
The First River Terrapin Nested On 25th January, A..


The first river terrapin nested on 25th January, and boy, we were excited! 💪🏻

Pics 1 and 2 show an excavator making steps down the cliff so that our Terrapin Guardians are able to safely go down to the river to get across.

Pics 3 and 4 show a set of terrapin tracks on the nesting bank. The sighting of these tracks prompted us set up our campsites on 3 nesting banks along the Kemaman River in anticipation of the nesting season.

Pic 5 shows the water level in the river in what we thought was the height of the monsoon.

Pic 6 was taken yesterday. Our main campsite was completely submerged. In total, we have lost 3 campsites, 4 camp beds, and a box of microchips.

The only consolation is that we have collected close to 600 eggs this season.

#BanjirTerengganu #BanjirKemaman #Banjir2022 @perhilitan_malaysia @mpkemaman

Source: https://www.facebook.com/263977236974570/posts/5039780522727..



Turtle Conservation Society

The Turtle Conservation Society of Malaysia was established in October 2011. The aim of the society is to bring about the recovery of depleted wild populations of turtles, with particular reference to freshwater turtles, in Malaysia through partnerships with like-minded organizations, individuals and local communities as well as through its own programs.

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