
Summer Cat Rescues In Full Swing _________________..


SUMMER CAT RESCUES IN FULL SWING __________________________________

There’s never a dull moment when it comes to our cat rescue work internationally. In fact, at this very moment we have rescue missions underway in 6 countries. One of our most special projects is the one devoted to the care of street cats in Turkey.

More than 350 cats receive meals and water each day. The water is especially important at this time of year when temperatures skyrocket about 120 degrees Fahrenheit (48 Celcius) Our volunteers report that ambulances are perpetually screaming down the street to pick up people who have collapsed of heat stroke. And for the animals, life is far more difficult. People try to hit the cats with their vehicles and often chase them away. Already this summer, we’ve rescued two sets of mother cats and their kittens who were captured and dumped in the mountains by people who found them to be a nuisance. This is hard work,emotionally and physically.

“I fully believe that until you walk a day in someone’s shoes you will never fully understand the work that one does,” rescue volunteer Bek Arnott explains. “It’s ridiculously hot, I’m sweating liters every day on my rounds and the heat brings out the absolute worst in people. After yet another confrontation from an ignorant man threatening to relocate one of my colonies, I lost my cool. But it also made me think that we have to throw massive support to the ones slogging it out day in and day out and who give their absolute everything to these beautiful babies.”



In addition to feeding, there are periodic rounds of spay/neuter and emergency veterinary care as needed. We would be very, very thankful for any donations to help during the month of August. We need to raise another $850 for this project in the next four days in order to have enough to provide food each day next month.


Donate by Paypal or credit card or by mail


Source: https://www.facebook.com/HarmonyFundAnimalRescue/photos/a.13..



Animal Rescue Chase

The Great Animal Rescue Chase celebrates the art of animal rescue with a worldwide race to rescue one million. It’s a free event, open to all, and is perhaps the only global animal rescue event aimed at helping any animal in distress, anywhere in the world. Our ambition is to create a culture of enthusiasm and pride in animal activism. We believe in teaching, by example, that there is a hero in each of us just waiting to be unleashed. Empowered animal lovers can not only save lives, but build the momentum for powerful animal welfare reform.

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