yet..
citam   Jan 14th 2009 at 8:09AM
wawawa.....cute btol la tucik ni..
felinelover   Jan 14th 2009 at 9:34AM
Sorry everyone. Mickey has been adopted.
leovivien   Jan 15th 2009 at 12:30PM
very cuteeeee... :D
missing   Feb 7th 2009 at 4:15PM
dear felinelover,

the last picture show a wrong position of feeding a kitten dear, it causes the milk to go in lungs and kitty can suffocate..

also must massage the tummy gently to help it to go.. use a cotton or wiper dip in warm water and stroke gently at the rear end.. must keep warm by warm towel or blanket to cuddle in at night.. it so tiny, not much fat to keep warm itself..

maybe this can help when you save the next tiny kitty, i wish you all the best felinelover..
daphne1985   Feb 20th 2009 at 11:28AM
so pity Mickey..I have another tabby same like Mickey oso with "M" on top of d head..u can view my profile "Cheetah Kitten for Adoption"
felinelover   Feb 20th 2009 at 2:09PM
hi missing, thnx for da advice. before i attempted to bottle feed him, i did a research n da article did mention what you said. but mickey juz wudnt wana feed in such a way. i cried da whole morning. still miss him so much.
missing   Feb 22nd 2009 at 2:16AM
im sorry.. maybe god want your hands and heart to love and let mickey feel loved before his transaction for another place.. mickey feel loved by you, the last feeling he have.. the only love he knows.. hope this thought cheer you a bit.. all the best..
felinelover   Feb 23rd 2009 at 11:51AM
hi missing. thanks for you kind words. Mickey is in a beta place now.
qiqi   Apr 13th 2009 at 11:51PM
so pity,little mickey....;( both u r so kind hearted.i got a cat named mickey too.i rescue her home when she just a 3days old baby cat,abandoned by others at night market. she is fine now, almost 2 years old on this end of july. but on the coming wednesday, i gotta take her go to operation cos of some problem.i feel worry during these few days....i hope god may bless mickey will get well soon.
missing   Apr 14th 2009 at 6:19AM
may god help you all the way qiqi.. its o noble thing you are doing.. you know qiqi, i receive a story in my newsletter, there's this owner of a sick cat, refuse the cat treatment and say 'its just a cat' to the vet, and walked home.. make me so sad.. hope your cat get better soon, do let us know what happen k.. we will be waiting for your updates about the cat.. take good care..

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