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Giving Homeless Dogs Food In The Snow. "Christmas ..



“Christmas is coming, everyone is happy, celebrating, but the poor strays are hungry,” one Romanian rescuer said this morning sharing these photos.

“Snow is almost as tall as the dogs,” Ioana said. “Freezing temperatures, living in the middle of the nowhere, cold and hungry. During winter this poor dogs need better food and more food so they can put weight and make it trough the harsh season.”

Harmony Fund is a USA-based charity helping underdog animal rescue squads all over the planet. Today we’d like to make a donation to help buy more food for the homeless dogs in Romania. If anyone would like to join in, please donate here or use the link below.

Donate for Romanian strays: https://harmonyfund.org/donate/food-shelter-and-protection-for-dog-orphans-in-romania


Source: https://www.facebook.com/HarmonyFundAnimalRescue/photos/a.13..



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