A Lot Can Happen In Two Days. Its Just The Tip Of ..
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It’s just the tip of the iceberg- if you think about the other 363 days in a year.
We’re talking about another exotic illegal pet found.
Two days ago, we found a #marmoset wandering about and earlier this month, a #hedgehog.
Alas, we were too late this time.
After dawn this morning, a star tortoise was found in a pond at @Bishan Park. Concerned, a member of public contacted our wildlife rescue team but Petal was already dead on arrival.
We don’t want to be a broken record but numbers are alarming. The cruelty behind the illegal pet trade will persist until we put aside our selfish needs and #SayNoToWildlifeTrade.
#ACRES #EndAnimalCruelty #IllegalInSingapore
Source: https://www.facebook.com/ACRESasia/photos/a.223077136522/101..
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