Judith Weaver of Florida was working for the State Department and stationed at the American Consulate in Jerusalem when she became submerged in the plight of street...
Oct 20, 2012
Animal Rescue Chase Judith Weaver of Florida was working for the State Department and stationed at the American Consulate in Jerusalem when she became submerged in the plight of street cats. Even though she’d...
Oct 20, 2012
Animal Rescue Chase This little dog dumped in a park was named “Jumpin Jack” because he would scale 6 foot fences to elude rescuers. What do you think it was that finally warmed his heart to humans?
a) a...
Oct 19, 2012
Animal Rescue Chase He was first spotted hobbling down the road in the dead of winter, in the dead of night. It was obvious he was all alone in this world, with no home, no food, no love, and probably not much of a...
Oct 18, 2012
Animal Rescue Chase Kelly Brauer of Florida writes:
“There was a little ball of bloody matted fur that I rescued that had been used as a bait dog. She had puncture wounds all over her body, her tail had been...
Oct 18, 2012
Animal Rescue Chase They sleep in the sand at night and hopefully glance at beach visitors during the day, hoping for a bite to eat. Today there is a chance to help the homeless dogs who haunt the beaches of Mexico....
Oct 17, 2012
Animal Rescue Chase The Harmony Fund is sending a $2,000 grant to Sanctuary Evolucion in Mexico to pay for one month’s food at their incredible rescue center for street dogs (and cats). Would anyone like to help...
Oct 16, 2012
Animal Rescue Chase The Harmony Fund is sending a $2,000 grant to Sanctuary Evolucion in Mexico to pay for one month’s food at their incredible rescue center for street dogs (and cats). Would anyone like to help...
Oct 16, 2012
Animal Rescue Chase Hundreds of street dogs lined up in a local park in south of Merida on Mexico’s Yucutan Penninsula recently while stacks of Krispy Kreme doughnuts were passed around just above their heads. There...
Oct 16, 2012
Animal Rescue Chase “This is Ella. She was found on the side of a road in this current condition. A very nice lady brought her to the Dirk’s Fund Golden Retriever shelter to see if we could help her. She was...
Oct 15, 2012
Animal Rescue Chase 1.5 Million People Have Watched These Rescued Ducks Take Their 1st EVER Swim! http://www.care2.com/causes/watch-these-rescued-du cks-swim-for-the-very-first-time.htmlSource:...
Oct 13, 2012
Animal Rescue Chase “I had just pulled out of the grocery store parking lot when I noticed two small dogs standing by the side of the road. One of them was a little tan mixed breed wearing a black collar; the...
Oct 12, 2012
Animal Rescue Chase Attention New Englanders:
“Salvatore (in Massachusetts, USA) is a purebred Siamese cat who was abandoned by his owners when they decided they no longer wanted him in their house. A neighbor...
Oct 11, 2012
Animal Rescue Chase Julie Nuzzo, latest participant in The Great Animal Rescue Chase reports:
“My husband and I have a one-half-acre property with a large vegetable garden in the back. The garden is surrounded by...
Oct 11, 2012
Animal Rescue Chase What’s with all the dogs with yellow ribbons on their leashes? It’s actually part of a brilliant new awareness campaign. Take a look...
Oct 10, 2012
Animal Rescue Chase If there wan an Iron Man event for animal rescue, guess who would be at the head of the pack? You have to see what an incredible rescue effort was launched for this poor mama dog hiding deep in an...
Oct 9, 2012
Animal Rescue Chase All Grown Up & Grateful As Ever!!!
Last month we shared the story of the little pig who was smuggled away from a butcher and now leads an idyllic life at the Love Animal House sanctuary in...
Oct 7, 2012
This morning millions of cats will visit the litter box after breakfast, any many of them will be getting an unplanned dessert. On average, a cat using a...
Oct 6, 2012
Animal Rescue Chase We love fairs! Lots of good fun for the whole family and yummy treats. But, some Fall festivals include exhibits that neglect the basic needs of animals. Have a look at what some are experiencing...
Oct 6, 2012
Animal Rescue Chase This young cat has three paws as she lost one of them in some form of tragic accident. She’s a street cat in Turkey where vounteer Manuela Wroblewski feeds more than 100 animals each day as...
Oct 5, 2012
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