Malaysian Dogs Deserve Better
Pika is still admitted at Little Paws Rawang. Will be discharged this week. She says hello.
Source: https://www.facebook.com/MalaysianDogsDeserveBette r/videos/7..
Apr 27, 2020
Malaysian Dogs Deserve Better
Puppies found at KLIA quarters in Sepang. In danger of being removed by authorities. Up for urgent fostering. If you can adopt or foster them, please call Ken at 01119249551.
Apr 27, 2020
Malaysian Dogs Deserve Better These puppies are up for urgent adoption. They have been vaccinated and rescuer cannot manage them anymore. Her next best option is to release them back at the factory where they came from. If you...
Apr 26, 2020
Malaysian Dogs Deserve Better Dear all,
We received this message just now:
“Boomer’s blood count dropped again from 23.3 to 22.7. The vet will be doing ultrasound for him to check his abdomen.”
This means a...
Apr 26, 2020
Malaysian Dogs Deserve Better Dog with severe TVT in need of help. If you are able to help this unfortunate dog, please call Prema.Source: https://www.facebook.com/MalaysianDogsDeserveBette r/photos/a..
Malaysian Dogs Deserve...
Apr 25, 2020
Malaysian Dogs Deserve Better Dear all,
Our blind and three legged doggo man Bommer broke out in horrible rashes and had to be shaven bald and admitted at Gasing. He was also running a high temp. We were received this about...
Apr 25, 2020
Malaysian Dogs Deserve Better
These two dogs have been tied and left without food and water. Someone is feeding them but he can’t take them home as he is Muslim. Is there anyone who can...
Apr 25, 2020
Malaysian Dogs Deserve Better ODE TO FEEDERS
“Indeed not all superheroes wear capes.
Some, especially the unseen ones, wear face masks and carry bundles of food and bottles of water as they move silently in the shadows...
Apr 25, 2020
Malaysian Dogs Deserve Better Andy has heartworm. He’s been moved to PJ to be quarantined and treated. Wish him luck.Source: https://www.facebook.com/MalaysianDogsDeserveBette r/photos/a..
Malaysian Dogs Deserve...
Apr 24, 2020
Malaysian Dogs Deserve Better Blood donor Kenny leaving clinic after spending a few days there after donating blood for Pika who is still admitted. He is happy to be going back home.Source:...
Apr 24, 2020
Malaysian Dogs Deserve Better
Axel was discharged from St Angels and brought to our PJ place yesterday. He is paralysed and has some pressure sores. These will soon heal under the care of our dedicated staff who...
Apr 23, 2020
Malaysian Dogs Deserve Better https://www.facebook.com/64173243307/posts/1015832 5977518308/
Amongst the dogs rescued from the deceased German man’s house were an old Rottweiler Vera and the mother dog Sandy.
Sandy was...
Apr 23, 2020
Malaysian Dogs Deserve Better Urgent adoption. Two of puppy’s siblings are dead. If you give pupper a home, please contact Prema. Location Sungai Buloh.Source:...
Apr 23, 2020
Malaysian Dogs Deserve Better We will never forget Feb 27, 2014.
We received word on that day that a German man living here had asked his friend in London to contact us for help with his dogs. He had run out of money and was...
Apr 23, 2020
Malaysian Dogs Deserve Better These three frightened and traumatised puppies are currently in a kill shelter. Their rescuer, a Muslim, has been told that they are too frightened and hence difficult to be prepared for adoption....
Apr 22, 2020
Malaysian Dogs Deserve Better Anyone can help send this dog to vet for us. They guys tgere do not know how to handle. We can make arrangements at vet and give you a letter. Details:
Muhammad Arif
0133612573 /...
Apr 22, 2020
Malaysian Dogs Deserve Better Same story here. Puppies that were up for adoption have grown into dogs. Funds are low but expenses are high. Very very worrisome.Source:...
Apr 22, 2020
Malaysian Dogs Deserve Better Puppy at LRT station also rescued by our volunteers and is now under foster care. Hope he gets adopted and becomes a poster boy soon as well.Source:...
Apr 20, 2020
Malaysian Dogs Deserve Better Today our Rawang blood donors Kenny and Rose went over to Little Paws to donate for their friends Andy and Pika who are admitted due to tick fever.Source:...
Apr 19, 2020
Dear all,
Remember Axel who was lying beside a drain after being in an accident? We helped his feeder get him admitted at...
Apr 18, 2020
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