Welfare For Live Food Animals. Many Of You Wrote T..
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Many of you wrote to us with concern on the recent case of crabs being walked as part of a restaurant’s publicity efforts. ACRES and SPCA conducted a joint visit yesterday (21 June 2021) to speak to Mr Francis, owner of the establishment who shared that, the crabs were not really walked but posed for photos for a short while. Thanks to Mr Francis for also showing us how the crabs were housed in his F&B establishment.
Despite SPCA providing them with detailed guidelines on the welfare of these crabs during the previous saga, and the fact that the House of Seafood has already hosted a similar publicity stunt in the past through a crab claw machine, these cases highlight the need for standard of conduct for individuals and businesses that trade in live food animals in Singapore. From #LiveTransport, limited (or lack of) movements, handling, storage, slaughter to display in food establishments, these animals go through a lot of stress. The least that could be done is to ensure these animals are not subjected to undue stress or discomfort during the above. Not only for the welfare of these animals, but also for food safety and for the consumers to be aware of the treatment of the animals they pay for.
Thanks to the AVS [Animal & Veterinary Service, NParks] for reviewing the current guidelines, together with ACRES and SPCA Singapore.
We are also happy to share that as a result of our joint campaign last year on sale of live turtles and frogs at the wet market (https://bit.ly/SingaporeWetmarket), SFA has shared that they have ended the sale of live frogs and turtles at Singapore’s wet markets as of December 2020.
First 📸 credit: Mothership.sg Instagram
Crab in the wild 📸 credit: Wild Singapore Ria Tan
Source: https://www.facebook.com/22159071522/posts/10158846503616523..
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