
Tunku Danny Contacted Us For Help To Catch All The..


Tunku Danny contacted us for help to catch all the stray cats at Bukit Tunku Tijani North 2 that he has been feeding and so do others who work there.

We went there yesterday morning and we managed to get all of them but one has been neutered by tunku Danny himself ( the cat in the first photo ).

One thing that amazed us was how receptive the residents there are when it comes to tnr program and throughout our work there, we were intrigued by the fact that the residents and workers alike were so helpful assisting us in trapping the cats and they know all the stray cats there, we saw the compassion they have for them. This is what we call civilised minds.

We hope this sets as an example to all the people out there to be more accepting of strays and be receptive to tnr program so the strays don’t have to die in vain. All they are asking is just to live. They have every right on this planet as you and us. We are suppose to protect them and not harm them. How you treat them shows how civilised you are as a human being.

Source: https://www.facebook.com/1204790816926979/posts/144986849241..


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