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The Malayan water monitor lizard (Varanus salvator) is one of the largest reptiles native to Singapore. They are also commonly mistaken as Komodo Dragons who are endemic to Indonesia or even as iguanas.
Unlike the other native monitor lizard (clouded monitor lizard), the Malayan water monitors have nostrils close to the tip of their long snout, whereas the clouded monitors’ nostrils appear as a slit between the snout and the eyes. Growing up to 3 meters in length, these lizards are commonly found in the forests, mangrove swamps, canals and areas with a body of water and sufficient vegetation to hide in. They feed on insects (when young), turtles, decaying/dead animal matter, fishes, crabs, eggs, nestling birds and other smaller freshwater and marine life.
Water monitors are generally shy and would rather avoid humans. However like all wildlife, they will not hesitate to attack using their tail to whip or give a bite if provoked or handled inappropriately. Such bite wounds are painful, and can result in swelling and infections. With that said, it is important to remember the golden words: “Appreciate from a distance” when it comes to wildlife.
We would like to take this opportunity to share that these wild animals share our habitat we live in. Like other wildlife, they will continue to explore habitats which are modified into parks, water bodies and canals.
Our rescue team often come across situations where there is panic from lack of awareness about these animals, resulting in fear if such a large-sized animal would attack children or companion animals. They will not attack humans unless provoked, but please keep your companion animals away from wildlife if in close proximity to avoid close encounters from curiosity.
If you have sighted one, please feel free to share a photo below or tag your friends who may have sighted one.
Do remember to call our 24-hr wildlife rescue hotline 97837782 if assistance is required.
#ACRES #watermonitor #Varanus #sgwildlife #nativewildlife #wildliferescue #varanussalvator
Source: https://www.facebook.com/ACRESasia/photos/a.223077136522.136..
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