Update On These 2 Pups. They Are Now About 2.5 Mon..
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Update on these 2 pups (https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=634157376623176&set=a.202065756499009.47358.199141126791472&type=1&theater)
They are now about 2.5 months old. A neighbour is helping rescuer to foster them until next Adoption Drive. They still have no luck finding adopters.
And due to the new job and time constraint (fosterer is working 7-11am and 4-10pm daily), the pups are not taking care well. There were soak in urine and poop, fed once a day with rice and fish (prepared for the fosterer’s cats), having earmites and start developing skin mange too. With this condition, there is no way for the to be bring to SPCA Adoption Drive on 22nd Feb.
The real problem is now the pups are making noise and she is getting complaint from other neighbours too. And since the fosterer used to get a notice before this, the fosterer might have to remove the pups.
Please help to find adopter for them ASAP. They need a good home. Please dont let them be on the streets again.
If u can help, kindly contact the rescuer Anna 0164423139 (sms/whatsapp only). Thank you.
Source: https://www.facebook.com/MDDB.Northern/photos/a.202065756499..
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