
40 Seconds At Acres: Day 56 Of The #circuitbreaker

40 SECONDS AT ACRES: DAY 56 AND FINAL VIDEO OF THE #CIRCUITBREAKER Singapore’s circuitbreaker has come to an end. As the final video in our circuit breaker video series, we...
Jun 1, 2020


40 Seconds At Acres: Day 54 Of The #circuitbreaker

40 SECONDS AT ACRES: DAY 54 OF THE #CIRCUITBREAKER Tonight’s video is a special feature of a rarely rescued native species of snake – #DogToothedCatSnake ! Thanks to the...
May 30, 2020


40 Seconds At Acres: Day 52 Of The #circuitbreaker

40 SECONDS AT ACRES: DAY 52 OF THE #CIRCUITBREAKER As we get closer to the end of circuit breaker, our work continues and we are still admitting new animals. Part of tonight’s...
May 28, 2020


40 Seconds At Acres: Day 50 Of The Circuitbreaker

40 SECONDS AT ACRES: DAY 50 OF THE #CIRCUITBREAKER Some time back, we did post on a collared kingfisher nestling that we had rescued. About a week later, we did a second post on his...
May 26, 2020


40 Seconds At Acres: Day 48 Of The Circuitbreaker & Our 19th Anniversary

40 SECONDS AT ACRES: DAY 48 OF THE CIRCUITBREAKER & OUR 19TH ANNIVERSARY Thank you for all your support and 19th birthday well wishes for ACRES! We are truly inspired by your...
May 24, 2020


40 Seconds At Acres Day 46 Of Circuitbreaker. This..

40 SECONDS AT ACRES: DAY 46 OF #CIRCUITBREAKER This circuit breaker period has been an incredible journey for all of us at ACRES including our hand-raised common palm civets. It’s another...
May 22, 2020


40 Seconds At Acres: Day 44 Of #circuitbreaker

40 SECONDS AT ACRES: DAY 44 OF #CIRCUITBREAKER We have featured snakes, monitor lizard, birds (from pigeons to raptors) and mammals so far – all who were helped during this...
May 20, 2020


What Do You Think? Share Your Views And Lets Work ..

What do you think? Share your views and let’s work together on stricter regulations 👍[ “Pets Euthanasia” in Parliament ] I’ve filed my Parliamentary Question. I know...
May 18, 2020


40 Seconds At Acres: Day 42 Of The #circuitbreaker

40 SECONDS AT ACRES: DAY 40 OF THE #CIRCUITBREAKER As Singapore slowly opens up after this #circuitbreaker, here is an aptly timed feature of a rescued #MalayanBoxTurtle coming out of...
May 18, 2020


Dear Parents And Children,. Last Week, We Announce..

Dear Parents and Children, Last week, we announced that something is brewing and promised to save you from the circuit breaking boredom. Well, guess what? It’s LAUNCH DAY TODAY, our very...
May 18, 2020


40 Seconds At Acres: Day 40 Of The #circuitbreaker

40 SECONDS AT ACRES: DAY 40 OF THE #CIRCUITBREAKER Our rescue centre is continously receiving injured animals though this period. About two days ago, we took in a Scops owl who got...
May 16, 2020


Parents And Children – Something Is Brewing. If Th..

📢 PARENTS AND CHILDREN – SOMETHING IS BREWING! If there are any blessings at all that some of us can count in this #pandemic, it is that some of us are able to spend more time with our...
May 15, 2020


40 Seconds At Acres Tonight’s Video Features Rescu..

40 Seconds At ACRES: Tonight’s video features rescue of a #MalayanColugo who was stranded in a condo’s basement #carpark here in #Singapore. Thanks to the kind caller who...
May 14, 2020


What Do You Think About Convenience Euthanasia? Sh..

What do you think about “Convenience Euthanasia”? Share your views and let’s work together on stricter regulations 👍[ Let’s debate “Convenience...
May 13, 2020


Spitting Cobra Rescue: Day 36 Of #circuitbreaker

Here is a recent #wildliferescue of a #spittingcobra who chose a hollow door frame as a hiding spot. Black spitting cobras have adapted to live in urban drain holes, mainly feeding on...
May 12, 2020


Acres Can Only Sustain For Another 4 – 5 More Months With Depleting Funds During Circuit Breaker

Manpower crunch has always been a problem for Acres even before the pandemic, Acres deputy chief executive officer Kalai Vanan told Mothership. But this issue has been “amplified” during...
May 11, 2020


Thank You Maddyjasondivian For This Morning. Watch..

THANK YOU #MADDYJASONDIVIAN FOR THIS MORNING! Watch this clip to see this morning chat between Kalai, our Deputy Chief Executive with Maddy, Jason & Divian to learn about local...
May 11, 2020


Wild Caught Wild Animals In Our Wet Markets

Time to end the display, sale and slaughter of wild caught soft-shelled turtles in our wet markets. What do you think? Source:...
May 10, 2020


Acres Mother’s Day Special Video: Day 34 Of The Circuitbreaker

MOTHER’S DAY SPECIAL Baby animals look adorable and often helpless. However, some of you who have called us would notice that we always ask to attempt reunion, if the parents...
May 10, 2020


40 Seconds At Acres: Day 32 Of The #circuitbreaker

40 SECONDS AT ACRES: DAY 32 OF THE #CIRCUITBREAKER Taking a break from #wildliferescue footage, here is a short clip showing part of the other #essentialservices we resume –...
May 8, 2020

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