Civilian Coexistence Diaries Baby Civet. A Beautif..
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A beautiful example of how to coexist with wildlife from a civilian in Singapore (who wishes to remain anonymous):
“We heard the baby civet’s cry as he/she lingered at a curtain installed at our verandah to redirect bats from entering our house to roost.
He/she was really cute and it was truly amazing to see a wild creature at such close proximity. We were mindful not to touch the baby, as we were worried this may affect their scent and confuse the parents.
We felt that the mother would be nearby, probably afraid to approach after we turned on the house lights. Hence, after realising the baby was not hurt nor in any immediate danger, we thought it best to turn off the lights in hope the parents would retrieve the little fellow soon. Sure enough, the baby wandered back out into nature shortly after.”
This baby civet appears healthy and strong – just listen to their loud squeaks! Mother civets are quite good at retrieving babies who wander off, and we hope the two were reunited.
The use of mesh curtains and doors are a great way to help keep wildlife outdoors where they belong. Thank you to this kind civilian for leading by example! Have your coexistence piece to share? Comment below.
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