
Help For Cats In Ukraine. Today We Sent A Bit Of A..



Today we sent a bit of aid to a woman named Svitlana in Ukraine who is running a home-based shelter and feeding homeless animals in her community. Her daughter, Alina lives in Italy and works to raise money for her family back at home.

“My name is Alina Tokar, I’m Ukrainian”, Alina said. “In Ukraine still my mom, brother with his wife and their little son.”

Svitlana suffers from a very bad back after many years of heavy lifting at her job at the local grocery store. But the pain does not stop her from caring for a large number of animals and she dreams of having a proper shelter one day.

“I already heard of a lot of associations who help animals, from Europa and from America. Only a couple of them was answered me, but no one could help us,” daughter Alina continues.

“My mom has a shelter for cats in her apartment. In our country doesn’t exist shelter for animals. If you want, you help on your own. Every day she is going out and feeds cats who living on the street and sometimes dogs. Now is more poor animals on the street and my mom always trying to help them.”

Harmony Fund helped today with a small donation for the animals and an offer to help again when we are needed.

“Thank you. You are a small charity, but I’m totally sure, you have a biggest heart.” Alina said.

Our Mission in Ukraine carries on thanks to our supporters.

HELP HERE: https://harmonyfund.org/donation/emergency-fund-for-ukraine-animals/

Source: https://www.facebook.com/354155423409147/posts/5048653016714..



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