
Part Lli Bobo. A Great Sorrow For The Loss Of Our ..


Part llI BoBo

A GREAT SORROW 😭 for the loss of our beloved Bobo

He has bad diarrhea last month , immediately sent to Vet Clinic. During the treatment he crossed over the rainbow bridge

Dr’s report :

“Bobo has breathing issue

-auscultation revealed crackles lung sound

-abdomen is big

- Bobo has pneumonia or pulmonary edema (could be due to heartworm)

-Bobo looks very weak although he still have the desire to eat; prognosis may not be good

-the condition involves the lung and heart…..The primary cause of death is probably due to pneumonia and subsequently causes respiratory failure.”

Bobo’s History

6 July 23, Found him laying on the ground near our shelter . We name him Bobo ,a Paradized adult dog.

From medical report, Bobo had Concurrent disorders

1. Heartworm positive

2. High white blood cell count-Anemia

3. Recumbent with fast breathing rate & heart rate

4. Left forelimb was fractured

5. Right hip luxation

6. Lung pattern is not good, could be pneumonia

7. Muscle atrophy on the hindlimb with luxated hip

8. Bone spur

After bone surgery & 1 month’s boarding medical treatment, he was proceeded the physiotherapy course at Paws Rehab centre for gaining back the muscle strength .

1 month stay at the rehab centre

Total expenses: RM5,735.40

Medical bills – RM3,735.40

Rehabilitation bills – RM2,000.00

We received a total amount of RM4,769.75 Donation

Thank you so much for keeping the spirit of Bobo alive long before he passed away

The donors are

1. Chan WJ

2. Tan YT

3. Lian HY

4. Ang WH

5. Low TY

6. Michelle K

7. Chen SF

8. Sharvinrush

9. Baker Alsamman

10. Sharmen Kumar

11. Kathleen Yap

12. Lim JS

13. Tham YQ

14. Francoise Marie

15. Lian SY

16. Lee LL

17. Liew LS

18. Chiew TH

19. Christine Wong

20. Siti Asrah

21. Elaine Lee

22. Chuah CC

23. Tasha Lim

24. Wong TJ

25. Tan YY

26. Liew SY

27. Chuah CC

Source: https://www.facebook.com/555637599928097/posts/7071976414387..



Second Chance

Second Chance is a group of like-minded animal lovers who met through the Internet when they read of Aunty Kiew's plight.

They do their very best to render help whenever time permits and within their limited capacities. They hope to find good homes for as many homeless animals as possible. Currently, there are 100+ animals rescued and fostered by this group.

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