Updates On 26th Apr 2019
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The wildlife team of 8, consisting of animal care givers, veterinarian and wildlife rescue officers, work hard to ensure the animals who come to and through the ACRES Wildlife Rescue Centre get the best they deserve.
Our Wildlife Rescue Centre, established as Singapore’s first facility dedicated to the rescue and rehabilitation of animals rescued from the illegal wildlife trade.
We need all the help we can get to make ends meet with our average monthly expense of $40,000 for:
- an average of 700 wildlife rescue hotline calls,
- 3 teams round the clock,
- 1 rescue van,
- over 150 wildlife under recovery at any given time and,
- rescue of 350 wild animals.
Please join us at our charity gala and auction benefitting.
#AcresGala #FreeToBeWild #AcresWildlifeRescueCentre
Source: https://www.facebook.com/ACRESasia/photos/a.223077136522/101..
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