Animal Rescue Chase For all our local supporters in Central Massachusetts, you might like to attend this special craft fair. Proceeds from the raffle ticket sales (just $1 each) will benefit the Harmony Fund. The fair...
Nov 15, 2012
Animal Rescue Chase Lydia Petrova was dealt a rotten hand when her husband died and her sister-in-law sold the house leaving Lydia on the street with her dogs. And though the social service agency offered to place...
Nov 15, 2012
Animal Rescue Chase “One morning before class, I was reading the newspaper and drinking coffee at the main campus center. I heard some squeaking noises coming from a nearby corner, and noticed a tiny mouse stuck...
Nov 12, 2012
Animal Rescue Chase Operation Kitty Christmas Has Begun!
The Harmony Fund is rounding up feral cats who are living in perilous places or who are now inaccessible to volunteer feeders. This morning we have our first...
Nov 7, 2012
Animal Rescue Chase Are You a Secret Hero?
In the space of time it takes a raindrop to roll down your cheek, a life changing decision is made. You either turn sorrowfully away from an animal in distress or summon the...
Nov 4, 2012
Animal Rescue Chase Nigel is a feral cat who has been living on the grounds of a restaurant. Wait staff used to feed him and the others in the colony, but when the business closed, Harmony Fund volunteers swooped in to...
Nov 4, 2012
Animal Rescue Chase Rescue efforts for victims of Hurricane Sandy are still underway. Today our thoughts and prayers are with victims and rescuers.Source:...
Nov 2, 2012
Animal Rescue Chase ANOTHER HAPPY ENDING! http://www.animalrescuechase.com/rescue_showcase/s tory.php?id=982
“It seemed like a regular day. We got up cleaned the kennels and had nearly finished when a guy came to...
Nov 1, 2012
Animal Rescue Chase The Perfect Storm is Coming.
A shout out tonight to all you rescuers who are readying for the storm creeping up the East Coast of the United States. Stay safe and please don’t wait if you...
Oct 28, 2012
Animal Rescue Chase Cricket, who was rescued from a gas chamber facility in Louisiana, is helping us celebrate today as we near 5,000 Facebook fans!
Bless you all for your love and support and please keep those animal...
Oct 28, 2012
Animal Rescue Chase Woman Blindfolds Herself for 10 Days to Tame Dangerous Doberman! Incredible story of love. http://www.care2.com/causes/blindfolded-woman-tame s-dangerous-doberman.htmlSource:...
Oct 27, 2012
Animal Rescue Chase Owl Stuck in Halloween Spider Web. Watch this little beauty set free and read 5 holiday safety tips to keep wildlife out of harm’s way this Halloween....
Oct 26, 2012
Animal Rescue Chase Don’t miss all our special bonus PHOTO SPREAD of dear Sheeba. This may be the one and only time you’ll see a full grown cheetah sitting beside a bathtub. Have a look...
Oct 26, 2012
Animal Rescue Chase Today we have an AMAZING treat for you our Facebook fans.
http://www.care2.com/causes/cheetah-raised-b y-humans-who-loved-her-enough-to-set-her-free.html
Please enjoy the epic story of Sheeba the...
Oct 25, 2012
Animal Rescue Chase Vegan Hip Hop Artist IFEEL. Gotta love this man! http://www.care2.com/causes/vegan-hip-hop-artist-p roves-its-macho-to-love-animals.htmlSource:...
Oct 23, 2012
Animal Rescue Chase “I decided to bring my bike to work, and after work I whizzed along the busy street with traffic flying along on one side and a 10 foot wall on the other. A few little shrubs blocked the...
Oct 22, 2012
Have you noticed you are not seeing all our posts lately? This is due to Facebook’s changes that encourage pages to pay advertising fees to have their posts show up in...
Oct 22, 2012
Animal Rescue Chase A special shout out tonight to VivActin in Spain for your amazing rescue work. In the face of such widespread cruelty, you are transforming more lives than ever. The Harmony Fund is grateful for...
Oct 22, 2012
Animal Rescue Chase Tracie Mitchum is a one-woman dynamo in South Carolina. Each month the Harmony Fund sends her financial support toward the dozens of animals she takes in. Not a week goes by that she doesn’t...
Oct 21, 2012
Animal Rescue Chase This is Cupcake. His mother was pulled from traffic just seconds before being hit by a car on the streets of Turkey. Thanks to volunteer Manuela Wroblewski, the mama cat is alive and delivered her...
Oct 21, 2012
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