[acres Wildlife Rescue Training Programme]
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With more than 1,200 calls received to our 24-hour #WildlifeRescue hotline a month, we need all the help we can get to continue our service for the animals!
Watch this clip featuring our volunteerJulia Waters Polo, @lorymun and Tan Xiang.
As an ACRES Wildlife Rescue #Volunteer, at this upcoming theory training, you will learn how to assess rescue calls, scenarios and common injuries sustained by wild animals. More importantly, you will learn when and why a wildlife may be best left in the wild, with sound advice to callers on the appropriate steps to keep the animal safe.
*Please note that this is for volunteers aged 21 and above, and there are vaccination requirements*
For details and registration, click here:
Date: 25 April 2020 (Saturday)
Time: 10:00am – 5:00pm
Venue: ACRES (91 Jalan Lekar, Singapore 698917)
Programme fee: SGD 50.00
(Suitable for ages 21 and above)
Source: https://www.facebook.com/ACRESasia/videos/2621736754723999/
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